Just a question


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Jan 14, 2006
I am just curious.... and please do not use this post to bash one side against the other. I have just observed a few things over the years which makes me ask a few questions and being the person that I am I rather go to the source rather than speculate or ask people who are not IMPBA members.

I know for myself and many NAMBA members that we are not opposed to racing in National event from coast to coast or organization to organization. I myself have raced from LA to New York and many places in between. This is the case with many NAMBA members that I know of but it seems that traveling is much more of a hinderance for East Coast guys and I wonder why. On average I don't think anyone of us is anymore well off than the other so I don't think affluence is an issue. I also see west coast NAMBA boaters go to east coast IMPBA events but don't see many if any IMPBA guys come westward... And when I did go to New York I thought I would have a chance tor race against some of the hot shot East Coast IMPBA guys but didn't see many if any. Actually in my most favorite class at the time, 60 hydro, my competition was the same guys I raced here in California at most every nats. As a matter of fact we were 1, 2, 3.

Now I know that there is the difference between the Nationals racing format but I am wondering if it is really that critical. Keep in mind I am all for stiff competition and I see the US-1 format as a good challenge but it is it that important to forgoe a chance to race with guys (good racers) you may never get to race again? No matter what the race is, if it is from point A to point B and everyone has to run the same race, Isn't still a race worth winning?

I guess I am putting this out there because I would like to see more coast to coast racing. I know times are tough but just something to keep in mind when times get better. I have had some stellar racing days but even in those best days I always wonder if I really raced the best around or was it just a day at being the big fish in a little pond.

Just thoughts.

What do you think?
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There may be different customs and rules but that isnt a big deal. I have been to the Orlando race in Jan. and will be back some day. Love to go to West coast too but it is way out there. Have to fly and deal with all that. Mikey from Evansville went West to race scale champs twice. Time and money is more of a factor than anything else.

IMPBA Internats are the same deal, we will end up racing fast guys from our same areas too. I think that happens cause the usuall suspects can be counted on to attend these National events every year.

Even though the Nats will be in a different area, the local guys may not attend cause of the time and money thing, one big race is enough in a month. If the big National races were a month apart every year you may see more cross Namba/ Impba competion.
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I'm with Phil. I would love to come out there and race with you guys! It's just the time and money involved. But if you would like to come a pick us up, I'll be ready!
I'm with Phil. I would love to come out there and race with you guys! It's just the time and money involved. But if you would like to come a pick us up, I'll be ready!
YES you guys come all the way from MI and Canada to southern Indiana to race. Will we still see you in Madison next week? It will be fun little hydro saturday and big hydros sunday.

Roger You should have got in on the INDY Masters race this year.
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Yes, Phil, we're coming down to Madison for some more fun.

It's the best Scale and Sport 40 racing around!

The big boats on Sunday are great to watch. I wish the Gold Cup was run as well. You all know what happened last year..... then the Lions went 0-16.......then Chrysler and GM went belly up.
Maybe that isn't the best way to put it but the best way I can think of in such a short sentence.
I am just curious.... and please do not use this post to bash one side against the other. I have just observed a few things over the years which makes me ask a few questions and being the person that I am I rather go to the source rather than speculate or ask people who are not IMPBA members.

I know for myself and many NAMBA members that we are not opposed to racing in National event from coast to coast or organization to organization. I myself have raced from LA to New York and many places in between. This is the case with many NAMBA members that I know of but it seems that traveling is much more of a hinderance for East Coast guys and I wonder why. On average I don't think anyone of us is anymore well off than the other so I don't think affluence is an issue. I also see west coast NAMBA boaters go to east coast IMPBA events but don't see many if any IMPBA guys come westward... And when I did go to New York I thought I would have a chance tor race against some of the hot shot East Coast IMPBA guys but didn't see many if any. Actually in my most favorite class at the time, 60 hydro, my competition was the same guys I raced here in California at most every nats. As a matter of fact we were 1, 2, 3.

Now I know that there is the difference between the Nationals racing format but I am wondering if it is really that critical. Keep in mind I am all for stiff competition and I see the US-1 format as a good challenge but it is it that important to forgoe a chance to race with guys (good racers) you may never get to race again? No matter what the race is, if it is from point A to point B and everyone has to run the same race, Isn't still a race worth winning?

I guess I am putting this out there because I would like to see more coast to coast racing. I know times are tough but just something to keep in mind when times get better. I have had some stellar racing days but even in those best days I always wonder if I really raced the best around or was it just a day at being the big fish in a little pond.

Just thoughts.

What do you think?

Your questions are great ones and I can answer my opinion about them.

When I owned Precision Boat Mfg Co (Crapshooter) in the 70's and 80's, I traveled to NAMBA nats in California to race with the best out there and as many other places as I could go to find the best racers. Jerry Caruther sp? has done that in the past 5 years or so also.

The NAMBA Nats are good competition, but I have measured myself with the US#1 format as being the most demanding of excellence.

We has several of the best West Coast racers come to the Midwest to race in IMPBA Nats. Many of the very best West Coast racers came to the IMPBA Nats to see if they could win a US#1. Some did and they ALWAYS indicated that it was the most important accomplishment in their boating career.

It has seemed that the IMPBA people air their concerns more than NAMBA folks. I believe that it is mostly because NAMBA is an orginization that operates from the bottom up and IMPBA operates from the top down. NAMBA allows the districts to do almost anything that they want and have almost any rules that they want. IMPBA is the opposite. Not saying which is best, I don't really know. I now race NAMBA in Florida and we can do what we want with rules.

If I had my way, the two organizations would have merged a LONG TIME AGO to give more strength to model boating. But that has not occurred mostly because of the current and recent past NAMBA Pres. IMPBA has been for this for a long time and even tried to get talks started.

I have frequently heard that you are an accomplished racer and have wanted to meet you and race with you. But, I don't travel much any more, so unless you choose to come to an IMPBA NAts, it probably won't happen.

If you have never tried the US#1 format, you have missed something very special. I urge you and anyone else that wants to measure their self against great competition in a marathon skills event, to attend an IMPBA Nats.

Maybe one of these coming years our Tampa Club will host an IMPBA Nats around Thanksgiving. Great time to come to Florida.
Dear MR Hooks~

In my opinion you have lost sight of the real joy of the hobby....building a boat and running it for the joy of it.

Calling on all competition from far and wide to prove something is a personal misison.... like I said my opinion.

I travel to the east coast and race with the IMPBA group just as much as I race with the NAMBA Group

Both are great organizations and good members. I have always felt welcome with the IMPBA group, even

though I am A NAMBA member. I have been a member of NAMBA since its conception and I am proud

of that. There are many members in IMPBA as proud of being members of their organization as I am.

I would love to have inter organizational racing, and would also like to have this the center of the US so to

burden no one with long travel. Both organizations need to keep their own identities, but just think a real

US Champ just like the NFL and Baseball leagues. Jerry Crowther has asked me to go to the IMPBA Nats

in the past, I think I will take him up on his offer. :) :) :)

Dave Bestpitch

District 9 Director

HOF Member
NOPE.not in the least, i always have joined the organization depending on where ever we have been stationed. I like them both.

Carl Cisneros
Dear MR Hooks~
In my opinion you have lost sight of the real joy of the hobby....building a boat and running it for the joy of it.

Calling on all competition from far and wide to prove something is a personal misison.... like I said my opinion.

I think the "real joy" can only be defines by the individual. What might be your joy may differ from someone elses and tehere shouldn't be anything wrong with that should it? I indeed like the friendship that I have developed over the years and it is the one thing that my dad and I particpate in together even until today. These are also "real joys" of mine. Never been much of a builder but I enjoy painting. Would that put me outside of the "real joy". Nevertheless, I also enjoy competing, you know... the challenge of it all. For some the challenge may be to build a new boat from scratch, put it in the water and watch it go. Others may like all out speed in straightlines... For me it's the head to head competition. It's not so much to prove anything but to simply push your driving skills and know how to the test that's all. I started racing at 7. My dad brought me out to race. That is my joy or at least one of them.
Hi Guys

well i live in Perth Western Australia ( west coast) for me to go to a national event i have to travel 4500 to 5000 km east coast

if i fly it would be 5/6 hours from Perth to Adelaide to Melbourne to Sydney then drive up to the lake 1to 2 days plus ship my boats and running gear......... cost $1800 flights for 2 :blink: shipping cost for boats ect $500 accommodation 4 nights for 2 people and food ect $1000 TOTAL$3300 if i drive from Perth 7 days in the car YOU CAN NOT DRIVE AT NIGHT AS KANGAROOS / CAMELS / COWS ECT ON THE ROAD

cost fuel $ $2000 ... in the car for 7 days with wife Priceless :p

i have been racing here in Perth since i was 12 iam now 41

next year will be the first national event i will attend ( its all in the preparation / organization savings and love of running the boats against the best of the best

i have 9 months to plan save and boats ready i will be taking wife 3 kids and a trailer 7 boats running gear and about 17 motors and well as2 big boxes of spear parts ( dropping wife and 2 kids of in Melbourne then driving 4 days to Queensland )

why do we do this :blink: for the love of boating :rolleyes: (and its in your blood)as well as catching up with mates that you have only talked to on the phone or email

its not about money or time........... you get off you ass and go because boating means that much to you

but some people do not want to do that ( AND THAT IS FINE TOO)

for me no boating would be the death of me

just my life and i do not mean any disrespect to anyone

thanks neal rogers

PS all Clubs in Australia run Under the AMPBA rules so here in perth we run the same over in Queensland / Melbourne ect
Nealits only 20hour drive from Melbourne to Brisbane,

not sure which way your going...lol :p
yes but 3- 4 day trip to get to melbourne have to stop some where to do a wee

and with 2 ladies in the car i will have to stop every 2 hours :lol:

and 20 hours divide that by 10 hours a day = 2 days + 3- 4 day to melbourne and stop for wee every 2 hours well that adds up to one hell of a trip ( but i can not wait for it)

I'm lucky enough to be able to travel across the Nation for work and get to play boats where ever I go. I've seen the good and the bad but won't go there. I prefer to remember the good and have made many friends from coast to coast face to face rather than on the computer or phone.

I love to support my local model boat club whether it is NAMBA, IMPBA, APBA or an Outlaw Club.

I read this somewhere: "I love model boating but hate the politics!" Such a true statement!

I'm lucky enough to be able to travel across the Nation for work and get to play boats where ever I go. I've seen the good and the bad but won't go there. I prefer to remember the good and have made many friends from coast to coast face to face rather than on the computer or phone.
I love to support my local model boat club whether it is NAMBA, IMPBA, APBA or an Outlaw Club.

I read this somewhere: "I love model boating but hate the politics!" Such a true statement!

You know... I have heard that statement a few times but honestly can't say I have been caught up in it that much. I think the idea is to remember what you are there for.... to have fun. You can force other people to stick to that principle but you can keep one self in check.

There are several great races here in the mid-west, if you would like to travel this way. The race in Celina, Ohio is a combined District 2 and District 14 race, with very good participation. Pretty much any race in Evansville, Indiana is a good one too. If you really like to travel, London, Ontario has the Northern Nats, which is a great race as well. So, come on over!
Maybe that isn't the best way to put it but the best way I can think of in such a short sentence.
I am just curious.... and please do not use this post to bash one side against the other. I have just observed a few things over the years which makes me ask a few questions and being the person that I am I rather go to the source rather than speculate or ask people who are not IMPBA members.

I know for myself and many NAMBA members that we are not opposed to racing in National event from coast to coast or organization to organization. I myself have raced from LA to New York and many places in between. This is the case with many NAMBA members that I know of but it seems that traveling is much more of a hinderance for East Coast guys and I wonder why. On average I don't think anyone of us is anymore well off than the other so I don't think affluence is an issue. I also see west coast NAMBA boaters go to east coast IMPBA events but don't see many if any IMPBA guys come westward... And when I did go to New York I thought I would have a chance tor race against some of the hot shot East Coast IMPBA guys but didn't see many if any. Actually in my most favorite class at the time, 60 hydro, my competition was the same guys I raced here in California at most every nats. As a matter of fact we were 1, 2, 3.

Now I know that there is the difference between the Nationals racing format but I am wondering if it is really that critical. Keep in mind I am all for stiff competition and I see the US-1 format as a good challenge but it is it that important to forgoe a chance to race with guys (good racers) you may never get to race again? No matter what the race is, if it is from point A to point B and everyone has to run the same race, Isn't still a race worth winning?

I guess I am putting this out there because I would like to see more coast to coast racing. I know times are tough but just something to keep in mind when times get better. I have had some stellar racing days but even in those best days I always wonder if I really raced the best around or was it just a day at being the big fish in a little pond.

Just thoughts.

What do you think?

Your asking.. so Im saying…

Just reading the topic, that is the silliest question I have ever read on here.. Its like the new guys on the mass message boards.. Whats better.. this boat or that boat.. Your right that did not come off “the best way” at all.. not to me anyway…

Seems to me your first question is merely observation based on an opinion.. you have no facts that the west cost is more willing to travel then the east. I did not see one NAMBA west coaster at the Tunnel Worlds!.. so……….. or our internats last year!....

Why should ones organizations format and or history forgo their format… how about embracing it and take on the challenge! NAMBA to IMPBA and IMPBA to NAMBA.. same but different challenge…

I think…We all would like to see more coast to coast racing.. BUT.. Unless you have the money to fly.. driving to a west cost/or east cost event is a daunting task. Is it worth it to most? Not just a few (the guys you placed 1,2 and 3 with) but most?


Realistically its a matter of distance, time, cost and value.

Also. I don’t (just me) feel like racing “the Best” makes for “better racing”. Its nice to have fast guys around cus they make you faster but does it really make better racing? Maybe.. but not to me.. I like good racers.. I like bad racers.. I just like racing…….. I also don’t feel that a LARGE race makes racing better either.. some of the best racing (personally) I have ever been involved in were races with about 30 dudes just having a BLAST racing toy boats..

I have raced at large events and small.. I have raced with the best and the worst..

I really just want to play with my boats and make good friends and shake the hands of old ones.

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I really just want to play with my boats and make good friends and shake the hands of old ones.


THATS what has made WTC a HUGE success. :)

The one event I know of that had a very good mix of IMPBA and NAMBA memebers is the Gas World Champs in Vegas. Many traveled pretty far to make the race including Hiroyuki from Japan. Met a lot of good racers from Texas and some other states who traveled 1500+ miles.

Maybe that isn't the best way to put it but the best way I can think of in such a short sentence.
I am just curious.... and please do not use this post to bash one side against the other. I have just observed a few things over the years which makes me ask a few questions and being the person that I am I rather go to the source rather than speculate or ask people who are not IMPBA members.

I know for myself and many NAMBA members that we are not opposed to racing in National event from coast to coast or organization to organization. I myself have raced from LA to New York and many places in between. This is the case with many NAMBA members that I know of but it seems that traveling is much more of a hinderance for East Coast guys and I wonder why. On average I don't think anyone of us is anymore well off than the other so I don't think affluence is an issue. I also see west coast NAMBA boaters go to east coast IMPBA events but don't see many if any IMPBA guys come westward... And when I did go to New York I thought I would have a chance tor race against some of the hot shot East Coast IMPBA guys but didn't see many if any. Actually in my most favorite class at the time, 60 hydro, my competition was the same guys I raced here in California at most every nats. As a matter of fact we were 1, 2, 3.

Now I know that there is the difference between the Nationals racing format but I am wondering if it is really that critical. Keep in mind I am all for stiff competition and I see the US-1 format as a good challenge but it is it that important to forgoe a chance to race with guys (good racers) you may never get to race again? No matter what the race is, if it is from point A to point B and everyone has to run the same race, Isn't still a race worth winning?

I guess I am putting this out there because I would like to see more coast to coast racing. I know times are tough but just something to keep in mind when times get better. I have had some stellar racing days but even in those best days I always wonder if I really raced the best around or was it just a day at being the big fish in a little pond.

Just thoughts.

What do you think?

Your asking.. so Im saying…

Just reading the topic, that is the silliest question I have ever read on here.. Its like the new guys on the mass message boards.. Whats better.. this boat or that boat.. Your right that did not come off “the best way” at all.. not to me anyway…

Seems to me your first question is merely observation based on an opinion.. you have no facts that the west cost is more willing to travel then the east. I did not see one NAMBA west coaster at the Tunnel Worlds!.. so……….. or our internats last year!....

Why should ones organizations format and or history forgo their format… how about embracing it and take on the challenge! NAMBA to IMPBA and IMPBA to NAMBA.. same but different challenge…

I think…We all would like to see more coast to coast racing.. BUT.. Unless you have the money to fly.. driving to a west cost/or east cost event is a daunting task. Is it worth it to most? Not just a few (the guys you placed 1,2 and 3 with) but most?


Realistically its a matter of distance, time, cost and value.

Also. I don’t (just me) feel like racing “the Best” makes for “better racing”. Its nice to have fast guys around cus they make you faster but does it really make better racing? Maybe.. but not to me.. I like good racers.. I like bad racers.. I just like racing…….. I also don’t feel that a LARGE race makes racing better either.. some of the best racing (personally) I have ever been involved in were races with about 30 dudes just having a BLAST racing toy boats..

I have raced at large events and small.. I have raced with the best and the worst..

I really just want to play with my boats and make good friends and shake the hands of old ones.

I think we have both shared some opinion not based on fact that can also provide the component for an interesting discussion. One could always choose less-than-complimentary words to describe the opinion about one other's point of view, but that would really pose a threat to pulling this topic off track. I was just curious to hear what other people had to say and I offered my point of view to open the dialogue. Thank you for offering your perspective. I made no mention of big race, small race, or forgoing tradition and I also digressed from the topic subhead in the firs line. I believe my position was only to get a better understanding of what others think?

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