Gotta love getting screwed


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john schultheis

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
like the title says gotts love getting screwed and not in a good way either i recently traded a guy here on IW a nice JAE 12 RTR for 3 inboard engines 2 were K/B 7.5 and one was an old ops 21 the ops was decent considering age but the K/B were not at all what i was told i was told they were good running engines with new parts.....HAHA ya right i opened them up just like i do with all my engines one had a big chunk missing from the connecting rod and the other had a broken crank shaft guess i need to just stop getting used stuff from IW and ebay
Here we go again Ive told the mods that people are getting crazy with what they are selling on IW. Lying and selling garbage for peoples real money. It wont be taken serious till someone gets hurt playing with money. The economy is not built for this S&^T right now im tellin ya! looks like small claims are going to be on the rise.
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Only buy and sell from legitimate members that have a track record here and show signs of Engine Intelligence !! PM others and get their opinions of the seller . All engine sellers should offer a refund policy after inspection by the buyer . Sorry this has become a burden to you and Tom Moorhouse .
keep it up and Tom will stop us from selling people come on now!fasle warranty claims to can become an issue we just need to be HONEST with one another in selling and trading. John just kindly write a letter expessing your dis satisfaction and ask for a return auth number. If no results repeat the same letter except make it certified after than just take it to SC court they will have to pay all the incured fees. Gtta start playing hardball on bs sellers.
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like the title says gotts love getting screwed and not in a good way either i recently traded a guy here on IW a nice JAE 12 RTR for 3 inboard engines 2 were K/B 7.5 and one was an old ops 21 the ops was decent considering age but the K/B were not at all what i was told i was told they were good running engines with new parts.....HAHA ya right i opened them up just like i do with all my engines one had a big chunk missing from the connecting rod and the other had a broken crank shaft guess i need to just stop getting used stuff from IW and ebay
There are always a few bad apples in the barrell, but a huge percentage of good people. Lots of us have tons of old K&B parts & engines. Post pics and details of exactly what parts you need and if I have them they are yours for just postal shippng costs. James Beasley
thats cool and nice but that aint the deal thats extra shipping on him. Now fellas there is no need to bring it up if you wont initiate the proper action to rectify it. Thats called a drama queen. No need to get folks stirred up if you unwilling to take action. if you wont take action swallow it in silence. just how I work.
Only buy and sell from legitimate members that have a track record here and show signs of Engine Intelligence !! PM others and get their opinions of the seller . All engine sellers should offer a refund policy after inspection by the buyer . Sorry this has become a burden to you and Tom Moorhouse .
Tom is right.... But its hard for some members especially new ones to know who is a legitimate member.

It does take time to know what people are worth trusting

I hate seeing threads like this, but unfortunately it seems to just be common place anymore. Ive had one motor I sold to a guy (I had ran it once, and pickled it up and set it on the shelf). I didnt hear anything about the motor, so figured all was good. I see the guy some 5 years later and he comes up to me telling me I sold him a piece of junk, rusty motor (which Im pretty certain never left my possession that way) but I felt like bottom of the barrel trash. Even if I was pretty certain it was good, the fact he had a problem with it, made me feel horrible. Granted it was 5 years between dealings, so who really knows. Anyhow If its not good enough for me to personally run, I wouldnt dare try and pass it off to someone else.

There are great people here. And PMing around to some of the trusted members here (you can tell which ones they are just by watching a few threads) is always a good idea. I know I have personally helped a few guys out there way, one of them happened to buy an OS outboard from Mr. Foley. I was helping a new guy setup a tunnel, and he had asked me about one Tom had for sale. Knowing of Tom, and how he takes care of his stuff, it was easy for me to assure the guy it would be a great condition motor.

Dont be scared to PM any of us here. Most of us are more then willing to help!
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OK ..... for Instance... This has nothing to do with me because it happens all the time.....

My customers when able, send me paypal gift Why???? Because of the dealings I've had with other people. I would take a loss If I/they felt they were not represented. There are many like me.

Like James said A Few bad Apples spoil it
The person that "D'ed" me was "suppose" to be reputable the point is what to do after youve been screwed? The only way to ensure no bs 100% is to buy new otherwise it is a trusting game, the person you use as a refrence aint gonna make it right if you get played like a banjo regaurdless..The proper and correct thing to do is not make issue here but to kindly call or write the person telling them - well you know the drill. If you take legal action those step will be the first thing the Judge inquires "what steps did you take to get your money back or the promised product delivered". if you act like a fool not even the courts will help you. Its a process and if you do it correctly you will almost certainly get your money back.
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It is getting to the point where you are afraid to buy anything here or e-bay. i have a boat i was going to put on here for sale but nobody knows me it more than likely will not sell.
just my opinion but maybe u can add pic's to ur post that alone can make a big differance . i been in the hobby a long time and here a while now . have seen these people go way beyond an above the call to help others out . I think all the rc boating sites need to do is get together and post right when u come on a list who is bad by real names right when u enter the opion area . like me lose the fake names leaves less room to hide LOL . like others say just my two cents This is a great site far more often then not . thanks to many who do try keep it that way
Guys, is a pretty big deal. no way is everyone on here a true racing gentleman. you do need to make sure your buying from someone that is trustworthy. I have no method of screening out good guys from bad guys. If you have a bad deal you can let me know. If I see a pattern where that person has several bad deals then maybe I can do something. I've also been looking in to a seller reputation system but can't find a good one.
There has been a change here over the years and it comes from just the shear volume of members we now have. I do remember days when I knew that if I bought something from someone here I would have no problem, and it worked that way for a long time. Then one day,.. KAPOWW Got bagged.. The reality is that there are still very many fantastic people here to deal with. Asking for references doesn't always pan out either.. but, be are still blessed with a fantastic site and and large population of elite level model boater that are very willing to help us with anything we need.

I'm sorry for your lose,.. but keep faith in our site.. but be careful and get lots of pictures.. I bought an engine once that looked like it was new.. turned out it was actually too clean,.. and had been in a sonic bath or something to make it look fantastic.. it had no compression!!
......... I've also been looking in to a seller reputation system but can't find a good one.
That a great idea Tom. You already have a huge foundation of model boaters and my suggestion would be to incorporate a complete bidding/auctioneer system that includes seller reputation feedback tools. This would take place of you existing "for sale" section and as long as it was setup to eliminate the online direct purchasing function, the liability would still be between the buyer and seller for fund transactions, as that seems to be where you want to be...... ;)
That a great idea Tom. You already have a huge foundation of model boaters and my suggestion would be to incorporate a complete bidding/auctioneer system that includes seller reputation feedback tools. This would take place of you existing "for sale" section and as long as it was setup to eliminate the online direct purchasing function, the liability would still be between the buyer and seller for fund transactions, as that seems to be where you want to be...... ;)
If you want an auction/bid and feedback deal then that's what Ebay is for, International Waters is not the place. All in all I/W has had very few issues compared to the volume of stuff that trades hands on here day in and day out. There will always be bad apples, sour deals, failed expectations and such no matter what system you use or where you go. Not trying to pick on ya Ron but honestly we've got enough to keep track of around here, no need to add to the pile in my opinion.
I'm with Don, If you want an auction go to ebay. Bottom line there are bad guys here, ebay, craigs list, ETC. I have bought and sold here and other places and I have had good luck. I seem to have more problems with shipping companies than with sellers. PM them, call them out or forget about it and learn from it. There are way more good people on I/W than Bad. Fortunately we some times have to deal with the bad people to find out who they are. Just my 2 cents. Ryon Shaw
That a great idea Tom. You already have a huge foundation of model boaters and my suggestion would be to incorporate a complete bidding/auctioneer system that includes seller reputation feedback tools. This would take place of you existing "for sale" section and as long as it was setup to eliminate the online direct purchasing function, the liability would still be between the buyer and seller for fund transactions, as that seems to be where you want to be...... ;)
If you want an auction/bid and feedback deal then that's what Ebay is for, International Waters is not the place. All in all I/W has had very few issues compared to the volume of stuff that trades hands on here day in and day out. There will always be bad apples, sour deals, failed expectations and such no matter what system you use or where you go. Not trying to pick on ya Ron but honestly we've got enough to keep track of around here, no need to add to the pile in my opinion.
Thats true Don. It would require a lot more attention and maintenance for sure... ;)
I have had good luck on here, but I never buy or sell anything unless I can talk to the other person on the phone for a few minutes. Ask a lot of questions and request good pics. Communication is the key. Phil