ML Boatworks GSX310 Sport 20 31" prototype build - Nitro center section


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Send me a total also, Mike. +1 on what Kent said, thanx for all you're doing & have already done for this hobby!! (-;
The fun should begin tonight. I was out of town this weekend, but will be hard at it this week! Mike

i ran a stock 7 port nova rossi in mine and it was very fast and handled like a slot car ...great stuff..Kevin Sheran has mine now..

Dick, this is the new design based off the gas Sport GSX480, and sport 40 GSX380, yours was the GP335. Hope you have been doing well, Mike
First one is out of the mold, and turned out great. This one is yours Robin. I will PM you. Mike


Gary, Which one. I have the FE style for the GP series, the turbine style for the GP and SX series, and then I have the turbine style for the GSX series, and the longer, low slung turbine style for the GSX series...all of these are for my Sport 40 hulls. Do you have a picture of the one you want? Thanks, Mike
Yep, I see which one you need. Someone else just used on one their whip actually,so I know its pretty close to right one as far as fitment. I will pm you in a bit. Thanks, Mike
Sounds good! PM me with the total and I'll get that right to you...

Thanks Mike! : )
Thanks Gary. (talked via PM)

The GSX310 in nitro and FE form is now available on the website. More build pics soon, Mike
My MLGSX 310 so far...getting there!

Mike, what's you're take on motor placement? Just have elec. mocked up for now...



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Put the motor up to that cross member, and the esc in front of the cross member with the batteries! U should have plenty of room!! So, the structural Dowel gets cut at the motor rails....

One more thing...when I am ready to mount the rudder, is it better to mount it as far as I can to the right? Does it matter?

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