I haven't accused you of stealing anything. I have only pointed out the obvious: Ron's software was out a decade before you even thought about your website. Dig it.
Ron had a buggy piece of software written for Windows 95 for scoring only. It had nothing to do with the internet, and could not take entries. rcRacing events began as an online entry portal only. There was nothing similar at all about them. They performed two different tasks completely. There was and is still nothing like rcRacingEvents. Dig it.
I'm sorry you designed your pages 100% by hand. Here in the 21st century, there are what is called webforms that people use to build websites. Somehow, apparently, you managed to predict what they would look like. Congratulations.
I wrote these pages ten years ago. Anyone who has ever used rcRacingEvents is intimately aware of what they look like. As an IT Engineer and software developer, I am well aware of what a webform is thank you. None at the time existed that suited my needs so rather than crying or giving up I 'rolled my own' (you sound privy to the IT lingo so I thought I'd toss some your way...) The fact that you side setep the issue that he stole my code for the forms and try to ridicule my creating my own is a dead giveaway that you are biased and therefore your entire argument is flawed and artificial...
I'm not really sure what took you so long to develop it, though. It's a rather simple I/O interface with a payment portal. I've got a buddy that's a programmer for Lexis Nexis who could have built it in a couple days, including educating him as to our needs in the application.
rcRacingEvents has been around for over ten years. And it's not so simple to develop (as a layman such as yourself would think) Tools that are commonplace now simply did not exist back then. Oh yeah, Lexis Nexis is one of my clients. I doubt any developer would have told you any such thing. We are really hesitant to give a timeline for anything. Anyway, There have been scores of people over the years that have attempted to duplicate what rcRacingEvents does. They all had stories of a developer that said they could do it in days or weeks. Ten years later and the one that finally does duplicate what rcRacingEvents does is a friggin hack copy. Dig that...
But really........... At the end of the day..... Who cares? Your system is up and running and people are using it (I'd assume). Your retirement plan is safe.
rcRacingEvents was free for ten years. Only recently did I begin to start charging for the service. Since it is a fee that is absorbed by the clubs and is free for contestants to use I felt it only fair to compensate myself for the years of late nights as well as the ISP bandwidth charges. Retirement plan? No sir.
But with that last comment you made, you tipped your hat as to who's camp your really in.
Good day to you sir.