Shane...I'm not trying to burst your bubble, but read step #5 on the back of the Lustrekote can.
"fuelproof to 15%"
High nitro fuels WILL affect the paint if not cleaned up.
Go ahead, ask me how I know. LOL!
I've used alot of Lustrekote and have discovered a couple things...
When you are completely ready to paint, wash your hands good (I use surgical gloves to paint).
Then wipe the whole boat down with alcohol...then wipe it again!
The least amount of oil or grease (like what is naturally on your hands) will make the paint "fisheye".
Step #4 says "Hold the can about 12 inches from the surface being painted..."
Try 20 - 24 inches. The can's nozzle dumps alot of paint, and it's THIN!
At 12 inches, I can almost guarantee it will run.
Also, don't spray Lustrekote over another paint without testing on a scrap.
Lustrekote is lacquer based and will lift 90% of other spraypaints on the market...even other lacquers!
A couple extra steps will help insure a nice finish. There's few things more
frustrating than having to sand off a fresh paint job! >
Hope this helps.