Hey guys, well DH like he said learned how to set up his fuel pump to a gel cell and then fill up his main tank in the tunnel. We fired the K&B 3.5 engine up and the thing sounds like a winner!
I showed him how to care for the motor afterwards and showed him what items he'd need to clean it with like WD-40, Marvel Mystery oil and some Corrision X. I gave him a new bottle of Prather After run oil and a brand new Prather jar of flex cable grease.
I explained to him how he'll need to take out the flex cable and grease it up.
What we're gonna do is get the tunnel set up and go run it. After he shows he's got the idea of driving the boat and caring for it we'll do a custom paint job.
The way the radio box had been set up in the past is the best way to do it. He'll need like he asked for, a mini-servo, any brand will do if someone can spare one that would be great. I'm going down to the hobby shop to pick up kwik clips for the 4-40 rods to connect the linkage up to the motor. My LHS doesn't stock much for O/B and I'm fresh out of Throttle Clamps. Anyone have one? or know a creative way to custom makee one from scratch?
I tried to get some pictures of Darkhedeos but he wouldn't let me do it, sorry guys, maybe I'll take a bunch of pictures of his hands while working on this stuff.