Let's get Dorkhedeos a boat!


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The throttle cable clamp works fine, what did you do to it?? I tested it a hundred times and it worked great. Did you remove it?? Change the radio?? Loosen the bolt??

I'm amazed that the steering servo screws and the throttle cable clamps came undone after we tested it so many times. When your mom drove you home did it fall of the stand??

Oh well, get some longer screws. There cheap enough. When we go run the boat I'll adjust the throttle cable clamp. Can you tell me what you mean by it doesn't work??? The cable is supposed to bow some to reduce the slack and give tension plus/minus.

You might need to charge up your batteries so they function to full capacity! :D

Good Luck!
Also, warm the brass up with a torch like I used when you were over to heat the brass. That will let it bend easy so it doesn't tear up the tubes like you did. If you don't have a torch do it over your stove.

You'll want the fuel line pick up bent down to the lower left hand corner of the tank. That way you'll get every drop.
i didnt do anything and i dont have another radio. when i was carrying the boat up the stairs, i heard some rattling in boat, then when i took out the battery and reciever, there was a screw in the radio box. the screw that holds the throttle clamp on the engine keeps getting loose when i turn left. i was turning the engine left and right and then i looked in the carb, it got bigger when i turned right and smaller left. do i need to charge all 3? or just 1? how do you charge the glowplug ignitor on the smaller one, the one that doesnt have a blue handle. whenever i try to put the charger in, it springs out. on the blue one, there is something that holds in in place. the fuel line pick up is on the lower right corner. i had trouble putting it in, so i asked my dad and he put it in the lower right corner, is that ok? my dad has lots of torches. the tubes were easy to bend
damn, i just remembered that i forgot to buy the cap for the antennae.

Edit* dang, i forgot to buy radio box tape too! : :angry:
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This seems like an appropriate time to add this post:

In my Humble Opinion RC boating it about 24% cash and 75% problem solving and 1% fun at the races. Due to all of the donations in here your cash contribution went down to about 2% which brings the problem solving component up to around 97%

My hope is that you have what it takes to solve the problems in order to make that 1% a very enjoyable experience. I did some arithmetic gymnastics one evening, and decided that only .003% of people actually have what it takes to enjoy this hobby (addicted). As you start to solve these types of problems for yourself; you’ll decide for yourself if you are fortunate enough (or unfortunate as the case may be) to be in that small percentile of problem solvers.

I think you will find that the majority of boaters are very self-sufficient people who enjoy the problem solving component (present company included) so it makes the whole boating experience more enjoyable.

If you decide that you’re not “down” with the RC boating scene, then my hope would be that you could pass that equipment on to someone who might be a better fit for the generosity that you have received over the last 30 days or so. If you don’t pass it on, then I’m sure Rodney will be happy to.


My hat is off to you bro. I can’t imagine how much of an effort it was for you to pull yourself away from your 2 dozen or so kids to help out DH. You’ve definitely got my respect.
well, i like fixing things and i already fixed the throttle clamp and put foam around the reciever. i just found that the wood broke off where the screws were, i can use super glue to put it back on, but im not sure if it will be strong enough to hold it. i can try gorilla glue. should i pull the foam out of the mono, i can do that easily. my mom likes this hobby because i dont spend 6 hours on the computer everyday anymore, i only spend about 3 and a half now or less. i just cleaned out a room just for my boats and fishing equipment :D i can bring it to the place where i fish to run it if i want, im pretty sure they dont care as long as i dont get in the way of real boats or go near the boat houses. the water is like glass in the docks if no boats come by, so im guessing that would be good. heres a pic of the receiver, is this good?

View attachment 2232

Thanks! Yeah, nothing worse than 6 kids 9 and under competiting for my attention when a guest comes over.

You also provided a great example of the hobby inregards to the ups and downs as well as the astronomical costs that can occur. Your Magnum tunnel that was destroyed is a prime example of a lot of money and time lost with in a split second. :eek: Imagine sifting through that mess and looking around to see if someone was there to give you a boat for free. DH is the rare exception to this hobby and the great generousity that the people of this board displayed is a must be one of a kind in generousity.

When I started the hobby, I knew nothing. I literally bought a boat got it running and dealt with the drama. I also paid up the wazoo for someone to help me. The guy charged me for every nut and bolt, no matter how small it was. He even charged me an hourly rate to "teach me the hobby." Hell, I even thanbked the guy profusily. Back then I had to scrounge soda bottles and cans to make cash to do that to.

Yeah, I really hope Darkhedeos sticks with it. Since he's yet to run the boat I'm not able to measure what will be the driving force for him to stick with it. Also, should something happen like braking a rod, needing new bearings or more fuel etc.....if he'll begin and continue to buy these things. I'm sure should he not stick with the hobby he'll pass this stuff on to someone that needs it.

Good Luck!
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Receiver looks OK to me...I typically put mine inside a Balloon for some additional protection since water will get into your radio box.

You'll definitely want to pull that foam out of the mono. If it gets out in the hot sun it will expand until the deck separates from the hull.
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ill pull it out tomorrow, i super glued the piece back. it seems to be ok now, do you have anymore of those rods just incase one breaks? what are they called? where in san jose do you buy corrosion x from, i go there once or twice a month and my brother comes home from san jose state once every 3 months. i was bored so i sharpened the rudder of the mono. i didnt take much off, but now its as sharp as a knife, i cut a piece of paper with it :p
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If I were trying to solve that problem:

The first thing i would check would be the connections (plug to wall then charger to battery)

Next, I would check to make sure the battery harness isn't "on"

Then I would figure out if the charger has an output current using my trusty-dusty organic ampmeter :p (this should only be used on 1amp or less)

higher voltages/ amperages can result in an unscheduled load of laundry. :eek:

I'm sure you'll be able to work your way through this one
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i found a way to get rid of all the foam, but im not sure if its safe, you can burn the foam with a lighter, it does a pretty good job, but im not sure if the boat can handle it. the other way was to take the top part of the foam off, and pull it all out. my dad said it wont charge because the output on the charger is 1.25 and the voltage on the batteries is 4.8.
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you can burn the foam with a lighter, it does a pretty good job, but im not sure if the boat can handle it
hope your dad has paid his insurance. :blink:

cant you just reach in with a pair of pliers or something and pull it out a little at a time?
yeah, i can try to get a scredriver and stab the places where it sticks to the boat. then i will try to pull a big chunk out. what should i do about the charger? the batteries are almost dead
Did you try to pull the battery pack out of the boat, & charge it directly from the charger, (not going through the on/off switch) do you have access to a multi meter to test the output of the charger? It is possible that the charger is bad. What kind of charger is it? (futaba, airtronics, etc.) is there a split wire?

The charger has a charge rate listed, which is typically less than the capacity of the pack you are charging.

Worse case, go to your LHS & have them help you. All RC vehickals use receiver packs, so it doesn't matter what it came out of.
izitbrokeyet? said:
higher voltages/ amperages can result in an unscheduled load of laundry. :eek:
LOL.... classic

I read that as "unscheduled load in breeches"
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you can charge the battery while its still plugged in? i pulled the battery out of the on/off switch, is there another way to charge it? maybe trick the charger to make it think that it is charging something with less voltage.