Gas Bags/IV Bags


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You take care Ron and get better. If you run gas ask the nurse to save the empties they did it for me when my Father in Law was having the same thing done. I also can't see how you could use them for nitro as the nitro motor carbs don’t have a pump like the gas ones do. In a gas boat you don’t have a pressurized fuel system. If you attempted to pressurize a bag you would get a big air bubble that would negate the flow of fuel.
I need to grab some when I go to the hospital but I haven't been there for a while.

There are 2 major manufacturers of IV bags and I believe that the better one is made by Baxter.

See if there is a hospital supply store near you as they should have empty IV bags.
Me and my big mouth! Guess where I am? Yup, I had a heart attack at work last night at around 10:20 PM Michigan time. They took me down around noon today for an angioplasty and it looks like I may be going in Thursday AM for a bypass. Yeah, I'm not too thrilled about it but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

I'm hooked up to a Hospira brand IV bag.

You can't use them for nitro use that I know of as you only have the one line going out plus I don't think that they could take the pressure off a pipe.

Get well soon and take good care of yourself. Don't let this happen to often, man
