IMPBA Concerns


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thanks Mark, the life blood and reason for being of any and all racing associations is the maintainence of the rule book. It should be front and center, numero uno and until that happens there will be problems. I know Tom Kelly is interested and has some ideas.

Hard to stay motivated when you get "Kicked off the Board" for NO APPEANT REASION!

I like to stay involved, was making sure articles were on time for the Roostertail...but limit myself now. lol

Guys I understand your concerns. I don't know why we can't get guys to vote. Most issues are out there for a year before being voted on by the membership. We have made it pretty easy for guys to vote. You can vote online If you are CURRANT and REGISTERED on the site. You can e-mail your DD or you can snail mail your votes in. It has shown in the past that it doesn't matter what time of year that ballots are out, guys just won't take the little time to read proposals and vote. It is very frustrating for the board to do a lot of work trying to better the organization and then seeing only a handfull of members vote. Maybe sending e-mails to active members will help. I will have John Equi send an active member list to all District Directors so they can send out when issues are up for vote. We will give that a try. The missing board meeting minutes will be posted soon. Thanks to all that have tried to come up with a solution to the low voter turnout. As I said it is frustrating to the board to see the low vote count.

Chris Rupley

IMPBA President
Chris. Thank you for listening to our concerns and giving my suggestion a try. Please do not feel we are ''dumping'' on the IMPBA Executive. You guys have a thankless job and are easy targets when members get agitated. Keep up the good work. I honestly feel direct e-mails will help with voter turn out.
Ya know I didn’t vote in the last round of proposals either.

I went to the IMPBA website and I didn’t vote. I’m a paid member, but I just didn’t feel like clicking the button.

It was posted here on IW and Jim’s that that Roostertail was out. I read it, and even looked at the proposals in it. But I just didn’t feel like printing it and mailing it. Plus stamps are expensive.

I have the email addresses of the D2 Director, IMPBA President, Vice President, and John Equi. But I just didn’t feel like typing up a email.

I also have the phone numbers of the D2 Director, IMPBA President, Vice President, and John Equi. I talk to the Vice President 2 or 3 times a week and the President once or twice a month. But voting just didn’t come up in the calls. On second thought, I think it did.

Oh and I had dinner with the IMPBA President, Vice President, and their wives the weekend before the voting period was over. We even talked about the proposals and my voting. I meant to, but I forgot since the DVR at home was loaded with Big Bang Theory episodes that I really wanted to see. I guess I could have written it on a napkin, but no one gave me one.

Oh, and I did a couple of emails with Don Ferrette today, so I am thinking he is part of this too.

So like everyone else, I want to know who’s fault this is that I didn’t vote and who is going to fix it!!!!!

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This also sets up a thought of how many good votes there were that never got counted.

BINGO.......... Read it again.......
The lesson here is to organize your district members, outside district members, and members of the board if you want to pass or fail a proposal. Sitting back and hoping the winds of change go your way is... Apathetic.
This also sets up a thought of how many good votes there were that never got counted.

BINGO.......... Read it again.......
Since your post is so vague are you insinuating that someone was dishonest in the counting of the votes, incompetent, or something else?
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Many went onto the site and voted and if the password or clearance from Obama was not figured out?? there Votes were never counted!!! What part do you not understand. If you think you want to call me...... I will gladly PM you a contact number BOB...........p.s Bob the above sentence was part of Mark Bullards post. Did you not read it either?? #59...... its Post Number 59 Bob............ :rolleyes:
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In the March 2013 roostertail there are 3 proposals up for voting at the current time. 1 is on page 21 (#13-007), 2 is on page 28 (#13-008) and 3 is on page 36 (#13-009). These proposals are not hid they are in the roostertail, where every other proposal is.... VOTE! The votes are due by June 1st.

In district 4 we get about 10% of our district members voting, our "district vote" is based on how majority of those members votes.

District Director Position, I will be the first to sign your nomination paperwork if you feel you can or want to try being the director of District 4. I have never missed a roostertail article ( they may not be the best by far... I am no writer for sure). I try an represent the district to the best of my ability, in 5 yrs i have missed 1 meeting... I was at that internats too... was not feeling very good even after the ER visit.

Nowhere in the by-laws does it say i have to call/email all the members in my district and hound them to vote. It does say I am suppose to develop and institute a continuous recruitment program for members and clubs, and provide advice for new clubs. Now if anyone has advice about this recruiting new members please help a guy out.... i really have no answer for that... there is always some this and that mentioned but nothing really ever stands out like WOW that will work.

Had to vent a bit... sorry Im not always happy with the way the voting goes but i live with it.


ohhh I personally never vote on Gas or FE rules, I dont know that stuff so I dont vote... The "District Vote" is based on the majority of our districts votes.

The weighted voting didnt make a difference
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All great points Paul. Maybe it as easy as letting the Districts elect there Dist director that they know & is active within the same District.......? But what the hell do we know... I guess Dist #5 may as well accept that we will never vote on a District Director again & I dont think we are the Only district that has Appointed Dist directors........ & you can accept it..... Or Get Out of IMPBA...... Now that sounds like Obama care to me....... :wacko: Maybe Chris will make some postive changes? There are some that need to be made.......
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The lesson here is to organize your district members, outside district members, and members of the board if you want to pass or fail a proposal. Sitting back and hoping the winds of change go your way is... Apathetic.
I'm quite happy with D4 Paul so I hope you dont think my post was directed at you or IMPBA leadership. My comments were directed towards those who are bent out of shape about the voting results.
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Ya know I didn’t vote in the last round of proposals either.

I went to the IMPBA website and I didn’t vote. I’m a paid member, but I just didn’t feel like clicking the button.

It was posted here on IW and Jim’s that that Roostertail was out. I read it, and even looked at the proposals in it. But I just didn’t feel like printing it and mailing it. Plus stamps are expensive.

I have the email addresses of the D2 Director, IMPBA President, Vice President, and John Equi. But I just didn’t feel like typing up a email.

I also have the phone numbers of the D2 Director, IMPBA President, Vice President, and John Equi. I talk to the Vice President 2 or 3 times a week and the President once or twice a month. But voting just didn’t come up in the calls. On second thought, I think it did.

Oh and I had dinner with the IMPBA President, Vice President, and their wives the weekend before the voting period was over. We even talked about the proposals and my voting. I meant to, but I forgot since the DVR at home was loaded with Big Bang Theory episodes that I really wanted to see. I guess I could have written it on a napkin, but no one gave me one.

Oh, and I did a couple of emails with Don Ferrette today, so I am thinking he is part of this too.

So like everyone else, I want to know who’s fault this is that I didn’t vote and who is going to fix it!!!!!

Best posting I have ever seen on this website since I've been a member here! Think about it. Other than putting a gun to this person's head and forcing him to vote, It's NOT GONNA HAPPEN. I went through the same problems during my 4 years as President and 10 years on the Board. As much as I hate to say it, that's just the way it is. I don't like some of the new rules and have talked to my District Director and other members of the Board about them and how it seems like everything has to go to the membership before anything happens. The IMPBA Board of Directors is elected by it's members ( sorry District 5 ) and should be able to take care of the organization's business without sending everything out to the membership for a vote. Each District Director should have a list of members in their District with email addresses so they can contact them on upcoming changes with rules, etc. Okay, I know this isn't as easy as it sounds, because there are a LOT of members who wait far into the year to renue their membership. WHY? Why wait 2 weeks before your first race to re-up? Do yourself and IMPBA a favor and renue your membership in December.

Again, I hate to say it but more often than not, the people who bark and complain the loudest are the ones who have never been in the shoes of those who have served as a District Director, a President or even a CD at a race. They say they don't have the time to spend being a District Director or a CD or even helping out at a race. And I can understand sometimes why this is. But next time when you want to complain or criticize the organization that I have given a lot of MY time and effort to for A LOT OF YEARS, and make a fool of yourself in the process, contact your District Director or the President and run it by them first.

Dick Tyndall

President, IMPBA 1995-1998
Many went onto the site and voted and if the password or clearance from Obama was not figured out?? there Votes were never counted!!! What part do you not understand. If you think you want to call me...... I will gladly PM you a contact number BOB...........p.s Bob the above sentence was part of Mark Bullards post. Did you not read it either?? #59...... its Post Number 59 Bob............ :rolleyes:

Obama just called he wanted me to let you know If you don't register on the IMPBA web site you can"t vote on the site. That is why he is holding the clearance on your password!

This is from the front page of the web site.

Anyone can view the IMPBA web site!

You MUST be a paid 2012IMPBA member

to Register, post, and VOTE!

Are The district directors suppose to register on the site for you?

If you guys spent as much effort to find out what it takes to vote as you do to ***** I guess we would have had a hell of a lot more votes.

I seems you know how to use the internet.

Kevin Sheren

I didnt think you where directing your post towards me... we are all good.


If you want to vote for your director, in the rule book section B, constitution, page 5 ( it tells you what you need to do). I think your director is appointed because there was no one nominated. if the position is empty then i think the president will appoint someone to the position with the majority board approval. So if ya wanna vote for a director in your district ya gotta figure out when that position is up for election and then make sure you have someone nominated for the position by july 31st.

Many went onto the site and voted and if the password or clearance from Obama was not figured out?? there Votes were never counted!!! What part do you not understand. If you think you want to call me...... I will gladly PM you a contact number BOB...........p.s Bob the above sentence was part of Mark Bullards post. Did you not read it either?? #59...... its Post Number 59 Bob............ :rolleyes:

Obama just called he wanted me to let you know If you don't register on the IMPBA web site you can"t vote on the site. That is why he is holding the clearance on your password!

This is from the front page of the web site.

Anyone can view the IMPBA web site!

You MUST be a paid 2012IMPBA member

to Register, post, and VOTE!

Are The district directors suppose to register on the site for you?

If you guys spent as much effort to find out what it takes to vote as you do to ***** I guess we would have had a hell of a lot more votes.

I seems you know how to use the internet.

Kevin Sheren

Sorry but your wrong on this one. Joe does know how to use the internet. And he has every right to be not happy about this problem of many. He has been trying to log onto the IMPBA website so that he could pay his dues and vote. The site would not allow him to setup with the site. We talk many time on this on why he was not able to vote after the fact of the dates of voting had passed. I tried to help much as possible but it just would not work. I told him to contact John to get his dues paid and John took very good care of him. I to have had some of the same problem that Joe had. The first time you had to fix it. The other times I just call John and told him that I could not get on to do bussiness for voting or pay dues and he got someone to fix it.

Anyone should be able to do anything on the website without having to log in. The way it is now you have to be log on just to pay dues. There is no reason for anyone having to do this. If you need to pay dues or join so be it crank up the site and pay. If you need to vote, vote and put you IMPBA number, District number on the ballot and hit enter. The ballot needs to go directly to the Director listed and he verfies that this member is in good standing. The Director did this in the past when we mailed all of the ballots. I know I have done it and had no problem doing this for my district. I also contacted District members get and share their thoughts on issues and to get votes from them so that I could have a good voting turnout for the board meeting. This is some of the things a Director does.

I have been watching this for a few years and I see a lot of behind the curtain doing that the membership is not aware of. Minutes hard to find or never published. Trials rules being passed with no one knowing anything about it because we can not find the minutes. And when we do find out about it I have been told that that took place last year at such and such time. And by then it's to late.

I do keep up with what goes on in IMPBA but from my point of view there has been a lot of things not very open for members to see in time including myself.

I didnt think you where directing your post towards me... we are all good.


If you want to vote for your director, in the rule book section B, constitution, page 5 ( it tells you what you need to do). I think your director is appointed because there was no one nominated. if the position is empty then i think the president will appoint someone to the position with the majority board approval. So if ya wanna vote for a director in your district ya gotta figure out when that position is up for election and then make sure you have someone nominated for the position by july 31st.

You do not need to step into District 5 problem. It comes from a Director that won the postion and then left it. Then the President has to apoint someone and they left it after the deadline to put in for a voting Director. So the President has to apoint another and he left it. So this has been going on for a few years. The one we have was ask by a few of us to step in and is doing a great job and supported very well. We told the President who we want and he did not get the chance to select one for himself. We felt this is what we need to break the cycle we had been put into.
Simple solution ...

Have the District Directors send out an e-mail to all IMPBA members (in good standing) in his/her district showing them what rules are up for a vote and ask for a reply.

Unless it is made EASY we will never have a good turn out.

A few years ago, I along with a few other concerned District 1 members, gave a little push to others asking them to exercise their right to vote for a Director. I think the turn out was over 40% which is unheard of in IMPBA.

Make it easy and you will get the numbers.
Kevin, Mark just about said it all for me........ #75 post.......... You cannot set here and say the site has not had its Problems?? And they are still Not Corrected. Many have just plain ass given up on it......... Look at any forum on the site and it has less activity than what we have had here in the last 20 minutes. There is a reason for that Kevin......... Dont blow skoke up my butt with all is OK..... :wacko: ..... If it gets Fixed Chris will fix it...... It looks like he is Moving in a Positive Direction... Accept it is a problem and Fix it....... & if Obama is at the controls? then we are in trouble...... :huh: ... Done with this....... Maybe Chris will help us all out and fix the problems within the site so we can vote before he next deadline June31st?
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Simple solution ...

Have the District Directors send out an e-mail to all IMPBA members (in good standing) in his/her district showing them what rules are up for a vote and ask for a reply.

Unless it is made EASY we will never have a good turn out.

A few years ago, I along with a few other concerned District 1 members, gave a little push to others asking them to exercise their right to vote for a Director. I think the turn out was over 40% which is unheard of in IMPBA.

Make it easy and you will get the numbers.
Unless it's made easy? Really?? IT'S NEVER BEEN ANY EASIER! A current member in good standing can vote on the IMPBA website once they register (and yes you need to register on the site, it's a necessary evil because of all the spammers and autobot viruses, that will not change), or they can email their DD or even call their DD if they choose BUT it starts with the member actually wanting to get involved.

A little push?? How about more like you had a mission to accomplish which you all did successfully but it took a lot of legwork from multiple players so please don't make it sound like it was no big deal because it was.

Seems a few of you are missing one simple point that hasn't changed in many years and it's not going to either- most people don't vote because they simply don't want to, the vast majority just want to go to the pond and play with their TOY BOATS. I have done the phone calls, the e-mails and p/m's to members and if they feel like voting they will, but if they don't they won't PERIOD! If any of you thinks you can magically make people vote when they are more interested in just playing with their boats you're dreaming!

I consider myself lucky to have a **** good bunch of guys in D12 who know how to have FUN but regardless of that if they don't want to vote on something they don't and I accept and respect their decision either way.

So that being said I'm not sure what more can be said other than it should have not been put out here in the first place, it should be on the IMPBA web site forum since it's IMPBA business.
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Simple solution ...

Have the District Directors send out an e-mail to all IMPBA members (in good standing) in his/her district showing them what rules are up for a vote and ask for a reply.

Unless it is made EASY we will never have a good turn out.

A few years ago, I along with a few other concerned District 1 members, gave a little push to others asking them to exercise their right to vote for a Director. I think the turn out was over 40% which is unheard of in IMPBA.

Make it easy and you will get the numbers.
Right now the office can't even get a few of the District Directors to write a quarterly article promoting the events in their Districts or members that have done well in IMPBA races outside their districts even something for the District they are are supposed to represent and now you expect them to actually write a monthy e-mail? :wacko:
Why not Bill? Perhaps there needs to be a new set of expectations written in the by-laws of what the DD's responsibilities are. If the DD is not doing their duties it is then the Executive Board's responsibility to make sure the DD's are doing what is expected of them. It's a simple e-mail telling members what rule changes are up for vote and ask them to reply directly. If a DD can't take 15 minutes to inform their members of rule changes up for vote then they are not very good DDs. Randy you answered your own question!

We are very fortunate in D1 having Luc White as our DD and Tim Kish as our Assistant DD. They are the BEST thing that has happened to our district in a long time. We have gone from a District of 126 members in 2010 to 172 in 2012 and this year we will be close to 200 members. This shows what CAN be done if you have directors who care.

Don. I hear ya buddy. You can vent all you want but also be open for suggestions on how to possibly improve things or solve problems. Sitting back (in an arm chair) and having a ''that's just the way it is'' attitude helps no one.