MAC.84\CF Rigger


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For mixing small quantities of west system I use 25mL syringes, one for the epoxy and one for the hardener. As long as I dont draw in bubbles, and obviously use the 5 to 1 ratio correctly it works well for me. I have found that the epoxy tends to take the markings off some syringes tho.

That is some neat looking gear you are making! 8)


I use a 1" belt sander to shape it then, med. and fine sand paper to polish it out. I do the same with steel or aluminum.

Hey Dale! Where did you get the 14oz.

I have only been able to get 18oz from Shimizu.


Hey Mike! Try this call sign. He is a guy I work with. His name is Shimizu, but not the same Shimizu that I get boat stuff from.

JE1LFX HF all band.

The 14oz is on the side of the box, apparently the 14oz ones are avaliable here in AUS but at redicelous prices.

After getting the christmas lights up on the house I found time to finish the other half of the hull. It's trimmed and close to the finished size. I won't join the hull until the boat is completely finished. The hull will feel a little flexable right now, but it will get nice and stiff in a couple of weeks.

Here is the turn fin mount stock. I like to leave it on the mould for a couple of days to make sure it stays flat. A twist or bend in this piece would not be fun.

I got a digital scale this week it goes .1g to 5kg. I can start weighing stuff.

Here is the transom made from plywood , one of the two pieces of wood I have to use. (It should be ok, some of the fastest boats are made of wood) It weighs 37g, the foam core bulkheads weigh 22g.

I made 2 patterns for the sponsons, 1 is for a jig to set up the sponson booms and drill the holes at the proper sponson angle. The other is for cutting out the CF sheets.

Thanks for all the great pictures Mike. Do you have the phone number for aerospace comp, do they have a web site. I need to get some sponson tubes. I think the tubes you are using will be Ok for my application, What do you think. Because of the complex shape of the fuselarge I have decided to make it from a mold so I am currently working on the plug. Keep up the good work.


Here is the URL for Aerospace composites. They have 2 different sizes fit tube in a tube. One is about 3/8" the is .6". I am not sure but they shold up on a gas rigger for SAW. You can make them really strong by wraping them with 1.7oz. kevlar.

Making a mold from a plug is kinda fun. I made a couple on my last boat. I can use the one for the rear sponsons again. I am going to make one for the cowl a in a few days.

Well I got my christmas shopping done and got to do some more work on my boat.

I finished a piece of CF angle, I really like this for mounting servos and the RX switch.

I decided where to drill holes for the boom tubes and used the jig to drill the tub and the sponsons sides. The jig sets the attack angle. There is also a piece of wood under the hull to set the ride height.
how long are the sponsons? they look kinds short from the pic??? could be decieving me

The sponsons do look small on the hull, they are 15.5"long 12" longer than the Crapshooter 67/80 sponsons.

Got some pictures of wrapping the carbon tubes with kevlar. I like to cut out everything I need and lay it out in the order that I am going to use it.

I spray the kevlar with 3M 77 and roll it onto the carbon tubes.

mix some epoxy and add a little 91% isopropl alcohol to thin it out, this helps it saturate the cloth. Pour it out on a piece of mylar and roll the tubes in the epoxy, I like to press pretty hard and work in the glue.

wrap the tube with wax paper and then tape using the table to roll it tight.


Have you found that the kevlar wrapping increases the toughness of the booms in a crash?

I presume the booms you have shown are the stubs that go into the sponsons and through the tub. You would also be using much longer booms that go thru those pieces? Do you kevlar wrap them or leave tham as plain carbon?

Hey Mike! When you are making the foam sandwiches for the inside of the hull, try carpet tape! It works great! Copped the idea from Tom ;D

Also, Adhere the squares to the foam before you cut it. This way, After they are adhered, you just cut around them with a box cutter.

Looking really spiffy ;)

Hi Ian,

You are right about the kevlar wrapped pieces. They are glued in. They are much stronger with kevlar wrapped around them. Hopefully they will never break or damage the hull or sponsons. I don't wrap the long carbon booms that go through them so they will break first.


Good idea! 8) It is easier to replace booms than fix a damged tub or sponsons! Are you going to use the tape method to hold the booms? That would make it easy to replace the booms, you would not need to drill any screw holes!


Thats the plan, back on the water in 20 minutes. I cut a piece of wood for a spacing jig to hold the sponson in place while I tape them on. There are some special tricks for taping.
