FireFighter 12


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Feb 8, 2003
Does anybody out there have any pictures of there FF12 completed that would show the engine all the way to the rudder assembly and prop. Even some pictures taken thru out assembly would be great. - budguy
i can put mine up tonight.... but it is nothing special cause i used speedmaster hardware. i'm evaluation a couple different sets currently for my next project that might be better.
I have a set of Fuller's, but the water pickup hole in the rudder is HUGE, like 1/4" wide. So I went with some retired Tidewater .21 stuff using the left strut bracket only with a good washer on the right side for support. The rudder needs to be trimmed. If I hit a turtle, the transom's gonna go the bottom of the lake :eek:

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Kinda off topic, but since I mentioned the Fuller's rudder, here are some pictures of why I don't like it for this application. Notice the water pickup hole difference, and trailing edge profile width. Seems like unnecessary drag. I can't see why electrics would need more water flow or pressure? Maybe for a long water line coiled around a motor can? Anyhow, this setup is aircooled, so it's moot drag. Could fill it I guess, or possibly order one without it, but then there's still the excess wedge thickness... Also the thick heavy brass pivot rod, total overkill. There may be other Fuller's designs, but the one I have is the "hydro hardware". <_< I'll cut the left one shorter in length.

Anyone want some hardware real cheap? ;) j/k , I'll find a use for it

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i wish i knew the answer to the .12 hardware question :( I was displeased by the fullers stuff for the same reasons.

Clay..... i think you might have missed your transom doubler?
nah Tom, I knew you'd see that little detail...hehe It's there, but on the inside :eek: LOL, I made it to small and was to lazy to cut another. It's a nice fit on the inside, so I did it that way. I'm not worried about its strength, it's filleted real good ;)

aww man, it's an 8th inch shorter now.... it ain't gonna run worth a h00t :p
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ClayGlover said:
I have a set of Fuller's, but the water pickup hole in the rudder is HUGE, like 1/4" wide.  So I went with some retired Tidewater .21 stuff using the left strut bracket only with a good washer on the right side for support.  The rudder needs to be trimmed.  If I hit a turtle, the transom's gonna go the bottom of the lake  :eek:
I hate turtles..Hit a turtle last week with my Microburst 20. The rudder blade's history and the transom/rudder mount is toast also. The bolts even tried to pull themselves through the transom. did it kill the turtle? NOOOOO! My fix is going to be simple though....Ruger 10/22 with a Leopold scope. :angry:
If I hit a turtle, the transom's gonna go the bottom of the lake

I don't know what size screw attaches your rudder bracket, but could you use nylon screws. In the case of the turtle the screws would break, the control arm should keep the bracket, but the rudder may end up in the prop. Oh well, just a thought.

We saw a large decrease in the turtle population in the course area when we killed off all the growth that held minnows (food).
You guys are really cracking turtles?!?!? :lol: :lol: Out here in San Diego we just have to worry about sun burns :p
Preston_Hall said:
If I hit a turtle, the transom's gonna go the bottom of the lake

I don't know what size screw attaches your rudder bracket, but could you use nylon screws. In the case of the turtle the screws would break, the control arm should keep the bracket, but the rudder may end up in the prop. Oh well, just a thought.

We saw a large decrease in the turtle population in the course area when we killed off all the growth that held minnows (food).
Thanks Preston, I might try that. There are only 2 bolts for the rudder bracket and they're smallish, but if some nylons are able handle normal running load stress, then that would be cheap insurance. ;)
You could always drill and tap for a lrger size if needed.

Here's a wild one. How about a lond screw with a stiff spring?
hmm, or a softer pivot pin possibly. Maybe a brass tube in place of the solid steel pin might work with a small boat... only one way to find out :)
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I think I just found the perfect rudder! I'm ordering one today to check it out. This is a very secret source and FireFighter Boats will be the only one with these babbies! i'll let you know more as this develops.... right now..... well i might be wrong... we'll see when I get the sample but the pictures looked VERY promising.
Tom if you keep selling your F.F. to JAPAN like you have we might get invaded by the F.F. BUG :lol: :lol: :lol: SOMETHING LIKE THE THE CICADA INSECT every so many year's .Keep up the good work , I like when PETER work's his butt off :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
that was a cool order to Japan! I wonder how those support question emails will go. I hope they know english better than I know Japanese! :huh: