Gas Lobster Boat Losing Speed In The Turns


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This is a very interesting thread since I should be getting my cowl from Phil in the mail tomorrow! YEAH!!! Paying attention to your woes and will think what is done carefully as I put it all together.. Can I ask you what engine are you running and what did you do about the Jet Exhaust Pipe??? Email me at [email protected] and let me pic your brain and compare what we have together??? I have concerns of how to fit the rear wing on??


Pat I can send you a rear wing setup sheet for that boat in 1/8th scale works the same for the gas boat.
image (3).jpg

I filled the inside of the hull with 1/4" bass wood and glassed in the entire hull with epoxy glass. It may be heavy but it held up well when the boat rolled. It twisted the boat so bad I got a few stress cracks in the paint and bent the rods for the wings. But the boat held up well.

My understanding you had the Mike Luszc hull?? I misread that thought I seen aluminum sponson rods?? My Bad.. I have a K30RZ for mine it's the only engine I can afford with a rear exhaust.. I see you have the rear pads I'm sticking with the '89 Winston with no sponsons on the rear. I take it you recommend getting a Tyndall Turn Fin?? I like Dick will contact him when I get to that stage!!



My understanding you had the Mike Luszc hull?? I misread that thought I seen aluminum sponson rods?? My Bad.. I have a K30RZ for mine it's the only engine I can afford with a rear exhaust.. I see you have the rear pads I'm sticking with the '89 Winston with no sponsons on the rear. I take it you recommend getting a Tyndall Turn Fin?? I like Dick will contact him when I get to that stage!!


This is a basic frame kit and I modified it quite a bit . I beefed it up with the boom tubes after talking to Phil Thomas and others. I would REALLY recomend the rear pads! My boat launches and mills very easily and I dont think it would otherwise.
Nice video & pic , yes you can see the boat labouring coming off the turn then it would be back on it over halfway down the back straight, to me it seems slightly over propped for that circuit, the boat looks good though. What is the actual length of your boat Wes?
Its a monster. Somewhere around 5'4" I think. And ya it is a bit over propped. I got the CG closer and that helps. My son James watched the video and he thinks I'm not letting the boat "set" in turn 1 and the more I watch the video I think he's right. I always let off a little in the second turn and my exit speed is way better. I guess I need to cut back on my adrennylin shots before the
Monster is right lol 61 inches of hull length , the ml boat kits for gas scale are 20% over from 1/8 scale so they are smaller than yours & mine , I have started on building the sponsons & the wings first then I will make the rear shoes & the wings for the rear+ canards before I make the hull it's self, your pic confirms my thoughts of setup for the rear shoes as of the plan can be a bit confusing as to how it's done, if you dont mind Wes could you post some pics of your sponson running surfaces to show how you have done it.
that video was posted by by Aaron Johnson, he has lots of video on rivercityracingclub facebook page
Monster is right lol 61 inches of hull length , the ml boat kits for gas scale are 20% over from 1/8 scale so they are smaller than yours & mine , I have started on building the sponsons & the wings first then I will make the rear shoes & the wings for the rear+ canards before I make the hull it's self, your pic confirms my thoughts of setup for the rear shoes as of the plan can be a bit confusing as to how it's done, if you dont mind Wes could you post some pics of your sponson running surfaces to show how you have done it.
I would hold off making the rear shoes till I had the hull done. They have to fit to 3 different angles of the boats hull.
Its a monster. Somewhere around 5'4" I think. And ya it is a bit over propped. I got the CG closer and that helps. My son James watched the video and he thinks I'm not letting the boat "set" in turn 1 and the more I watch the video I think he's right. I always let off a little in the second turn and my exit speed is way better. I guess I need to cut back on my adrennylin shots before the
Monster is right lol 61 inches of hull length , the ml boat kits for gas scale are 20% over from 1/8 scale so they are smaller than yours & mine , I have started on building the sponsons & the wings first then I will make the rear shoes & the wings for the rear+ canards before I make the hull it's self, your pic confirms my thoughts of setup for the rear shoes as of the plan can be a bit confusing as to how it's done, if you dont mind Wes could you post some pics of your sponson running surfaces to show how you have done it.
wes and wayne,

why did you guys build your 8910 hulls larger than the gas scale MHR dimensions ?

dave w.
Its a monster. Somewhere around 5'4" I think. And ya it is a bit over propped. I got the CG closer and that helps. My son James watched the video and he thinks I'm not letting the boat "set" in turn 1 and the more I watch the video I think he's right. I always let off a little in the second turn and my exit speed is way better. I guess I need to cut back on my adrennylin shots before the
Monster is right lol 61 inches of hull length , the ml boat kits for gas scale are 20% over from 1/8 scale so they are smaller than yours & mine , I have started on building the sponsons & the wings first then I will make the rear shoes & the wings for the rear+ canards before I make the hull it's self, your pic confirms my thoughts of setup for the rear shoes as of the plan can be a bit confusing as to how it's done, if you dont mind Wes could you post some pics of your sponson running surfaces to show how you have done it.
wes and wayne,
why did you guys build your 8910 hulls larger than the gas scale MHR dimensions ?

dave w.
It depends on where you measure. The boat frame is stock to the kit.

Its a monster. Somewhere around 5'4" I think. And ya it is a bit over propped. I got the CG closer and that helps. My son James watched the video and he thinks I'm not letting the boat "set" in turn 1 and the more I watch the video I think he's right. I always let off a little in the second turn and my exit speed is way better. I guess I need to cut back on my adrennylin shots before the
Monster is right lol 61 inches of hull length , the ml boat kits for gas scale are 20% over from 1/8 scale so they are smaller than yours & mine , I have started on building the sponsons & the wings first then I will make the rear shoes & the wings for the rear+ canards before I make the hull it's self, your pic confirms my thoughts of setup for the rear shoes as of the plan can be a bit confusing as to how it's done, if you dont mind Wes could you post some pics of your sponson running surfaces to show how you have done it.
wes and wayne,
why did you guys build your 8910 hulls larger than the gas scale MHR dimensions ?

dave w.
Dear Dave,

EXCUSE ME!!! but what are MHR dimensions and who ever said that was the standard the boats should be built by??? I have no clue what an 8910 hull is but I built mine from a kit that was within the IMPBA RULES!!! That's all that matters to me.. I'm sorry but are you contending in this class?? If not then you really have no reason to speak your mind!!! Case Closed!!!


25% enlargement from newton plans for me scratch build, for gas power applications , jetcat turbine unit & electric . 1/6 scale is a class for you in the USA but here in aus not yet , mhr 8910 Winston eagle lobster boat dimensions standards of the real deal that's all nothing more. Why because we can and for the passion of unlimeted hydros.
For what its worth I got off the couch and measured the monster. From the sponson tips to the back of the wings it is 60" .......but touting it around it feals like its 8 feet long. Lol
Dear Dave,

EXCUSE ME!!! but what are MHR dimensions and who ever said that was the standard the boats should be built by??? I have no clue what an 8910 hull is but I built mine from a kit that was within the IMPBA RULES!!! That's all that matters to me.. I'm sorry but are you contending in this class?? If not then you really have no reason to speak your mind!!! Case Closed!!!



I don't know what your problem is but Dave has as much right as anyone to "speak his mind" here on I/W. There was nothing derogatory in his post, he asked a simple question. And the "8910" is the MASTER HULL ROSTER (MHR) number for that particular boat and IS the standard that hulls get built by. I STRONGLY suggest you take time and LEARN these things and then tone down your attitude or you will find yourself riding the sidelines for 30 days minimum............. case closed.
Hey Don,

You and I do not often agree, but we absolutely agree on this point. This is an open Forum and everyone can ask questions - and should to clarify something read within this Forum.

In light of these last few posts, I believe that there is an issue reading, and / or understanding the Gas Scale Rules applicable to this relatively new class. Here in the US we have two sanctioning activities IMPBA and NAMBA. Here are the Gas Scale rules for each, and a single page from the Master Hull Roster applicable to the MHR # 8910 which is the '89 '90 U-10 Winston Eagle (Lobster). I have also included a definition of terms so we are all working from the same page.

Wayne Middlemiss is building hulls that are 25% larger than Roger Newton's 1/8 scale drawings. He is not governed by NAMBA or IMPBA - he races in Australia. The sanctioning activity there has no specific rules for this class. Wayne informs be that there are 1/7th Fast Electric and Turbine hulls racing in Europe also, but for the sake of this thread - we are talking about Wes Ellet's U-10 Gas Scale and Wes runs in IMPBA Sanctioned events.

CHEERS !!! Bob

IMPBA Gas Scale Rules pg. 1 of 2.jpeg

IMPBA Gas Scale Rules Pg. 2 of 2.jpeg

NAMBA Gas Scale Rules.jpeg

Master Hull Roster Definition of Terms.jpeg

Page 27 of  NAMBA 1.667 Gas Scale Master Hull Roster (MHR).jpeg
I make scale decal sets for guys all over the world and I can tell you alot of guys build boats just kuz they like to build boats and dont care about "scale" rules for racing. I have made everything from 1/20th scale to 1/4th scale. So just kuz some guy is making something "different" dont mean its wrong. I really think there are more guys that build for the fun of it than actually race. Probably because they dont want to be chastised if they do show up at a race. I can remember building my first scale boat. I was so proud of it. I showed up at Evansville and it ran like crap and I had airbrushed the winshield to look like glass not knowing that was illegal in IMPBA rules. The guys told me to fix it before the next race and they helped me get the thing running better. Thats the way its supposed to be!