Electric boat update:
First of all I would like to thank everyone for offering to help out with chargers, it was very much appreciated. After talking with Jack Burnside from Empire Hobbies they offered us sponsorship and came through with the required chargers. Thank you Jack!
We decided not to compete in the Salton Sea event after all, with no spare batteries and my trepidation of running such high voltage in salt water, it just didn't seem like a good idea. We have decided to go to the Orville CA Kilo event on the 21st and 22nd of February. We will be going for the 72 volt class speed record instead which stands at somewhere around 45 mph. We will be using 3 of our 6 battery boxes and hoping for speeds of around 70mph, the motor we are using only has so many runs in it at 144 volts so we are thinking of grabbing the other class records before we blow the top off it.
Maybe some model boaters can drop by, we can always use the extra help. I have put together a more comprehensive video on Youtube showing our record run at Devils Lake,
feature=related. Turn up the sound. I will posted on how it goes.
Cheers Mike