My new Ele Rigger will be hitting the water soon


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Apr 1, 2002
Well my FE rigger is almost done ;D. I hope it runs good. ???. well I will let you guys know. wish me luck.

Hi Ruben. Looking good. It looks like your running a interesting set up with your rudder. Would you mind posting a close up of your out-drive system so I can have a better looksy :eek: . Thanks, Hammer

Nice job, nothing better than building your own boat. I like the feeling you get when you are about 5 minutes from the pound for it's first run.

What is your motor and prop setup?

I like the big slab you have it sitting on, what is it. I am looking for something like that to build on to keep things good and flat.

Well guys, I'm sorry to say. It did not do as well as I thought it would. the rear stays real deep in the water, wount get up on plane at all. when I first throw it in it runs, but in a few feet in it drops. and just putts along. I moved the strut and rudder up and wet sanded the bottom of the boat with 400 grit, little better, but still not rigger speed. I also changed the motor. I think the battery has to be moved foward to take some weight off the rear, and on the rear I have to make the sponsons wider to suport the rear. I don't know ???

Mike the thing that the boat is on is my kitchen counter, it made out of Tecron made by Dupont it's like a real hard plastic that on can't burn it with a hot pot. don't know if its true yet, but give my wife some time.

Hammer. hears your picture.

View attachment 27

I don't have any experience with riggers but I do mess with .12 nitro boats.

Dump the plastic prop. They flex. The prop in the picture looks like an "X"series. They really dig in and lift the bow instead of lifting the transom. Try an octura 17 series prop. I tried one on a crackerbox style hull and it had so much lift at the transom it nearly submerged the bow. Another thing about the small nitro's is that the slightest bit of drag; weeds on the prop or rudder will prevent you from getting on the pipe or on plane.

Good Luck
Well maybe I can help get your rigger up and running seeing as we have been in the exact spot you are right now.

First off, get rid of the plastic prop as Ruben suggested. Start off with something like an X430 or X432. Riggers require lots of RPM and a ton of power to get the back end out of the wet. The prop does supply some lift, but if the boat is not set up correctly in the first place, it will not matter what prop you use, it is not going to get it going. If your prop is not spinning at least 12000 - 15000 PRM, it will never deliver the required drive on a rigger. Add a cell or 2 to get the RPM up if needed. Tell us what motor you are using and I can tell you if it will give you the required power.

It is kind of hard to tell from the angle of the pictures, but your strut looks like it is running very deep. Try lifting it up a bit.

Get rid of the rear sponsons! They will only cause drag. They are not needed on a small electric rigger unless the hull is so tail heavy it needs them to keep from pointing to the sky when it is sitting still.

Start out with a few degrees of down thrust in the driveline to help lift the back end.

A rigger is a fine balance of power and lift. Trying to get this exact set up can be frustrating, but well worth it in the end when she takes off like a scalded cat.

There also seems to be a suspicious lack of a turn fin on the right sponson. If you are just setting up for a SAW boat, leave it off. If you intend to turn at any speed, you had better get one on there ASAP. You first turn at speed will be quite spectacular if you don't.
Thanks guys for all your help. The first thing I'm going to do is remove the rear sponsons. I will keep you posted.