Feedback needed on 1/8 scale Lobster


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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002

I'm thinking about getting an 1/8 scale Lobster boat. Heard someone had a wood one for sale but I'm thinking of getting the Phil Thomas boat also.

How hard are they to trim and set up?? How much work is needed to get Phil's boat assembled and prep for painting. 20 hours?? 30 hours??

All Pro's and Con's are really needed please. And is anybody thinking of selling their Lobster boat?
Hello rcboats2,

As far as setup goes I'm no help but when I went to Phils to pick up my SS45 he had a new lobster there and it was NICE! Too bad their so heavy or I would have got one for electric power.

Hey Rodney I think the lobster boat in that picture is what you should be getting..I think Roby might have one .hehehhe
Are you looking for a wood kit? Midwest makes a nice kit that sells for around $120.00 I think Tower Hobbies has it in stock. Or look for Midwest boats web site. Sorry I don't know the link.

I built one a few years ago to chase stalled boats and it drives nice. The only thing I had to change is the placement of the two battery packs. I had to move them further back because it plowed too much water.

I think the boat measures 30" and handles pretty good chop.

Hope that helps! Dale P.

I won't be doing the Lobster after all. I didn't know it was 50 inches long and the front was about 22 inches wide. Won't fit in the car's trunk.
Hey Rodney..With all of the kids you have :'( and all the boats ;D Maybe a school bus might in order 8) There plenty of room for more kids and boats : :) :-X :eek: .....I know you know where the boats come from ???But what about the kids :eek:

Someone told me there's a new birth control called, er...something like er..."T V" What are those? LOL
Rodney, I just think you need to start your own club! You have enough boats and drivers ;)

BTW: Electrics are a LOT smaller! ;) ;) ;)
T.V is one of those boxes you look at ;D Hey it back to the 82U55 hull? let me know if you need help..