This is what I was getting at when I talked about construction methods. Are you in a bunch because I built the sponsons seperate and then glued them on? If I had painted the boat before taking the pictures, and hidden my construction methods, would it then be legal in your eyes? At no point are the trailing edges of the sponsons not attached to the main hull. There was alot of thought that went into how to merge the sponsons with the "canoes" so as to not be mistaken for a modified outrigger.
Your comment about "who you know VS what you know" is WWWWAAAAYYYYY off base. I have no personal connection to John Equi, Ron Zaker Jr. nor Mike Schindler. I know them all, but I'm quite sure they did not approve the design because of our aquaintences.
I would agree, the rules regarding just exactly what a "modified outrigger" is needs touched up a bit. I have tried on several occasions to get somebody to describe, in detail, what would make a boat a modified outrigger. So far..... ZIP!!
One thing is for sure, though. It definitely seems as though any time someone designs and builds a boat that doesn't look like an MTO, MUTT or PT, they get criticized for "pushing the limits", or "stretching the rules" or whatever. This is a real shame for at least two reasons. First, and foremost, is the fact that those who complain are only doing so out of concern of being beaten by that new design. Plain and simple. Brian Blazer once told me that nobody will care until you start beating them with it, and then everybody will protest the design, just like what happened in Australia with his wood GSH. Second, and probably most troubling, is the fact that this hobby survives due to innovation from those who think outside the box. If we'd all been building what was already out there, we'd still be running 55-60 MPH with our straight-piped 90 hydros. Somebody here on IW has a quote in their signature that I think applies here. "Those who dance are often considered insane by those who can't hear the music." Most of the people who complain are those who can't innovate, so they just run what they can buy. I am NOT reffering to Mark B. in this comment, as he has some very legitimate observations on the hull this thread is really about, but here are many who fit very snuggly in the "Can't hear the music" category.
BTW, someone earlier made a comment on the Bob Tuttle Sp 20. I have seen one of them, first hand. I've looked it over very closely. I've held it in my hands. I've even made a few parts for it. It is very difinitely NOT a modified outrigger.
Thanks. Brad.
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