Hurricane Sandy


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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2009
Hope you guys fare the storm comming good.It looks like a big one.
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I just finished putting the lawn furniture in the garage, tied down the grill,gassed up all 4 cars,cleaned the gutters,beer run,and Sandy can blow till she dies!!! The timing of this sucks though, the halloween trick of treat is cancelled, and the early voting will stop once the power goes out. At least we won't get the 12 inches of snow like W VA and the appalachains area.
Local gas stations are running out of gas here in and batteries are running low at stores my beer.....RED ALERT! We'll see...

I always buy my battires at the auto store for the storms, not many people think of that.
Hang on, hammer! got prepared today. plenty of water, generator serviced & gas, heaters ready & kerosene. all safe in the garage. should be ok for about a week without power. even hooked up the snowplow, we're on the edge of the snow/rain/ice mix.
Getting nasty out and going to get worse, good luck to all in the path of this bad azz storm.

Dick an Carol
be safe, dick& carol! my worst will be tonite & tomorrow. i'm either gonna get it, or be on the edge, depends on the track it takes coming onshore......
Good luck with everything in VA Dick, Carol and Robin....looks like we're gonna get slammed here...8"-10" of rain predicted in DE...pretty much direct hit.

Stay safe,

Gettin' worse here, still not bad. mostly rain, wind starting to pick up, 'bout 30-40 mph. be safe, kent!
We got lucky, just a glancing blow. lots of rain, only 1 tree down that i saw. never even lost power! need to hear from kent & the hammer, you guys ok? hang on new york........
Everything ok here, though I have not ventured out yet. Thanks for the call today Robin...glad you, Dick and Carol and the rest of the VA gang faired well (I hope)...Chilli...I will call you.

Charles...hope you and the MD gang are ok as well....

Hopefully Ray will chime in and let us know he is ok...NJ shore got absolutely pounded...

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All in all, from what I've seen on the local news this morning, MA faired pretty well except for the peninsula and south coast. Only deaths I've heard of in New England were in Conn, four hit by falling trees, got two and two more injured in the hospital
On top of everything else, NBC news did a live shot, NJ has bout 8 to12 inches of sand on the streets left over from tha surge.

Dang Ray check in soon man,


Glad tha rest of ya are Ok !
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