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Just went back and looked at the picture of the U-37. As I said , the boat is repairable and COULD be ready for Tri-Cities in two weeks. What it's going to take to repair the boat is replace the canard, the front spar, the front main spar and part, if not all of of both canoes. The driver's capsule may be repairable as well, but it's hard to say without seeing it up close. Replacing it would be my choise as well. Since the center section of the boat wasn't badly damaged aft of the main spar, the boat could be running in two weeks, pending any underdeck damage
Hope they have a backup hull.
They have a backup hull and a new one as well. However, the back up was stripped of parts for the new one and the new one is a long ways away from ready.

This boat is toast. Most likly they find a hull to lease from somebody or transfer the sponsorship to someone else. Maybe the U-17?
dont think U-17. because on there website RedDot is subposed to be back as the main sponsor at the Detroit race....Circus circus (quotes) I will think positive, or try too now that crybaby Villwock just won.

Hey Villwock, even if you break Chips and Bills records your still not top 5 in my book.

Now thats funny!!!!!!! :lol: Crybaby is a understatement.. :eek: He wasnt to happy when a guy saw Joes Gas mod Proboat U-1 Oberto hydro and said that looks like it was miss Ellam.. Joe said it was.. Villwock wasnt to happy about that from the looks of his face and attude. :p B)
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Yes Thunder is not going to happen. Went from not having the Unlimited's then Sam Cole said they will run the GP boats, Now there's No boats coming.

Here what(Thunder on the Ohio) going to be: Budweiser Cydesdales ,Select 55 Hot Air Balloon Music Entertainment, 5K Run, and BBQ fest with local competitors and a block party. Nothing Thunder about that. It's all to help raise money to get the Boats back hopefully next year. So going to be postive about it. The Group that's putting this on is trying.
Jane Schuamcher announced today on KONA radio in the Tri-Cities that they will be leasing a boat from Fred Leland for the next two races.

Later the radio station conjectured that Jean Theoret will be the driver.
Jane Schuamcher announced today on KONA radio in the Tri-Cities that they will be leasing a boat from Fred Leland for the next two races.

Later the radio station conjectured that Jean Theoret will be the driver.
Yes, I believe the U-50, ran as the NAVY boat couple years back, thats the rumor anyway :rolleyes:

Did you guys and gals see the latest pictures of dope VILLWOCK ramming into the side of the U-37 at Detroit, and no call :angry:
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Do you have a link to that? That's a pretty serious accusation that could cost Villwock his win if it can be proved to be factual
Do you have a link to that? That's a pretty serious accusation that could cost Villwock his win if it can be proved to be factual
Now that would be twise Villwock hitting boats.. sounds like to me sombody is getting despret of wanting to win.
Okay, Misshydro, when was the the first time Villwock INTENSIONALLY hit someone and can you show us a valid link to back up your claim?
Okay, Misshydro, when was the the first time Villwock INTENSIONALLY hit someone and can you show us a valid link to back up your claim?
How about pics to back it up! He was the cause of the U-37 to wreck. He rode up on U-37 A**!!!The cry baby shouldve gotton DQ for it!!
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Why don't you two get a room, a big one where there's a fighting cage! :D

I don't see how Dave intentionally hit another boat. What good would that do him? What little that could be seen in the 2 videos all I could see was rough water and roostertails. There are basically 2 people who know what really happened and they're not on this site that I know of.

Full-sized hydroplane racing is and has been on a downhill slide the past few years. It seems to have died but nobody has bothered to bury it yet. Maybe Budweiser saw it happening years ago.
Why don't you two get a room, a big one where there's a fighting cage! :D

I don't see how Dave intentionally hit another boat. What good would that do him? What little that could be seen in the 2 videos all I could see was rough water and roostertails. There are basically 2 people who know what really happened and they're not on this site that I know of.

Full-sized hydroplane racing is and has been on a downhill slide the past few years. It seems to have died but nobody has bothered to bury it yet. Maybe Budweiser saw it happening years ago.
There going to use the U-100 miss picco american hull.. all info on
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OK, I went to the site, read a lot then watched the video. From my point of view, JW was in the wrong, not Dave. JW went from lane 2 to lane 1 without enough room to complete the pass. Dave would have eaten a lot of roostertail and had no room to avoid collision. Yes, I replayed it several times. I don't know how many times I've seen the very same thing in NASCAR races.
OK, I went to the site, read a lot then watched the video. From my point of view, JW was in the wrong, not Dave. JW went from lane 2 to lane 1 without enough room to complete the pass. Dave would have eaten a lot of roostertail and had no room to avoid collision. Yes, I replayed it several times. I don't know how many times I've seen the very same thing in NASCAR races.
thats your opion. My opion Dave was wrong.
I dont think Villwock intentionally hit the 37 but thats a foul and a DQ if you ask me. Had the blind officials called it, Villwock would never had been asigned lane one in the final, and the outcome couldve been different. Oh well, everyone knows you never beat the best VILLWOCK, go take your Gold Cup and stick it :angry: We need Chip Hanauer to come out of retirement and SPANK your BUTT, and show you what a real hydro drivers about. :D
And whats this assigned lane business about, the GOLD CUP has always been fight for your lane choice?

SIDE RANT: Thanks Villwock for the killing the CIRCUS CIRCUS sponsership, your the only retard driver to flip a boat before the start of a race. I HATE YOU, and wish you would go away far away from the NW.
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You few on here that think you know what the @#%$ you are talking about cracks me up. Dave is a great driver and designer and knows how to set up a boat. Hands down he is one of the best. Chip would not have done what he did with out Dave doing his set-ups. Same with the Leland boats. As for the Gold cup-- JW was in the wrong and should have been called for lane violation. Just like the Models you are to hold yur lane, assigned or not. He did not do that.
"You few on here that think you know what the @#%$ you are talking about cracks me up. Dave is a great driver and designer and knows how to set up a boat. Hands down he is one of the best. Chip would not have done what he did with out Dave doing his set-ups. Same with the Leland boats. As for the Gold cup-- JW was in the wrong and should have been called for lane violation. Just like the Models you are to hold yur lane, assigned or not. He did not do that."

BINGO !!!! Well said. I doubt very much that Villwock or any other Unlimited Driver is on here reading or taking tips. If you want to RANT - - why don't you find Villwock or "whomever" and do it face to face??? I'd like to see pictures of that. CHEERS !!! Bob Johnson
Like or Dislike Dave He's done a lot for the sport. I've been going to Thunder on the Ohio since the 90's, those where great racing years. When he drove the Pico he was one of the guys that could beat the Bud team. He's a good driver an has shown that with winning a lot of races. I dislike him when he acts like a baby when he's not winning an he needs to check his ego sometimes. You can't win them all an there are other good driver's in the sport that would like to win too. As for the wreak there pictures and video's of it and there's some pointing fingers that it was JW fault some say it's Dave's. Only way to really know is that H1 Unlimited would need to get video from the air to see which boat went into there lane. I will say that Dave Vilwock does get aggressive sometimes. Thunder of 09 he tryed coming into Steve David lane,but Steve hit a roller which caused his boat to bounce out of his lane. Then Dave had to turn to avoid hitting him,which then Dave hit the roller an went over. Steve was DQ,which I didn't agree with. Just glad to see JW was Ok with only a broke foot.
Why don't you two get a room, a big one where there's a fighting cage! :D

I don't see how Dave intentionally hit another boat. What good would that do him? What little that could be seen in the 2 videos all I could see was rough water and roostertails. There are basically 2 people who know what really happened and they're not on this site that I know of.

Full-sized hydroplane racing is and has been on a downhill slide the past few years. It seems to have died but nobody has bothered to bury it yet. Maybe Budweiser saw it happening years ago.
Ron, I don't need to be caged with her in a room to be in to know that she's a self important blow hard and I'll leave it at that.

Misshydro, I asked you to give us a link with proof that Villwock hit the U-37. The picture you posted show only that someone didn't hold their lane, not who. I tried to go into the U-37 site and was denied by the server due to it being over it's band width. As for the skid fin, that was most likely due to metal fatigue as skid fins and brackets have been known to break over the years. If you were to count how many times that bracket has been loaded and unloaded over the years by 3.5 tons of boat weight slammed into it at 200MPH going around the corner, then computing the actual load of well over 100 tons of pressure, it's surprising more haven't failed. To say that it failed due to being hit by another boat is reaching to place blame on Villwock where there may not actually be any, especially if Ron is correct in his reading of the videos.
You few on here that think you know what the @#%$ you are talking about cracks me up. Dave is a great driver and designer and knows how to set up a boat. Hands down he is one of the best. Chip would not have done what he did with out Dave doing his set-ups. Same with the Leland boats. As for the Gold cup-- JW was in the wrong and should have been called for lane violation. Just like the Models you are to hold yur lane, assigned or not. He did not do that.