I went to my first gun show today looking for "stuff" for my small collection. Got there 2 hours early and was about 50th in line, by the time the doors opened @ 9am I conservatively figure the line was at least 2,500 deep as it snaked through the rather large parking lot. I went by myself and when I got in line I didn't know a soul around me. Within 30 minutes there was a bunch of us talking and laughing it up like we'd known each other for years, even found out two of the guys work downtown 1/2 block from where I work. Got inside after what seemed like an eternity (it was cold this morning) and it was like a feeding frenzy in a shark tank, a shoulder to shoulder rolling sea of humanity. I felt like I was at the mall on Christmas Eve with one big exception- NO ONE ACTED LIKE AN A-HOLE!! Everyone was polite and friendly, unafraid to make eye contact and say hi to a total stranger. Someone would just even lightly bump into you and instantly you heard excuse me, sorry 'bout that, etc. If you were trying to see something on one of the many display tables people would make room for you without hesitation. An older gentleman with a walker came down one aisle and people made room for him like the parting of the Red Sea. Male, female, white, black it didn't matter these people were just downright friendly, a far cry from the bloody thirsty heathen lunatics the current administration tries to paint the pro gun crowd out to be. Really had a good time, saw some seriously cool stuff and spent a little more $$ than I had planned but it was well worth it and restored a little faith in people.