Hey im in, Just tell me How much and were to send it.
I like to go to this board and i do go to Jims as i have gas boats also. Feel theres much nicer guys here, theres quite a few that go from both.
Besides, A 10-20 a person, come on guys, We wouldnt of had our Kalamazoo, and Toledo run ALL TOUGHER without this board, Now there was some fun, I have had a blast both times out and this last time, there was alot of people there. Even people from Jims came out. It was a nice time and would really like to see this board go on.
Toms been busting his ass on this board for us, the least we can do is all chip in(if needed) and help out.
we are all addicted to this board, isnt 10 bucks worth the addiction? Cheepest addiction you will ever be on.
IW Sticker, 5 bucks a peice, someone get some made up, and im sure we will all have them on our boats, theres another thing to think about.
Or IW Teeshirts.
I See jims is doing shirts.
There are plenty of ways to raise money. Most of us that all post and talk and add, and joke, we all are in with this board.
Something fer all to think about