IMPBA sport 40 thought .............


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Don Ferrette

Staff member
Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2003
Well even though I've spoken against this in the past I'm thinking in the interest of uniformity of the IMPBA rules to submit a proposal for a rule change allowing struts to be mounted on the transom of a sport 40. Since we allow the sport 20's to be set this way & the gas sport also why have this one different at this point? Personally I prefer they all were under the boat & not transom mounted but I'm trying to look at the big picture. So let's hear thoughts on this but please keep it light & friendly, cabin fever has been bad lately. ;)
Well even though I've spoken against this in the past I'm thinking in the interest of uniformity of the IMPBA rules to submit a proposal for a rule change allowing struts to be mounted on the transom of a sport 40. Since we allow the sport 20's to be set this way & the gas sport also why have this one different at this point? Personally I prefer they all were under the boat & not transom mounted but I'm trying to look at the big picture. So let's hear thoughts on this but please keep it light & friendly, cabin fever has been bad lately. ;)
One word Don NOT. On a good point i agree with you under the transom if we put them on the back we should allow canards...Mike
Personally, I am not in favor either. If you want uniformity, then we could transom mount scale struts too. LOL

There are many, many sport 40s out there now that would have to get a big overhaul if the strut mounted boats happen to be an improvement ( which we don't know if they are). We would have a lot of unhappy guys having to rebuild their boats to stay competitive.

I like the new rule for Sport 20, because it came out with the inception of the class.

my 2 cents

Personally, I am not in favor either. If you want uniformity, then we could transom mount scale struts too. LOL

There are many, many sport 40s out there now that would have to get a big overhaul if the strut mounted boats happen to be an improvement ( which we don't know if they are). We would have a lot of unhappy guys having to rebuild their boats to stay competitive.

I like the new rule for Sport 20, because it came out with the inception of the class.

my 2 cents

The key word here is sport, so scale is not in the picture. :p

Do you think that a transom mounted strut would give a distinct performance advantage? Has anyone done back to back testing? Do you think moving a strut is that big an overhaul? Just questions ..................
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Leave well enough alone. leave the struts on the sport 40's right where they are. :)

I don't know if it is an advantage anymore than you do :)

Moving the strut is not that big of a job...but that is not all that is involved. Rebalancing the boat and getting the ride back and the correct prop again is a considerable amount of effort.

On the other hand, if this would grow the class then I am all in favor of it. I doubt that this simple rule change would entice that many ( if any) new boats to the field though.

To be honest I also noticed a bunch of pics got posted of the 5 litre? boat models some of the Canadian guys run. If I recall wasn't there was a bunch of gaff over that a while back because they couldn't run in sport 40?
don i was going to say that, that topic was over on marty site at the time. yes in canada they do run the strut on transom but i think it's a different class. i think phil thomas said that he also tried the strut on transom and there was no performance gain from it. all i see is that it will make the boat longer by 2 1/2''.
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don i was going to say that, that topic was over on marty site at the time. yes in canada they do run the strut on transom but i think it's a different class. i think phil thomas said that he also tried the strut on transom and there was no performance gain from it. all i see is that it will make the boat longer by 2 1/2''.
Jeff I didnt say that. It was Mark Anderson that tried that setup

I was wondering what took so long for someone to bring this up agian now that sport20 can run the strut on the transom.

The ink isnt really dry on the 20 sport hydro rules and I dont think anyone has a boat wet yet with the strut on the transom, I havent heard of any.

Anyone out there run this setup yet?

Every one that ran a sport 20 hydro last season had the strut under the boat so wait till we wee what happens this year with the option to have the strut on the transom.

This will tell us if it would be a good thing for the sport40 class.

Doesnt hurt to start think about it I guess in the intrest of keeping all the sport rules consistant between classes.

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OK, if a man has 50lb on one end of a teeter totter,and the board is at equal length (say 6 feet)from center it would takes 50lb to balance it,Now you lenghten one side two feet more,you would use less weight too keep it balanced. true or not true!!! so with a strut on the transum,makes a boat longer ,so does the balanceing point change.from the change in length. to help bring the transum up out of the water easyer.???
OK, if a man has 50lb on one end of a teeter totter,and the board is at equal length (say 6 feet)from center it would takes 50lb to balance it,Now you lenghten one side two feet more,you would use less weight too keep it balanced. true or not true!!! so with a strut on the transum,makes a boat longer ,so does the balanceing point change.from the change in length. to help bring the transum up out of the water easyer.???
Scott that is a good question but there is no general answer. I have tried extended stuts on a couple different applications over the years, some where better, some were worse & some had no change. Also keep in mind the with the strut under the hull there is a small portion of the prop blast that does push up against the bottom of the hull......
sorry phil,
Don i think you know the answer here! If i have to keep the drive dog under my scale boat it takes hours to get the performance back that hanging the drive dog out gets. So id say its an advantage to hang the strut off the back. When the sport 40 (D sportsman rules ) were developed we put the strut under the boat so riggers wernt disguysed as the sportsman hydros some tried it but it failed. I think its in the best interest of the class too leave it alone. We have as many as 20 show up for a race the class is working fine why MONKEY it up??? Mike
sorry phil,
Don i think you know the answer here! If i have to keep the drive dog under my scale boat it takes hours to get the performance back that hanging the drive dog out gets. So id say its an advantage to hang the strut off the back. When the sport 40 (D sportsman rules ) were developed we put the strut under the boat so riggers wernt disguysed as the sportsman hydros some tried it but it failed. I think its in the best interest of the class too leave it alone. We have as many as 20 show up for a race the class is working fine why MONKEY it up??? Mike
Mike you know my stand on this & trust me we are on the same page. My intentions are/were only to see what most want as you & I are but one voice each. If I were to see strong feedback for transom mounted then I would draft something but from what I see so far I think that thought may get tabled. One thing really confuses me though, Phil stated he saw NO sport 20's with transom mounted struts before the vote, then why did that pass? And for the record I voted for it to be same as sport 40, under the boat.
sorry phil,
Don i think you know the answer here! If i have to keep the drive dog under my scale boat it takes hours to get the performance back that hanging the drive dog out gets. So id say its an advantage to hang the strut off the back. When the sport 40 (D sportsman rules ) were developed we put the strut under the boat so riggers wernt disguysed as the sportsman hydros some tried it but it failed. I think its in the best interest of the class too leave it alone. We have as many as 20 show up for a race the class is working fine why MONKEY it up??? Mike
Mike you know my stand on this & trust me we are on the same page. My intentions are/were only to see what most want as you & I are but one voice each. If I were to see strong feedback for transom mounted then I would draft something but from what I see so far I think that thought may get tabled. One thing really confuses me though, Phil stated he saw NO sport 20's with transom mounted struts before the vote, then why did that pass? And for the record I voted for it to be same as sport 40, under the boat.
I think it passed because its easier to setup a boat with the strut on the back and newbies have a hard time cutting a strut hole with out making a mess heck i make a mess sometime lol.Phil saw no transom mounted struts because in this area we have always run boats of this style under where it belongs......Hope your poll works out. Hey by the way do you have a sport 20? i do mines under the boat hope i dont get beat Mike
There is one Sport 20 that has its strut hung out back. It was at the Internats in Jackson last year. Don't recall who. But he didn't win.

I was another who voted to put the .20 strut under the boat. These boats are supposed to look sorta scale and they just don't look right with huge amounts of hardware, shaft, and prop hanging off the back. It seems that anyone going to the trouble of setting one of these up should be able to cut a rectangle in the bottom of the boat. I have a sport 40 and I'm not messing with a thing, it runs too well.
There is one Sport 20 that has its strut hung out back. It was at the Internats in Jackson last year. Don't recall who. But he didn't win.

Oh OK, I didnt notice that. You know how it goes if you go fast and win heats everyone is checking out the winner not the also rans. :lol:

We will just have to see how it goes this season, I would guess no big deal either way the boats are setup, it will take more than a strut setup to make a faster boat.
The Sport 20 I'm building for my daughter has the strut on the transom but it will be months before I finish it and get it wet.