Help with boat ID + more newbie questions


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New Member
Dec 15, 2002

I own many nitro cars/trucks. I never owned a boat. On an impulse, I bought a boat from ebay. The hull is fiberglass, and the length is about 27 inches. It has the 3.5 K&B outboard, and is like new. I was wondering if anyone could identify the manufacturer and model.

It does need some tweaking, the servo horn is not long enough to open the throttle over half way. Also, if you try to turn it to the left at all, the throttle cable gets yanked.


Okay, now some dumb questions.

What fuel should I use? (I was told not to run my O'donnel 20%)

How do you fill with foam? (without overfilling!)

How do you know what prop to use? (currently octura x438)

Do all outboards use a large fuel tank, with a small inline bottle, before going back to the engine? (I'll post a pic if I confused you)

Where is a good online place for parts, such as a throttle cable setup? My LHS don't carry boats, so I'm on my own.

Thanks for any help!
RG--first, let's get your picture up. Go to the 'General RC Boating Forum' and look at the first topic on attachments/pictures how to. Cut and paste a little code, and you should be in business.

Fuel--there's nothing wrong with O'Donnell fuel--several people swear by it. But, use something with 40-60% nitro and you'll really wake up your K&B! Little engines love the hot stuff.


Prop--go here and look at 'recommendations'

Tank--do you mean a hopper tank? Or filter? (a pic may help here)

I use Tower Hobbies (shhhh...don't tell anyone), but your LHS should have throttle cables. Airplane stuff works fine.

Hope this helps........and WELCOME ABOARD!
The foam that I think that he's talking about is for floatation. Use pipe insulation or "Fun-noodles". The X438 should work Okay.

You really need a longer throttle cable, the one for planes is the same one that we use. You must be talking about a hopper tank. I don't like O'Donnell fuel either, it leaves too much crud in my pipes and headers.
Okay, I missed that special picture set up. Let's try this again. Please tell me if it isn't showing yet.


Several people told me to fill the sponsons with that expandable foam that you mix up. Sounds messy. I'll try the noodles, thanks!

What is a hopper tank for?

Thanks again!

The water noodle idea is great...the only drawback possibly being how the foam may react to 'hot' fuel. (over 20%)

I have never tried it, but I would have thought the foam would dissolve or retain oil if you got fuel on it. I have seen people use plastic pop bottles...and in one one by a 20ft piece of monofilament (fishing) line. If the boat sinks in less than 20ft, it would float to the surface. (cool idea in theory I suppose)

I rarely use flotation personally....but over the years have paid twice with unplanned swims/dives and alot of laughter....but was always lucky to find my wreck. (<15ft)

The expansion foam you mix up is not only expensive, but extremely toxic. (Cyanoacrylate+some other crap mixed together)

Cyanoacrylate=CA glue (almost). The Cyan stands for Cyanide...nuff said. If you have to, use the foam in spray cans....its not quite as good....but WAY less toxic.

The water noodles are 0% toxic..and really cheap...and come in cool they are probably the best solution.

Hope this helps.
BE CAREFUL WITH THE SPRAY FOAM!!! I completely destroyed my very first boat with the stuff. It expands so much it will somtimes crack apart the hull!! especially in the forks of a tunnel. I now use the noodle stuff (pipe insulation) it works great, and its cheap. dont know if it will hold up to high nitro or not. Ive never gotten mine wet with it (atleast not to my knowledge). Not saying you cant use the spray, Just dont use too much.

~ James
Looks fast sittin' still!!

I'm with Topfuel on the spray foam. I've never used it in a boat, but when I insulated around my front door with the stuff, it expanded so much that it swelled the frame and the door wouldn't close! I can just imagine what would happen to a fiberglass hull! :eek:

BTW--if a five-time international champion wants to buy your new toy, you may have your hands on something! (sorry Mike ;) )
RG I have used the pipe insulation and the water noodles with 65% nitro and works good. you get beter floatation with the noodles than the pipe insulation. As far as fuel I like redmax with 20% oil and 60% to 65% nitro in the summer. ;D

Wow, thanks for all the help guys!

I'm still undecided on fuel. Everything is frozen, so I'll have some time to think about it. :D

I like the noodle idea, and will use it. Sounds like it will work.

Anyone help me with the hopper tank? Is it to keep constant fuel to the engine without interuption? That's the only thing I can figure.

Grimracer- Thanks with the ID. It kinda looks like the space shuttle mated with the batmobile.

I don't mean to be disrepectful, but I am guessing John Otto is well known in this sport. Is there any place I can find info about it? Is this boat rare? I don't want to sell it, but if I try this hobby out and don't like it, I'll make you a deal. ;)

Again, thanks guys, this place is the best boat place around!
I won a many a race with this hull called a trophy tunnel by john otto in the mid 80s .The hot setup was K&B 3.5, equi pipe, red carb . we would run in lake charles L.A.. this boat was dominate in 3.5 class and aerotech was dominante in 7.5 class. just thought I would ad my two cents.
I used to race this boat in the early to mid 80s The hot setup was a K&B3.5 with equi pipe and red carb. I won the very first race I enterd with this boat .this boat was the hot boat in 3.5 and the aerotech was hot in 7.5. We raced in lake charles L.A . just thought I would ad my two cents.
Nice boat.

Now the pipe insulation works great, holds up to water and high nitro. I KNOW. The foam stuff, I would stay away from it. to much problems with it, expanding.

If you can get 40-60 red max thats the fuel i run.

I was out today and was running cool power 40, Engine just didnt want to run good, put in some Maxxie and woke it up.