Need help from the Bud Gurus


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Mike McKnight

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2005
Ok I have finally gone back and recreated the Bud Graphics from 87-93 which were lost when I was burglarized a few years ago. I had the basic parts but needed to reassemble everything. I am needing some refreshing of my memory on the 92-93 boats. I'm hoping Harry and some of the other Bud gurus can confirm or correct some things for me. Here they are:

1. In 1992 Chip's name was the block style lettering. On the T3 it was Red on the T2 it was blue. Also the outline of the BERNIE names had red and blue. Hence the reason for the red and blue boat distinctions.

2. In 1993 the Chip name was the gold script signature. Also they added that small wing on the outside of the right sponson that had a AB "A" on it. Was that for both boats or just the T3?

Thanks for your help in advance
Well WHAAAAAT! :eek: what is the answere? Party foul!!!!! Share the secret. We have been waiting to read about it only to find that it's some kind of secret. Come on. . . . . . . .give it up! ;)
Oh sorry. Thanks to an email not a PM and picture or two from David Newton all was as I suspected except for the Chip script name on the 93 was red instead of gold. I swore I saw it once in gold before but I can't find the picture of course. I posted the sets on my website. The only thing not pictured is the transom graphics