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The Skiff racing in District 12 and other races along the East Coast is very "entertaining" and competitive, to say the least. I would much rather watch the Skiffs than watch the Sport hydro class which at times is like watching a demolition derby with only one or two boats finishing. Not saying this is the case everywhere, but in my opinion I think the Skiffs would be more entertaining to the general public who watch the races at Hobart. If we racer's are going to entertain the public, Hobart is the place to do it.
The Skiff racing in District 12 and other races along the East Coast is very "entertaining" and competitive, to say the least. I would much rather watch the Skiffs than watch the Sport hydro class which at times is like watching a demolition derby with only one or two boats finishing. Not saying this is the case everywhere, but in my opinion I think the Skiffs would be more entertaining to the general public who watch the races at Hobart. If we racer's are going to entertain the public, Hobart is the place to do it.
How bout we put numbers on them and raise some money for Hobart! GAS NITRO FE John Boats cant wee all play together.
The Indy Model Boat Club is primarily a Nitro group, we offer the Gas classes to appease the few racers that run nitro and gas. We have the Hobart venue due to the show we put on for the city and it's residents. The scales and new Thunderboat class are what some folks can relate to from real boats. We saw the Jersey Skiff's run and liked how they look, so at the request of some we added that class and have 3 entered. We have offered other classes in the past and had a dismal showing. We try to offer as many classes as possible, but not have to have everyone running full throttle all weekend to keep up, It's suppost to be a great race of the best drivers and best boats from all over and lots of bench racing in the middle but in the end it's entertaining the crowd and ourselves that's the main goal and if we have some good sponson to sponson racing thrown it's all the better. If you guys have a class that we should be offering, get at least 10 to commit to entering and we will ponder adding another class or two. bj
The Skiff racing in District 12 and other races along the East Coast is very "entertaining" and competitive, to say the least. I would much rather watch the Skiffs than watch the Sport hydro class which at times is like watching a demolition derby with only one or two boats finishing. Not saying this is the case everywhere, but in my opinion I think the Skiffs would be more entertaining to the general public who watch the races at Hobart. If we racer's are going to entertain the public, Hobart is the place to do it.
I'll have to agree with Dick on this one, Skiff's are entertaining to say the least. Watched a few skiff heats up at Celina this spring and it's better than the figure 8 cars at Anderson speedway! Talk about crash em up bang bang!! it was a nightmare for the retrieve boat guys! one of those full of water must weigh 50 pounds. I remember them towing a couple of them in because they couldn't pick them up.
Jersey Skiffs are very entertaining to watch and will keep the residents of Hobart at the fence watching and interested in what we do. We need to keep the residents of Hobart happy! Remember we are their guests.

It is about entertaining the public of Hobart so we can race at a cool place !!!! skiffs are fun to see run :D
Me.. I would just do away with all the gas boats........... :blink: :D

On the other side of the coin you should hear what the gas guys say about nitro -- we are all about boating not driving people away :angry:
Its got a .. :D its a JOKE... "not the right joke for you" [Triumph the insult comic dog]

Sorry that rubbed ya Henry.. not ment to...

Me.. I would just do away with all the gas boats........... :blink: :D

On the other side of the coin you should hear what the gas guys say about nitro -- we are all about boating not driving people away :angry:
Its got a .. :D its a JOKE... "not the right joke for you" [Triumph the insult comic dog]

Sorry that rubbed ya Henry.. not ment to...

Got it Mike --- we are on the same page -- cool -- see ya in Hobart
Watching a 3 boat heat of ANYTHING is not what I would call entertaining.
OK, I'm going to hide my keyboard so I don't say what I really think.
Randy, after watching vids of nlmbc I must have missed all the 6 and 8 boat heats. :huh: You were at Hobart last year and after a 15 year disappearing act your gonna tell them how to run 1 of the best races in the country. Hobart rocks...........==={}
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Hi Ray. Please know your facts before spouting off.

1. I took a 5 year break from the hobby for personal reasons. NOT 15. Why this has any relevance to the topic is beyond me.

2. There were plenty of 6 and 7 boat heats at our NLMBC race. 7 was our max. for safety reasons.

3. I'm NOT telling Hobart how to run their race. I simply asked why a certain (non popular) gas class had its own separate heats and I was given an answer by Mr Jacobs to whom I thanked via PM.
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Here are a couple of more pics of a Jersey Skiff. And yes it will be at Hobart

Jeremy isnt to far off on the "Bath Tub" description.

It may not go as fast as my sport hydro, but it is 10x more fun to drive. But I do feel for the retrieve guys. There are times it is less hassle to tow them back behind the retrieve boat.


