ML BOATWORKS LASER CUT 1/10th, 1/8th, GAS Scale Wood Unlimited Hydroplane Framing Kits


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Just wanted to let everyone know I finally did a revamp on the T6 kit (makes most of the modern hulls) in 1/8th scale form. Changed the break point, sponson depth, and sponson design. I am going to have the 1/10th scale version done today, and I will also be updating the Gas scale version with the new changes as well. I had 3 guys needing the 1/10th scale version, so I decided it was time to get that done. Ken Smith and Juergen were two guys on this site. If you guys see this, PM me. I am going to try and find your user names on here and PM you, but I may not be able to!

I have also received LOADS of requests for the Lauterbach special kit. I want everyone to know, I have worked on that some, and I have what I would say are perfect plans to work from that should yield a very exact hull. Anyone on here who has asked about this I just wanted you to know I have not abandoned the kit, I just want it spot on correct, so I am taking my time.

Here is a list of hulls I currently have plans for and hope to have done some time in the near future. As some know, I am working on a Sport Hydroplane line that includes- Sport 12, Sport 20, Sport 40, and Gas Sport/ S & T class FE. That has been a big focus lately as the Sport 20 is designed and tested, and runs great. It was something I needed in my lineup, and forced some of the scale work to be pushed back.

109- 74 Lincoln Thrift

118- 76 Such Crust

129- 70 Atlas van lines

133- 78 Tempus

134- 80 Circus Canard

148- 86 Budweiser T1

150- 89 Winston Eagle (White or Orange hull- conventional deck)

155- 88 Miss Madison- Holset Turbo

Lauterbach Special

I also received a very nice item from Don Ferrette over the weekend. It is one of his personal design Hydroplane Trailers. It is exact, and if any of you saw his Smokin Joes build, then you know the trailer. He handed it to me, and said do what it takes to get a kit done to offer! Thank you very much for that Don. I will post some pics later today of the trailer..It is really nice, and correct!

More updates soon! Mike
I would like to do a gas scale of these also ,#109- 74 Lincoln Thrift, #129- 70 Atlas van lines.

I am planning to make the cowls.

There are several of the 82u55 being built, I have the cowl for that one now.
Sounds great Phil! Glad the cowling orders are taking off for you! I will put those other two on my list of to do's. Here are some pics of the trailer I will be working on. Its pretty awesome! It is also mirrored over so the skid fin is on the correct side.




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Sounds great Phil! Glad the cowling orders are taking off for you! I will put those other two on my list of to do's. Here are some pics of the trailer I will be working on. Its pretty awesome! It is also mirrored over so the skid fin is on the correct side.





I am sure I won't be the only one saying this.... Get it done!!! I want one or two hahaha
In addition to the T6 1/8th scale update, T6 1/10th scale (clock and counter clock), I just finished up the 108 7474 Olympia Beer in 1/10th scale (clock and counter clock) as well. I have to do the 7931 in 1/10th scale as well. Mike
The 126, 7931 MHR 1/10th scale with sheeting kit is now finished. Mike
Jerry, its definately happening. I have like 5 people on that list right now, so it needs to get done.
Hi Mike and all,

I have already had three Scale Gas Thunder boats running now and am still interest to look for Scale Gas boats of 94 or later version Hydroplane scale boat, Mike's frame kit are great but will need FB cowling and wing to fit. Does anyone outthere are producing FB Cowl and Wing to fit Mike's fram kit? (I have got a 29CC rear exhaust engine to fit it).

Hey Gilbert, I will see if I can find out why Jeff Snell has not responded to your requests. Talk soon, Mike
This may have already been covered earlier. If so, I apologize. Is there a trick to building the boat stand for the scale hydro kits? I know when you scratch build from most plans it includes dimensions for the stand. Is there a way to build the stand using only the kit parts as a reference? Perhaps tracing the arch of the belly joists? Not sure. Thank :)
Ken, tracing those engine well parts would definately be a good way to do that. Mike
I just started working on the ML 8701 Budweiser kit this week. I know it has been said here before but I think it should be said again. These ML kits go together like a dream. I'm also building a Dumas CC kit. Going from the Dumas to the ML kit is like night and day. Thanks Mike for making a quality kit. Really makes it a pleasure to build. Here are a few pics. I have more in my gallery. Thanks :)




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