Let's get Dorkhedeos a boat!


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Yeah, i am sorta hiding it, hes gonna kill me for using 75 bucks, so i think i should wait until after he leaves, or tomorrow morning, ill just ask lax to send it like a week before april 4th so he will probably be gone by the time it arrives. yeah, i would help out other new people as much as i can, but i dont think i will have any extra stuff, maybe a homeade hull or something once i learn how to build good ones, 2000 mi away?
With money being an issue maybe we should concentrate on setting up a gas boat for him. This will eliminate costly items like fuel and glow plugs. I would also think that it may be more durable and that upkeep/repairs would be much cheaper. It doesn't sound as though he is driving yet, so a gas boat would help eliminate lugging the support equipment to the lake.

I know where a Homelite is right now that I could most likely throw in.

Just a thought.
Guys, lets not jump the gun here.

Darkhedeos, what is you first name? Does your father have a work shop? Does he have any hobbies? Do you have a lake nearby that you have a way to get to and the owner is willing to let you run a nitro boat on.

We all know that to build and run a boat requires much more than most people can even think of. (fuel, batteries, charger, plugs, props, epoxys, glo plug starters, paints, and lots of specialized tools, etc., etc, etc. This is not like building an RC car on the kitchen table. It's a bunch of time and money for a 14 year old.

How about this Darkhedoes? Can you let your father in on what's going on and have him reply to us on this forum. I really think that you are going to need his support on this. As Tom says lets not do this on the sly.

If it's OK with him I'm sure we're all willing to help out in any way we can. After all, it's a great hobby with lot's of good people and certainly much. much more constructive than what a lot of young people your age are getting into with too much time on there hands. It's great to see your enthusiasm directed toward a meaningful learning experience.

Don ;)
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Good point Preston. Let me see...... A 14-15 year old carrying all the support gear, fuel, boat, etc., etc. all on the handlebars of his bike. :rolleyes: Hopefully his Dad can help with that or maybe his Brother might come around and see thats it not a waste of money and it is really a great way to meet new friends and learn a thing or two while your at it.
my name is raymond. my dad doesnt have a workshop, but has lots of tools for wood. he likes fishing. he has hundreds of rods that are worth like 300 dollars each. he makes his own rods and lures. there are lots of lakes around my area within a 15 min drive. there is a large pond where lots of people use boats, thats the place where i wanted to get one. i saw one that was like 3 feet long and was made of wood, he said it cost him $2000. my dad can help, but whenever he helps he finishes it. when i showed him plans, he said that its easy to build. he says everything is easy though. my dad doesnt care if i build it or not. my mom wants me to build it because she said i will learn something. my brother said dont waste money. my brother will say go make friends and learn at school you loser, and stop wasting money, he will be leaving LA in about 1 hour, and will be home at around 5-6. i have no school today, so i can think about it for a while. arent gas engines expensive? i cant afford a gas one right now. i can take out the engine from my dads chainsaw if i want, and use that.
i can take out the engine from my dads chainsaw if i want, and use that.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I don't know if I would that just now. We want to keep him liking the idea of a boat right now. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gas engines can be expensive, but the ones suitable for your needs are $100 new. But I am sure somebody would give you a Homelite. I might be able to get my hands on one. The advantage to a gas boat would be that you could fill it with gas at home and carry only the boat and radio to the pond and have hours of fun.
Gas boats usually are larger to start with. The smallest gas engine is larger than the largest nitro engine for the most part. Does this make sense? :blink: :blink:
i dont really like electric anymore. i want to spend a couple hours at the lake, not a couple minutes
What you need to do is get your dad involved in helping BUILD The boat, and set it up, then tell him to leave his rods at home.

Take him to the pond with you, get the boat running and just run it and test different props and setups.

Now you must NOT GIVE UP THE FIRST TIME OUT. Nitro engines can be a pain in the A$$ if your not used to them, or know how to tune them.

Once its set up and runs flat out without stalling and blowing over. You will be happy with, IN between Runs, give your dad the radio, let him ENJOY IT.

Next thing you know, Dads going to want to build another one for him.

This board is LOADED with advise, on engines, tuning, setups.

Do not be afraid to ask, You make think the question is stupid, but we have ALL BEEN THERE, Some will not admit it, but we all have been there.

As far as gas engines go, about the price of a nitro engine, fuels cheeper and plugs are cheeper. Need a bigger boat to run and handle a gas engine.

and if your going to spend money on a gas engine, DONT get a Homie, Theres people out there with Zenoah 230s out there, might be willing to part with them.

If you have a hull in mind, and want to go with a gas engine, ask about it.

For a first boat, I would try and find a twincraft, I am SAYING THIS as they are VERY THICK HULLS, withstand one hell of a beating, and keep going.

Race hulls tend to be thinner. and dont take much abuse.

Hope all this helps, and dont let your brother steer you away from this fine hobby/sport. Drop the badminton racket and pick up a radio, and never let go of it.

Um wow.. I wish i could pitch in but $$ is really tight round here... as a suggestion, before you flood him with info and props and all you might want to consider what is a "learnign setup" and maybe a slightly more advanced setup so he can grow some in the hobby... I have to say from what i knew last year to now a lot of it is still confusing.. luckily i just wanted something enough to keep my mind off my divorce as much as possible, now i really want to do more in the hobby. maybe all of you could come up with one unified answer in chat so that everyone is helping on teh same level and bump him up as his skills and knowledge advance.

I agree about not doing it on the sly.. getting the dad involved is cool, but maybe his mother might be a better ally if it's something she seems to already be supporting the intrest.

Dorkhedos welcome aboard.. one suggestion i would like to make to you is take your time with whatever you end up with.. there are lots of great guys on this board that will be more than happy to help you out, and if you can try to get togeather with someone in your area to give you tips and tricks once you do get ti togeather... Make it a "fun run" and use it as learnign expierence... I know without Ron Wade OB and Dale i prolly would be totally lost :) oh and on that big brother thing... im sure he's got something useless he spends his money on too (i got two little Bros your age :) )


I can probably help out the most. I live about 15 minutes south of San Francisco where Dorkhedoes lives. If everyone wants to send there donated stuff to me I'll build, paint and rig the boat. I'll do the sanding, prepping and paint with Deltron PPG and clear coat for free. That'll be my donation to the process. I also have an older Sullivan 12 volt starter and an older starter box with a power panel in it that he can have. If anyone has another power panel send it, this one the only thing that doesn't work is the 12volt power for the glow plug.


Let's see, I probably have another radio and receiver, I just bought it for my kid but I'll find something else for her later. I got decals for the boat, fuel tanks.


He'll need fuel tubing, I'm all out.


Let me know if this works. Oh yeah, I'm pretty tight w/the LHS so I can get him some discounts on fuel and glow plugs.


Someone mentioned tools. At the last race someone, ummhummm "Borrowed" my Bondhus standard and metric allen head wrenches, can who ever used them last e-mail me please, I need them back.....


[email protected]

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