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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2004
What day are most of you guys getting in town for the Muncey this year? I am setting up my RV on Fiesta Island Thursday and will be on the water Friday on the rest of the weekend.
I'm loading up most of the day today and should be rolling in mid afternoon tomorrow. Who knows I may take off this afternoon and get there late tonight. I know the Czar left yesterday...he's in my neck of the woods now so he should be there later today.
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I was hoping to get off work at 4:30pm pack and leave early Thursday. Just got off at 10:30pm and now I'm thinking I'll pack and leave now. Hit a few rest stops along the way.

Where will you be on Saturday? I'd like to hook up if

possible. I'll be by the pits and wandering around Ski Beach

with my Wife and Son.
Man what an incredible final heat!!!!! Steve David pulls out win #2 this season against a hard charging Jeff Bernard in the U-5. That kid drove that boat like he stole it....what an I saying they both did!! Three lead changes and a bump between these two in five laps...I haven't seen racing like that since Chip and Mark Tate went at it with the Bud and the Joe's in the early to mid 90's. I've got a couple of CF cards of pics. I'll find a way to upload these somewhere when I get back tomorrow. I've got a nine hour drive to get home tomorrow.
And on top of that, Villwock took the Elam back to the pits after three laps. Too bad he still got the season high point championship

What I like is that David Newton, as rumor has it, won the R/C race and, for the second time, whent through the connie to do it. I guess you Californians are going to want revenge next month :D
Stewart, Sorry I missed your message, I camped on Fiesta this year and am just now getting home.

McKnight, that was another year of amazing racing. I only wish Villwock didn't hose down Bryant cause he was driving the wheel off that thing.

Not a big bummer to see the 16 leave the course. That jackass was cussing up a storm at his crew on the radio on the way back. The same crew who got him his U-1 back.

And Tom, the pond is on Vacation Island across the street from the big boat pits, not Fiesta. They are across the Unlimited course from one another. The only thing on Fiesta is the beach (OTL!!) and the old sewage drying pits. Lovely...
Yes David did win it going through the connie but I'll give you one guess who his pitman was. I put together a pretty nice string of DNFs so I teamed up with David since Roger was in the boat pits. He almost won the Classic Thunderboat class with Roger's new gas Hawaii Kai but he hit a weird roller in turn one and rolled it.

I'm sure Villwock's official explaination is that he already had the championship so why hurt the equipment when he had no chance. My explaination.....he got punked at the start was way out of position and had no chance from lane 5 so he bailed. What a %$#@*!!!! We stayed for the awards presentation and he was still pouting. The view we had on teh back straight was perfect. Jeff Bernard thought he had lane 1 and Steve David came right through the course from front to back and took it from him legally. I age and treachery count for sonething like Steve said when he was on the podium. I see more great racing to come from the new guys next year. Bryant in the 10 is **** good too. If J. Michael Kelly get a ride with more ponies and a good prop he'll be right in the mix too. Plus from what I am hearing there are two more teams coming out next year.

BTW look for several races to air on FSN in November.
Sounds like Dave. At Seafair, he claims to have gotten washed down by Theoret in the turn heading up to the start in the final. I can't really see that considering how slow the boats were moving at the time. What I didn't appreciate was his snide comment about how it was only fitting that the fastest qualifier trophy he won was sponsored by Beacon Plumbing, considering that Theoret was driving the Beason Plumbing. I'm guessing that he felt that cost him the race, but I'll bet he let the engine get too slow and it quit, though Theoret did admit to crossing in front of the Elam due to water splasing the windshield and making it impossible to see. Now I'm looking forward to next season. I'd love to see the Oberto/Miss Madison team get the U-1 for 2009.
Sounds like Dave. At Seafair, he claims to have gotten washed down by Theoret in the turn heading up to the start in the final. I can't really see that considering how slow the boats were moving at the time. What I didn't appreciate was his snide comment about how it was only fitting that the fastest qualifier trophy he won was sponsored by Beacon Plumbing, considering that Theoret was driving the Beason Plumbing. I'm guessing that he felt that cost him the race, but I'll bet he let the engine get too slow and it quit, though Theoret did admit to crossing in front of the Elam due to water splasing the windshield and making it impossible to see. Now I'm looking forward to next season. I'd love to see the Oberto/Miss Madison team get the U-1 for 2009.
Great pix from the Muncey. Go to

At least I wasn't the only pink boat for a change. Felt kind of outnumbered in one respect though. David, Jay Dills and I were the only turbines there in a bunch of shovelnoses and no wing pickles.
Yes David did win it going through the connie but I'll give you one guess who his pitman was. I put together a pretty nice string of DNFs so I teamed up with David since Roger was in the boat pits.
Okay, no more talk about that connie.....I'm still losing sleep over it :(

I'll try and get some pictures up later tonight.
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Yes David did win it going through the connie but I'll give you one guess who his pitman was. I put together a pretty nice string of DNFs so I teamed up with David since Roger was in the boat pits.
Okay, no more talk about that connie.....I'm still losing sleep over it :(

I'll try and get some pictures up later tonight.

Hey Guys,

thanks for coming down to San Diego for the race. Its unfortunate that Glenn will have to live with his last half a lap decision for another year. But that's why they play the game as they say.

We say things like "its the pit man's fault" or we "don't wait for pit men" but you could have written a book on "how to choose a pit man that can get you to the Final" after this past Sunday.

It can definitely make a difference.............or I should say that it did. Not to take anything away from Glenn's pitman as I don't know who it was. But David Newton knew how to pick the right guy on this day.

Thanks, Al Waters
Okay, here he is......winner of the Muncey 2 years in a row and talk of a 3-peat, David "miniczar" Newton!


Man, look at that Hughes turn fin hold that turn! Will that plug get me a free one? ;)


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Yes David did win it going through the connie but I'll give you one guess who his pitman was. I put together a pretty nice string of DNFs so I teamed up with David since Roger was in the boat pits.
Okay, no more talk about that connie.....I'm still losing sleep over it :(

I'll try and get some pictures up later tonight.

Hey Guys,

thanks for coming down to San Diego for the race. Its unfortunate that Glenn will have to live with his last half a lap decision for another year. But that's why they play the game as they say.

We say things like "its the pit man's fault" or we "don't wait for pit men" but you could have written a book on "how to choose a pit man that can get you to the Final" after this past Sunday.

It can definitely make a difference.............or I should say that it did. Not to take anything away from Glenn's pitman as I don't know who it was. But David Newton knew how to pick the right guy on this day.

Thanks, Al Waters
I take full responsibility for that driving error....heck, half the time I don't listen to my pitman anyway. (if you talk to Hooks Jr I never listen) :huh:

We were all joking around before that heat started about our pitmen and I really can't remember if David stole mine or he bailed on me :lol:

After watching David struggle to get his boat tuned most of Friday and early Saturday it was good to see him get the win. We were both surprised at the end of the day how it just came together.
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Actually Glen it was you didn't think you made the connie. David hit me up since it was rather obvious I wasn't in it. I don't think you tried hard enough to sell Leonard to him though. I think he would have gone for it if you kept on him. Man that was a good race though you had speed on him on the outside. I kept telling David..."Glenn's coming hard you better get on it!!"
Here's a group shot of the boats and their drivers


Sorry I didn't get pictures of all the scales or any Lights. I stopped to take the group shot and didn't finish going around for the rest. The site Roger Newton mentioned in an earlier post has a ton of pictures!

I'm also posting the gas pictures on Jim's.








Okay, I'm going to cheat a little bit. The following four pictures were taken at different events of the scales I missed.


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