need help/info on areomarine stinger .21 rigger..


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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
Ok ,I'm new to this forum.....Just got my hands on a areomarine stinger.21 rigger..need info on setups on this boat..planning one running a CMB.21 RS Redhead if possible in it...I havent got the rigger yet.. its on its way ....
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Ok ,I'm new to this forum.....Just got my hands on a areomarine pirahna.21 rigger..need info on setups on this boat..planning one running a CMB.21 RS Redhead if possible in it...I havent got the rigger yet.. its on its way ....
I can't remember if Remy (Aeromarine) made those, sounds familiar...but I do know that Prather had a Pirahna (old school)...I never had one, just a couple of the Prather Spitfires. Don't know if that will help or not, just thought I would throw that out here. :)

Ok ,I'm new to this forum.....Just got my hands on a areomarine pirahna.21 rigger..need info on setups on this boat..planning one running a CMB.21 RS Redhead if possible in it...I havent got the rigger yet.. its on its way ....
I can't remember if Remy (Aeromarine) made those, sounds familiar...but I do know that Prather had a Pirahna (old school)...I never had one, just a couple of the Prather Spitfires. Don't know if that will help or not, just thought I would throw that out here. :)

maybe its not? the guy told me it was.. I got pics of it...I'll try to post it and you guy can tell me what it is then...
Hmmm....Looks like Aeromarine to me! The rudder bracket is Def. Aero. Very nice rigger! Could have made those before the Stinger...? Thanks for the pics of it! :)

Good luck with it...I like it!

Looks like an UPDATED Areomarine Stinger Rigger.

Thats what I was thinking to,,it looks like there stinger rigger...after looking at areomarine stinger,,this is a stinger..
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You mean that I gave away LIMITED EDITION hydro!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Seriously, it's been sitting in the box for over a year, got it as part of a large lot of parts. Besides, I already have a Cajun Bullet 21 hydro, and a couple of SGX's (67 and 84 twin), and soon to have a couple CF JAE based types.

Enjoy it Miss Hydro, I'm glad that you want to give it a try. And try not to get too frustrated with the rigger, they can be challenging.
You mean that I gave away LIMITED EDITION hydro!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Seriously, it's been sitting in the box for over a year, got it as part of a large lot of parts. Besides, I already have a Cajun Bullet 21 hydro, and a couple of SGX's (67 and 84 twin), and soon to have a couple CF JAE based types.

Enjoy it Miss Hydro, I'm glad that you want to give it a try. And try not to get too frustrated with the rigger, they can be challenging.
thankyou very very much for that rigger....Once I get the boom and sponsons setup the rest will got together easly,,I hope..I do see riggers running collors around the boom tubes,like the cajun bullet rigger..somebody said this boat is simmilar to the eagel??? anyone got pics so I can see it??
i can't tell u the with for the front but if the tubs is marked drill there on mine the strut is in the middle rear and rudder off to the right the radio box i found use a pic of wood in the front ant rear and use fiberglass resin to hold it down and seal the wood anti goes in right rear . not in lid of box or left rear gets in the way aeromarine has blue prints for that boat. it is there's. make sure that u seal the tube going in the the sponsion's they will fill with water and its hard to get it out
i can't tell u the with for the front but if the tubs is marked drill there on mine the strut is in the middle rear and rudder off to the right the radio box i found use a pic of wood in the front ant rear and use fiberglass resin to hold it down and seal the wood anti goes in right rear . not in lid of box or left rear gets in the way aeromarine has blue prints for that boat. it is there's. make sure that u seal the tube going in the the sponsion's they will fill with water and its hard to get it out
I'll plug the ends of the tube thats goes into the sponsons..I have the blue print but its kind of veg on the setup of the say to epoxy the main big tubes on to the wood.. then put two sheet metal screws threw the tubes into the wood and then epoxy that to the floor ...I wanted to know if both main/big tubes are subpose to be the same measurments on left and right sides?? then tellacope the left side sponson out..for the 3/8-3/4" out ??
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i can't tell u the with for the front but if the tubs is marked drill there on mine the strut is in the middle rear and rudder off to the right the radio box i found use a pic of wood in the front ant rear and use fiberglass resin to hold it down and seal the wood anti goes in right rear . not in lid of box or left rear gets in the way aeromarine has blue prints for that boat. it is there's. make sure that u seal the tube going in the the sponsion's they will fill with water and its hard to get it out
I'll plug the ends of the tube thats goes into the sponsons..I have the blue print but its kind of veg on the setup of the say to epoxy the main big tubes on to the wood.. then put two sheet metal screws threw the tubes into the wood and then epoxy that to the floor ...I wanted to know if both main/big tubes are subpose to be the same measurments on left and right sides?? then tellacope the left side sponson out..for the 3/8-3/4" out ??
Yes, both tubes measured out the same distance should be fine...then adjust out on left side, drill and put 4 stainless screws through all of the sponson tubes (with aircraft type locknuts on all 4 corners)to lock it all down. Have no worries...just make sure you put silicone in the ends of the smaller (4) tubes before you epoxy them in so no water gets inside the sponsons!!

As far as toe in/out goes...I would not put any in, but a little toe IN would be better than any toe out IMO.

Good luck!
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Ok ,I'm new to this forum.....Just got my hands on a areomarine stinger.21 rigger..need info on setups on this boat..planning one running a CMB.21 RS Redhead if possible in it...I havent got the rigger yet.. its on its way ....

With all riggers the angles are super important to the way the boat performs. Would suggest that you look at the setup articles that I wrote some time ago. All the angles should work well for you. :)
Ok ,I'm new to this forum.....Just got my hands on a areomarine stinger.21 rigger..need info on setups on this boat..planning one running a CMB.21 RS Redhead if possible in it...I havent got the rigger yet.. its on its way ....

With all riggers the angles are super important to the way the boat performs. Would suggest that you look at the setup articles that I wrote some time ago. All the angles should work well for you. :)
Ok just got back from the swap meet..Dave Roach ,Dan Kramer and Rick Reisinger..looked at the rigger...they sudjested for me to make new sponsons,,because there alittle on the heavy side and alittle to wide....sudjested maybe using a different style sponsons too....was told you cant drill holes in carbon fiber tube because ,the tube will split on you.the strans runs side to side.....was told I could cut them down abit..then add alum tube and epoxy them on. then side them in and drill the holes threw the alum bolt to them......might try to sand down the sponsons to lighten them up...but still make new sponsons and use alum tubes instead.......other wise the tub they said is light as the wooden ones..I'll keep you posted on this...Did find a motor for it too...Joe talk to the guy too...It a nice picco.21 nicley built too....Not much boats there.. Dan Kramer and Me had our boats on display....Proubley 8 boats guys were there for what joe told me...there where more plane guys then you can shake a stick at...
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I prefer the CF/FG tubes. Aluminum tubes will bend, and then give handling problems. The CF or FG tubes never bend; they may shatter, but they won't bend. As I recall, the boom tubes that sent were roll wrapped, so they should have some hoop or spiral plies. I drill through the main CF tubes on both of my SGX hydros (67 & twin 84) with no issues, but I do reinforce them with braided CF/Kevlar hybrid braided socks over the CF tubes as well as telescoping a couple extra tubes into the ID of the center section. The stubs in the sponsons are left single thickness on purpose, they are the link that breaks in an impact. It is easier to drill the sheared off CF tube from the sponson and replace it in case of a bouy strike or other incident.

Sanding the sponsons won't remove that much weight.
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We talked about the alum tubes in the sponson and carbon thur the tube then drill the mounting holes thur the carbon tubes and tap the alum for small screws.Not alum tubes all the way thur the tube.A little misunderstanding there.The sponsons are a little heavy for the 20 boat and they could be a little smaller.

Dave Roach

We talked about the alum tubes in the sponson and carbon thur the tube then drill the mounting holes thur the carbon tubes and tap the alum for small screws. Not alum tubes all the way thur the tube.A little misunderstanding there.The sponsons are a little heavy for the 20 boat and they could be a little smaller.

Dave Roach
OK, I understand. I use CF tube in the sponsons I build and add a 3/4'~1" gap between the sponson and main boom tube. THis space give a place for the stub to shear if I hit a bouy or other hard object. If you tap into the aluminum stubs, it should work fine. In any event, nylon washers should be placed under the head of the screws to protect the tube.

I agree that the sponsons are big and heavy; but they are what Aeromarine produced when they made the boat. I prefer sheeted foam sponsons for strength/weight ratio. In fact I have both a 20 and 90 hydro mold sets that include sponsons, that I will never use because of the weight issue. These molds are from the 80's and the sponsons are huge (and blocky).
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We talked about the alum tubes in the sponson and carbon thur the tube then drill the mounting holes thur the carbon tubes and tap the alum for small screws. Not alum tubes all the way thur the tube.A little misunderstanding there.The sponsons are a little heavy for the 20 boat and they could be a little smaller.

Dave Roach
OK, I understand. I use CF tube in the sponsons I build and add a 3/4'~1" gap between the sponson and main boom tube. THis space give a place for the stub to shear if I hit a bouy or other hard object. If you tap into the aluminum stubs, it should work fine. In any event, nylon washers should be placed under the head of the screws to protect the tube.

I agree that the sponsons are big and heavy; but they are what Aeromarine produced when they made the boat. I prefer sheeted foam sponsons for strength/weight ratio. In fact I have both a 20 and 90 hydro mold sets that include sponsons, that I will never use because of the weight issue. These molds are from the 80's and the sponsons are huge (and blocky).
I was thinking of that..make a temp from these sponsons ..cut the foam and then skin them with thin ply,then coat them in epoxy..thinking on making the JAE 45 H/G sponsons for it too..Wonder if they would work in this rigger??would be very interesting...we do like the design/style of those sponsons too on the JAE.45
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