Gotta love getting screwed


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Ive had good success here but I agree a warranty system or anything like that only make the mods job harder. It comes back to what I said if you by used its a trusting game if you get burned its between you and that individual to handle in a LEGAL manner it outta IW's hands. Follow your gut if it seems to good to be true then it is. And ask for a written out invoice of whats being sold and the price that may help individual buyers so they have record of what the deal was supposed to be.I do believe tho that if a seller is reported here more than 3 times then they should suffer a selling time out or something. My experience has been 99 percent good and 1 percent bad.
I've had good dealings with those that I have bought from in here. I was bitten last year by a member who I fronted a good $170.00 worth of stuff to but it wasn't done in here. After almost a year, I still haven't seen a cent. The pisser is that I treated this person well including taking him and his wife out to dinner twice and picking up the tab both times plus other things.

There was one person who I noticed in here on the OB tunnel forum whose name rang a bell for some reason so I went and did a little research and sure enough, found out that this person was a well-known rip-off artist on some other forum sites. I let Tom, Don and possibly Julian about this person and from what I've seen, is no longer a member here.

To the new guy in here that posted on page one; most of us don't know you so someone may be leery of buying from you. If there is someone on this site who has your back, that will help. I try to be a trusting soul as I have sent things that I have sold before receiving any money.
Unless someone has done something wrong I cant agree with that coz I would have never made a dime here. I was allowed to sell from day one and thats what makes IW good. If Tom collected 1 percent of all we make on IW hed be rich and could leave this site forever. It is a privilege to be able to sell here and people need not abuse it point blank. Ron Olsen what goes around comes around dont even worry about it. Good things come to good people youll have your day of blessings - IT WAS WRITTEN!
I hate when they just don't get back to you and money has been sent. Sent a few messages on shipment info or date and nothing. Hope i don't have to add to this discussion.
