Monos built strickly for SAW?


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i know a RAPTOR (55") with electric did it a couple years ago in europe somewhere,is that the same guy?
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I don't know if that was Ralf. Doug Smock has been clocked at 98 mph with a mono in Huntsville but the backup pass was disasterous. The boat got totally destroyed. I have destroyed a few as well. Typical of a boat that runs at a positive angle of attack. At some point it blows off the water. You don't know where that point is until you get there.

Yes it was Ralf Moser at Legg Lake back in 2014 that broke the 100mph barrier for a mono officially. His best 2-way average was 108.95mph. I can't recall if he broke 110mph at the event.

Here is an earlier pass.

Ralf Moser T Mono.jpg

Ralfs MGM 50063.jpg

Ralfs Mono.jpg
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monos are real amp suckers .Ralf has done a realy good job with his new boat . It runs close the speed of his record seting boat with much less power .

By all this lift off posibility i am thinking about a lifting body design with two propellers in the front of the boat . So the poplift can help to get the boat start with c.g. in front of the areo lifting point and if the boat takes off the trust is fast limited by the changing propdeep in the water . Ruschian have some wig boats that fly with such prop (surface pircing) position stable . The chalange is to get a sanctioned monohull do the same.

Happy Amps Christian
Hi Andy,

i suck all infos about Ed out from RC-Modeller when i was young .If someone will ever meet him ,tell him that there are a group of modelboaters in Germany they build all his boats .

I build my version of the Northwind ,doing some test run with different drives .Twin engine ,counterrotating props and singelmotor singelprop .

On a Japan website i found years ago some monos that fit as a SAW monohull .But i think they run the boats on open see salt water ,control the boat driving semselv in a daycruiser side by side over long distance.

The photos you posted are boats used in a 12km offshore races held at Lake Ashino in Japan.

The are designed to travel at high speeds in rough water. The drivers control these boats from a chase boat.

The pic below is an old racing buddy in Japans' boat. It is a fine example of a Japanese mono designed for SAW. The one pictured is a .21 mono.

Saw 21 mono.jpg

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Hi Marty ,

thanks for the photo . Du you have moore to see the shape of the hull from all fiew . This Japan monohulls must stable fly as the waves are a different nummber running offshore .

Happy Amps Christian
Hi Christian,

Here are a few pics of the typical AM hull, and of the river where the competition is held.


taitora 1.jpgtairora 2.jpgtaitora race area.jpg
This has no step but the prop puts the hull in a similar position with the long stinger. The skeg is for control as the

hull will rise out, very tapered in the back no real transom. Scallop on the sides is for stability without the need of

a vertical stab. Chine walking is non existent. The hull is meant to ride on compressed air, narrow up front too.

I call this design Scalpel

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had a similar tought two weeks ago . With a two skeg ruder you have a small tunnel between .

Hull is a Ruschian 1kg class f1 boat with negative stringer , that hold the boat straight and ad less lift .

Motor gear up 1:2,5 to get a low propshaft and high rev small propeller . Version with small dia motor from dentistry 60000 rpm but less power than the big geard one .

Happy Amps Christian






had a similar tought two weeks ago . With a two skeg ruder you have a small tunnel between .

Hull is a Ruschian 1kg class f1 boat with negative stringer , that hold the boat straight and ad less lift .

Motor gear up 1:2,5 to get a low propshaft and high rev small propeller . Version with small dia motor from dentistry 60000 rpm but less power than the big geard one .

Happy Amps Christian
Hi Christian,

That boat reminds me of the race boats in Thailand. The ones with the long out drive they race in the canals.

thai boat.jpg

The Scalpel hull is one point the second point is the prop. It rides like a two point hydro

the wet area is forward with the tail section of the hull out of the water. There is no step

yet the hull is the step. Sneaky way to run more stable than a typical mono aired out on

the prop. Should allow solid forward contact less chance of a blow over for more speed.

The tail section helps on getting on plane reducing amp surge on start also aids in the

turns in conjunction with the skeg which keeps the hull stay flat when pushed.
Just a quick question! Whats to stop someone ripping off your plans when you you submit them for approval? And does the board review these plans? Or 1 person that may think he is the Mono saw record holder? Seen that before in other sports
As IMPBA Mono Director, If a design is in question, I will ask others on the technical committee to look at the plans and we will discuss to draw a conclusion on legality. Most questions are easy to answer. The rule book is pretty clear. If you plan to set a record with a new design, Great! We all look forward to it. Records are made to be broken. But make sure the boat fits the rules. If the boat is in question just send me an e-mail describing what might not be legal. We can talk about it. You don't have to send a set of plans. This is toy boats. We don't get paid to be officials. We do it to help the hobby and keep things fair.

sorry you had problems in another sport. I like to think we are better than that.
