Hallam Marine Hobby


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"The workmanship portion of CMB's warranty will be 90 days from date of purchase providing the engines has not been taken apart or tempered with in any way whatsoever."

The above seems to me to be an escape clause for CMB. Want to look inside to see if there is any shrapnel inside? OK, go ahead but we'll void the warranty! They're not the only ones who have this. Read the fine print that comes with a K&B. I'd bet that there are a lot more that don't want you to peek inside.

I'm not going to side with anyone here nor are my intentions to do so. Besides that, Mike Hallam is one big boy!
I suspect they all have the disassembly disclaimer. It protects them from stupid people who take an anegine apart but don't know how to put it back together. At least K&B has a warranty (1 year), OS doesn't even provide one on most of their marine engines.

Next time buy a MAC motor instead. I broke a crank pin on a new motor after about four runs on it, called CMDi and let them know what happened. They sent a new crank and rod as it had been damaged as well. Was shipped priority and they wanted to know if they shouldsend a new P/L as well.

Now thats customer service.
I agree on this one. I just got my MAC .45 back from Andy. I won't go into the details, but I'll just say that he did a great job at a very fair price.
I guess everyone has heard one side of the story. I know Steve Peterson would have responded but he is away on a 2 week vacation. Ten minutes after I sold the engines to Mike, he had one installed in a rigger to test the day before the race. He had not even taken it part or checked head clearance. He wanted to race it the next day. Whatever happened to breaking an engine in first??? Was I hesitant to do something for Mike? Not at all. I took both engines back from Mike to inspect them. Upon taking the first engine apart, I found it full of chewed up fuel line. I'm sure that had something to do with the engine being tight and not wanting to keep running. I talked to Steve Peterson who many of you know does excellent engine work on CMB engines. We spent almost 4 hours on both engines and ran 22 ounces of fuel through each engine on the test stand. We took them apart, inspected them and oiled them down. Engines were sent back to Mike. No charge from me for Steve's work or the return shipping by overnight courier. Now Mike immediately puts the engines in a twin hull. They are still not broken in. Who knows what happened to one of the engines. Apparently it ran for 15 seconds and quit. You decide if that's possible!! When I had it returned to me, Steve and I took it apart and found the crank, bearings and rod needles were completely black. One woudl have top knwo there is somethign wrong before an engine looked this bad. The cranks, rods and needles are the same in the 67 as the 80 and there have been no problems this year that I am aware of. I contacted CMB by email and am still awaiting their response. After mulling this over, my intent was to replace parts with or without CMB's blessing or get CMB to commit to a brand new engine. Unfortunately Mike wanted an overnight response and I was not ready to commit that quickly. You don't have to be a genius to understand why Tidewater would get Mike parts rigtht away. Don't you think they will have some recourse with CMB?

Just thought I'd give a snapshot from my side without lowering myself with mudslinging.
First of all you had the motors for a month and steve had one motor done when i talked to him but didn't do the other motor until the night before he sent them to me he ran 1 of the motor's and would finish the other in the morning and send it to me, he sent it threw NAPA his auto part's dealer store so it wouldn't cost anything and i would have them right away which was fine .

I opened up the motor's before i used them and if Mike had of been in my pit area he would have seen that and before i gave him the motor's back i had them opened agian i don't now were he seen tubing in the motor's because there wasn't any when they left my hand's.

And if you were going to do anything than why did you say that you were not going to do anything for me on the phone before you sent my junk back that you sold me.

I bought 2 MAC 84 motor's put them in my twin broke them in and they didn't blow up and if they did i'm sure that Andy would have taken care of me.

And i did put the motor's in a single boat to break them in at you race on test day and race day i wasn't there to win i wanted to break them in.

One of the motor boxes was open when i got it and the motor had a glo plug in it these were to be B/N motor's .

Now Mike immediately puts the engines in a twin hull. They are still not broken in. Who knows what happened to one of the engines. Apparently it ran for 15 seconds and quit. You decide if that's possible!!

Well it is possible if it started having problem's when they were test run with out steve noticeing but he only test ran 1 motor and didn't have tim to test the other motor before he sent them

After mulling this over, my intent was to replace parts with or without CMB's blessing or get CMB to commit to a brand new engine. Unfortunately Mike wanted an overnight response and I was not ready to commit that quickly.

It's been a month and a half that's when you should have takin care of this with new motor's or my money back not with these are used motor's know and there's nothing you can do for me except to repair 2 B/N MOTOR'S

In one conversation you asked if i was still intrested in two other motor's that i wanted to send these back for and in another conversation we told you that Tidewater WOULD HAVE TAKEN CARE OF THIS WITH NEW MOTORS and you said you pocket's weren't as deep as there's, And then you didn't and were not going to do anything for me.

OH and by the way i ran my 67 CMB and my 80 RS motor this weekend with that same fuel and guess what those motor's ran fine .

If you send me a new motor i will send this motor back to you. It's your call !!!!!!

i don't see anything good from this post....... should I lock it?
Tom i think that everybody has a right to now what happen's to other's so they don't have to go threw the same thing.

And there is only fact's and no verbal swearing i've seen alot worse thread on here than this .

I will tone it down know and wait for Mike's reply and i will keep it to the point and simple with no mudslinging
i don't see anything good from this post....... should I lock it?
Tom, I do not think this forum is the place to air out this type of issue. I think you should lock this post because even if Mike C is wrong, it still hurts Mike Hallam and Mike C has nothing to loose. Put yourself in each of their shoes and you will see that it's not a fare way to settle the matter.
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Hey Joe what do you think a fair way is to settle this by Mike Hallam telling me there's nthing he will do for me .

I hope this never happen's to you but if it does than you will now what i am going threw maybe you have so much money that somthing like this wouldn't bother you .

Mike had ample time to correct this problem with me he choose not to so i brought it to everbodies attention
Well i have received a PM from Mike Hallam and i'm not going to post it but i would like to say at no time did Steve Peterson do any wrong and i guess Mike . H . thinks that .

The motor failed not steve's work on the motor's i don't now why Mike. H. want's to bring steve into this i didn't even name him in my original post Mike .H. brought his name into this and i didn't buy the motor's from steve i bought them from HALLAM MARINE HOBBY.

Mike i don't have a problem with paying you for the gal. of fuel that you think broke the one motor but will you come good on relacing or refunding my money for at least one of the motor's

I think that the chrome on the crank was not rite.

We can end this right now it's up to you.
I have been watching this thread and Locking it does no good. Everyone has a right to post his/her's side of the story which has happened. As an outsider looking in I feel that all that would have been nessesary to avoid any problem becoming more complicated than it has to be is straight COMUNICATION. If both parties would have made clear what their intentions were to solving this concern I feel it would never have come to this. It looks to me that three people are involved and only two should be. Buyer/Seller. I have never delt with Hallam Marine, Have I heard things like this from him NO. Have I heard of people that are not very happy with their dealings with him, Sure You can't please everyone all the time no matter how hard you try.

Could this have been handled better Sure. DO I feel that dispite this thread both people will come to a mutually aceptable solution YES. I hope neither people loose focus on why we do this hobby. I also hope we have a short winter and get back to doing what we love best. Good luck all
Mike has always been fair with me. Doug Shepherd/DPS Racing Madison,In.
I agree with Tom on this matter it should be locked,A mans good rep is on the line this subject is not sitting to good with some people for Mike 28 years of hard work and dedication to this hobby and out of that time I,myself been in boating now for 6years and all my business has gone to Hallam marine hobby and also my brother-in-law who dealt with mike years before I did, has NEVER heard any complaints or bad mouthing about hallam marine hobby service or other wise.Just to clear one thing though Mike C was wondering how Steve Peterson's name came about thats easy ALL MIKE HALLAMS ENGINE WORK IS DONE BY STEVE. Steves the best at it so mike lets him do the engine work (get it right)Also has anyone read the warranty of any engine from CmB???Well if not then maybe you should read that folded up paper that comes with the engine ehhhhhh, :p
Hey Joe what do you think a fair way is to settle this by Mike Hallam telling me there's nthing he will do for me .

I hope this never happen's to you but if it does than you will now what i am going threw maybe you have so much money that somthing like this wouldn't bother you .

Mike had ample time to correct this problem with me he choose not to so i brought it to everbodies attention
Yes Mike I've had a few motors break over the years but I didn't attack or blame the dealer. I've been able to draw a distinction between the dealer and the manufacturer and considered the manufactoring process to be the problem so I went to them for assistance.

I'm curious why you aren't mad at CMB since you said the problem was with the chroming process. Unless CMB is giving Arthur different motors than Mike, how do you expect to solve the problem by changing dealers? In every form of racing I've been involved in, I've never seen a dealer offer higher protection than the manufacturer. As a matter of fact most companies including Honda offers no warranty on racing engines at all. As I see it you had several options that were better than what you chose.

1. Go to CMB for assistance.

2. Pursue it in a civil court.

3. Switch brands of motors and put it past you.

Instead, you've blammed Mike when he didn't cause the problem. CMB did. I'm sure you already contemplated the choices above but realized that you would not prevail in the first 2 so you chose to exploit Mike Hallam.
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