IMPBA Sport O/B Tunnel Rules


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mine fits, just tighten the set screw. mine came with the in flight needle that fits don's needle base.

Im actually in the process of stealing Bills idea right now.. should work pretty sweet! Its a fairly easy thing to do. I run an OS on my sport, and a OS carb on my mod, so it will be on both of em. I am just making an arm on the mill that slides onto the stock needle, it has a set screw to tighten down on the needle.



I have not had time to work on it yet, Show us what you came up with. I think the one Tim is showing will work on all OS neeldes. I think the OD is the same on all the OS needles.


Bill ;)
I enjoy running with these guys. They are fast but I gota new toy for them. Ha I hope they are ready for it
I believe that the OS remote needle conversion would violate the rule that says that the original needle valve must be in place when using a remote needle.
Didn't get pics of this yet. Took an old Dumas control arm, drilled it out to size. "J" works just fine! Took off the needle spring. The control arm slips over the stock needle. Two set screws keep it in place. With that done, took an extra OS throttle cable holder. Had to trim off the lip used to hold it square. Turned it 90 degrees to allow the cable out the furthest. Lines up sweet.. Will get pics out this weekend as I'm working the next two nights... Work is providing dinner!! Swanson tv specials!
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I believe that the OS remote needle conversion would violate the rule that says that the original needle valve must be in place when using a remote needle.


Rule # 4.h is. Adjustable mixture controls will be allowed, however the original

needle valve must remain in its original position.

How is this breaking the rule? The original neelde is in place. This is not like adding an oiler to the lower unit.

It's time for an update on your signature, Kentley Porter and Bill Bigelow hold the C O/B Tunnel SAW Record @ 63.541 MPH.


Setting a speed record is like winning the national championships. Next year someone will win it and then they will be the national champion. Just because some of my records have been beaten that doesn't lessen my pride for setting them. If I were to beat the new record,I would still consider you guys as record holders.How many times on the pond does it take to set a record....alot!!!

Bob Kensill