Fuel for OPS .21 3.5cc


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I have recently puchased an entire boat/radio at a lawn sale.What fuel can be used?

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I am sure everyone is sick of this project by now...so am I !!!!!
Called,emailed and texted a bunch of people and NONE of them replied.My local hobby shops can care less and just want people to walk in and toss 700 bucks on new stuff...I get it. I called 3 major suppliers today because none replied to me emails. Manuata is USELESS !!! K&B company is absolute atrocious...never will buy anything from them EVER ! On the phone,I knew just from the women`s voice she will know nothing about what I was saying and did not care.Eventually,she actually said,"Well,we all just came from Holiday,may be best to call back Monday" . I am like...WHAT ? If I did that to a customer,would be unemployed ! I just wanted the KB red mentioned earlier in this topic.The Perry guy asked me to send the old one to him and he will replace the body for 20 bucks.I was like...well...how about you send it to me and I will do that? He said...no,must check tolerances bla bla bla. Which to me is send the card at MY COST so he can tell me I need all new anyhow for $60 ...yeah right.So I went online and bought one for 30 bucks new in box.The end.
Never in my life have I had such treatment in a hobby...how do these people stay in business?
The others I called and email were pretty much exactly the same...call back later,I will let you know,so and so is not here right now...gimme a break. Sorry for this rant but WOW !!!!! After practically forging everything by hand myself,it runs great until that stupid carb slipped out of the engine TWICE. I just said enough is enough trying to fix junk...BUY NEW carb. When you drag everything outside,sit in 90F messing with oily nitro...it GET OLD fast when you can not get simple answers from suppliers...ok...I am finished...hahaha.
This boat is gonna work...no matter what.
I must be clear...you guys here and some others helped out with great advice and direction.I do not mind spending some money...but it was getting to where I thought I had to go buy new engine and call it a day.But was not my plan.And realize it is hard to restore old engines and such like this setup has.But still have to try to keep cost low or may have as well bought brand new everything.
GotNitro (Dennis) is still working on getting the company up and running again.But he made my day by sending me 2 gaskets without asking for money.Although...I had NO issue sending what he needed and still would.When you go into McDonalds drive through and order fries and burger...my experience with these outlets would have been ME slaughtering the cow ,growing the potatoes and preparing and cooking myself :) Not sure it should be this way...all I ask is YES or NO if they can help so I can move FORWARD.
You're trying to get an antique motor together that hasn't been in production for 30 years, the info is there because we now have this .www thing but the parts ain't.

What did you expect when you bought the whole thing for $20?

Any idea why the Perry carb got all chewed up?
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When I bought it,I told my wife...lets pass and get out of here :)
She said...NO,lets see what he will take for this,you like this stuff...hahaha.
I was like...well,here we go...money pit !!
But to be honest,thought how hard can this be,,,go online and find all I need...how hard can it be nowadays.Well...harder than I ever thought.Last time I was into this RC stuff...Rossi was Rossi.
I had no idea what brand engine was in it...just took it home and thought I could strip it down and sell off the parts and make well more than 20 bucks if it came to that.When I finally saw the OPS on the block it was not until then I learned it was ancient.Originally was gonna run it as is until it fell apart for 20 bucks of cheap thrills.Then decided to replace bearings and found the bad rod...and here I am :)
Once you spend money into it would be foolish to quit before it is running again.Sort of sucks you in so in it now and will run it hopefully soon.But I can not complain as I see what a new setup would cost me.I do not have 200 wrapped up into this yet and if the carb works...I will have a 200$ boat.Still think that is pretty cheap not to mention,cool to fix an old setup like this up.I am enjoying the thrill of the chase along with the challenge to be honest.
When I took it home bought fuel originally for my airplane...this boat was irony running into it after wanting to get my plane out of mothballs after 20 yrs.So fuel was already gonna be bought along with glow starter and plug.The original Perry carb was loose and would not tighten ,then pulled it off and saw the orange RTV sealant and damaged port.Did my best to try and save it...but want it running.New carb will be best.
Terry...I did expect online stores and such to give me a yes or no answer...that was the frustrating part in all this.To send an email or call and get no one to answer the question YES/NO you do or do not have what I need helps a lot.I like to move on to all possible other options quickly.Sadly,some replied so late,already found alternatives to me needs.As the old saying goes...you snooze you loose :)
So I buy a new Perry carb off Ebay. The seller and I make sure the size of the neck.I get it in the mail and it is too large.Also...the barrel has a slightly larger port.Sick of it all...took the file and sand paper to it and MADE it fit. Nothing to lose at this point...just throw money at it a few times :)
After study...some claim larger port means more air...duh . So leaner than the original.
To me,it seems to dump a lot of fuel.Very rich and had to set the needle to around 1/4 turn out.Even that is too much it seems.I will need to mess around and see if I can tune it for reliability.I still want the RIGHT carb for this thing...anyone knows where ,send me a link and will most likely buy it asap.
Here is firing it up to test this morning -

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he is going to need a lot of parts after running the engine for 2+ minutes with no water. Toast.
You cant see it in the video as the back light blocked the water line attached to the rear of the boat to the pickup tube where I have a garden hose running fresh water through it.Opposite side of the boat in vid is the outlet port shooting a stream of water out continuous.You can sort of see the hose in the rear and the water puddle around the boat.It runs cool to hold my finger on the head while it runs...not even warm during the entire run.Water tube can be seen behind boat left of starter.
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I am still working on the boat project and obtained a few spare props,carb and glow plugs someone sent to me.The new carb is original OPS and fits perfectly and snug...FINALLY this is out of the equation.I started it for about 30 seconds and it ran noticeably better with new carb without leaks and loose.But will try again as I have one of those cheap glow ignitions that uses a D battery and has already soaked 6 batteries up.It was cheap as I did not want to waste money on anything better until I knew it was worth it.Now...going with a rechargeable ignition once it arrives by mail.Spending money on alkaline batts is just dumb ! So will complete this once all is ready to run in water. Now...yesterday stopped at yet another lawn sale and Lo and Behold...another boat sitting in this guys garage with Futaba controller/receiver.No servos but I already have 4 of those for this brand and no engine,but I have my K&B .45 sportster engine and prop sitting here as I have now decided to FORGET ABOUT airplanes !! Strange summer this year and seems either the boat demons or angles are calling me !! This is an AIR BOAT of sorts and does not have a flat bottom but rather 2 rails.Length is 31 inch and width at widest point is 17-18 inches.Depth at it`s thickest is about 4 inches but only on the pair of rails (not sure the term for those).I wonder if this .45 engine I have will work on this thing? Boat appears to weigh not much more if at all like the airplane.So looks I am getting sucked into this hobby and enjoying the challenges.I paid 5 for the boat and 5 for RX/TX that happened to be there.It is 75 mhz :)DSCI0188.JPG
A guy on Facebook is selling OPS 21s like you got with perry carbs(engines look new). One is marine & one is car. $50 each.
It's on RC Boats for sale(FaceBook) Lot 4,the name is David Smith,he has a lot of vintage model engines.
Needle in a hay stack...no problem.It has been such a hassle so far,I doubt my interest will last too long after a few runs anyhow.Thanks for the effort...I still have not found a place to run it and even then,to retrieve it.Seemed easier at first :)