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HJ (quotes)Ron, I don't need to be caged with her in a room to be in to know that she's a self important blow hard and I'll leave it at that.

HJ your the king of blow hards...JWO as for saying JW should been charged with lane violation.. Dave should been DQ for hitting JW boat..Like Model boating,you hit a boat your DQ! Joe dont care for villwock after madison races. Didnt like that joe moded a ex Miss Ellam into the U-1 Oberto.
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Anybody that even knows the slightest bit about hydroplane racing knows about Dave Villwock and his temper tantrums but you can't automatically assume that he's guilty every time he's involved in any sort of racing incident. I'm just posting what I saw and like I said, the same stuff goes on in NASCAR Sprint Cup racing. In that sport sometimes even those racers following right behind a crah didn't know what happened. Things happen quickly at the speeds that those guys are running and there's no brake pedal.

I've tried to be neutral in every posting where I've seemed to be in the middle of between the two of you but just from my perspective, I've got to side with HJ this time no matter how I or anyone else feels about Dave Villwock. Go back, watch the video again and leave your bias at the door. Remember, I know how hard-headed that you are but you also know how much I like you and Joe.

Oh yeah, have him give me a call.
"You few on here that think you know what the @#%$ you are talking about cracks me up. Dave is a great driver and designer and knows how to set up a boat. Hands down he is one of the best. Chip would not have done what he did with out Dave doing his set-ups. Same with the Leland boats. As for the Gold cup-- JW was in the wrong and should have been called for lane violation. Just like the Models you are to hold yur lane, assigned or not. He did not do that."

BINGO !!!! Well said. I doubt very much that Villwock or any other Unlimited Driver is on here reading or taking tips. If you want to RANT - - why don't you find Villwock or "whomever" and do it face to face??? I'd like to see pictures of that. CHEERS !!! Bob Johnson
I have told Villwock many times to his face, that I dont like him and the reasons why. Ill be in Tri-Cities, just like I have been for the last 31 years, so Ill be sure to tell him again face to face, although he isnt man enough to talk, he just walks away and hides in his trailer, my son asked for is autograph last year, and Villwock blew him off, just like he does all his fans. HE IS A PUNK. Ill get a Flip video this year and show you what Im talking about, you cant even talk to him as a freind, without him strutting around like everyones out to get him.

I will agree Villwock knows how to set-up a boat with the best of them, but he is not the best Hydro driver, nor is he top 5. Theres a reason why people have enemies, and alot of people in the NW dont like him, for a reason. All I can say is in Tri-Cities he has little or no fan-base.

OK my Villwock RANT is over.
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Okay, I just watched several of the videos MULTIPLE TIMES and this is what I deduced from them:

JW in the U-37 DID tighten up his turn at the apex of the Roostertail Turn, and it is possible that he was trying to avoid the boat in lane 3 as that boat also appeared to have tightened up in it's turn to stay in the racing area

JW in the U-37 DID leave Villwock in the U-96 a lane

Villwock in the U-96 DIDN'T tighten up his turn to avoid contact until too late, even though he had to be able to see the U-37 had clearly tightened his since Villwock was in a TRAILING INSIDE POSITION and the U-37 was right in front of him during the turn. I SUSPECT HIS MOTIVE WAS TO DRAW A PENALTY ON THE U-37, though it might have been that Villwock wasn't paying attension to what was happening to his right and got surprised

The U-37's skid fin was clearly not damaged in the Roostertail Turn frackass as it was visibly holding the boat at speed through the bridge turn twice as shown in other videos on the site JWO posted a link to

My conclussion from the above is that JW Meyers did change his turn radius and Dave Villwock's failure to react caused the bump WHICH DID NOT DAMAGE THE U-37's SKIDFIN. Whether or not JW Meyers changed his turn radius at the apex to avoid the outside boat is not an issue as he clearly cut down on the amount of room Villwock had to take the corner in, though he did leave a clear lane for the U-96 in the Roostertail Turn. Dave Villwock should have been able to avoid contact and still make as good, if not better start than he did.
Hey it is over. It is in the past onto the next! Tri-Cities here we come lets go racing bogity bogity.