February 2005 Roostertail Now Available!


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Russell Bear said:
Maybe not...... :huh:   :huh:   :huh:
It goes to the June 2004 edition :blink:   :unsure:   :huh:   :(


Why does this not surprise me at all................... <_<

Hey I bet it's with the correctly updated & complete records chart. :p

I know it's work in progress but doesn't anyone proof this stuff before it goes up? :blink:
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I thought that there would be no more mail out addition.????????????? That was the purpose for the E-vresion. :eek: :eek:
My understanding is that March Roostertail is the last one to be mailed out after that you will have to go on line to get info. From what I was told it will not be in the form of a roostertail like it is now. You will have to go to different sections of the website to get different info, directors reports one place records another technical articles in another. I guess we will have to wait and see. :huh:
Steve P said:
My understanding is that March Roostertail is the last one to be mailed out after that you will have to go on line to get info. From what I was told it will not be in the form of a roostertail like it is now. You will have to go to different sections of the website to get different info, directors reports one place records another technical articles in another. I guess we will have to wait and see. :huh:

Boy does this sound like one big cluster f**k for those boaters who don't have on line access (yes they do exist). This is supposed to be the last one mailed out & the web site is already F'd up just posting a formatted Adobe version? Gee I can hardly wait. <_<

So what does that $50 annual fee pay for now? :blink:
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Ok OK, lets not JUMP the gun. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Lets give them some time to figure this thing out. After all we were told this would be the " NEW AND INPROVED" office this time. :( :( :(

Look at it this way. If things have not inproved by the time you get to Atlanta or any race that you will attend and the PRESIDENT is there.

You can let him have it with all of the UNDERSTANDING that you have to EXPRESS

your thoughts. ;) ;) ;)
Jumping the gun is making big changes to a website without being sure it's correct & working properly before you launch said changes. It's just proofing your work, that's all. :huh:

I still think there are a number of boaters who either don't have on line access or would prefer the written copy. Was any research done on this first or is this a shot from the hip? :blink:
Hey Don...

Just thought I might add that in the last 3 years, I have only received 1 copy of the ROOSTERTAIL!!!!! I dont know how many times I e-mailed and asked....whats up??

I guess the $50.00 is just for insurance!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
you know what fellows, those of you that are complaining about the way impba is run and written, dam it, if you dont like it, then do it yourself. the secretary of impba has two full time jobs, 1- is her income job and 2- is taking care of her family. please give her and them (impba ) some time to straighten this mess out. like i said before , IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE WAY IMPBA IS RUN , THEN DO IT YOUR SELF.

jeff baham said:
you know what fellows, those of you that are complaining about the way impba is run and written, dam it, if you dont like it, then do it yourself. the secretary of impba has two full time jobs, 1- is her income job and 2- is taking care of her family. please give her and them (impba ) some time to straighten this mess out. like i said before , IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE WAY IMPBA IS RUN , THEN DO IT YOUR SELF.                   JEFF BAHAM.


Jeff before you go off unloading there pal I got news for you, things haven't been right for quite some time now and the same broken record keeps getting played. This "mess" as you call it ain't gonna get straightened out running down the same track again & again which is exactly what is going on. Until the "powers that be" pull thier heads out of the sand, stop convincing themselves that things are fine as they are & accept the fact this org. needs BIG changes the same s#*t will keep happening. And you guys wonder why Pat bailed after one term in the big chair......... <_<
Where have you ever gotten a February Roostertail from ? It's a quarterly Report which means MARCH as it always been. As usual some early pi** and Moaners trying to stir up discontent.

We are running a little behind for this issue but I am pretty sure the Newsletter will be on available on the web site by February 1st the home mailings may a little late. But not as late as in the past!

Bill Zuber

IMPBA President
looks like alot of races won't have there pre-registration or at least I won't be getting it in on time I have a hard enought time getting on this sight. hay how will I get my putter in the $hitter to read my roostertail? Daaaammmmm!!!!!!
bzubee said:
Where have you ever gotten a February Roostertail from ?  It's a quarterly Report which means MARCH as it always been.  As usual some early pi** and Moaners trying to stir up discontent.
We are running a little behind for this issue but I am pretty sure the Newsletter will be on available on the web site by February 1st the home mailings may a little late. But not as late as in the past!

Bill Zuber

IMPBA President


OK thanks Bill but you do realize today is feb 19th. You post says by feb 1st

the roostertalil on line is fine with me but there are many that do not have access to online i bet.

Takes some time to load on a dial up but it should work.
Since you got me "fired up" let's talk about some of the "issues" out there that keep coming up & getting "dismissed" or "forgotten about"-

The Internats- every year it gets more & more difficult to find a host club & site. Why? Is it because of a lack of good sites or good people? Nope, the Internats has become sooo bloated that any club that even thinks of hosting it has to give up two weeks minimum of their lives to pull it off. Same goes for the participants which is why the attendance #s have been in steady decline for the last number of years. Times have changed & people just cannot surrender that much vacation time anymore. Companies are ever tightening the money belt & paid time off is a biggie. I can't tell you how many people I know who only get a week of vacation. It's time to re-think how it's done & some very prominent names in boating shared some good thoughts on "streamlining" this event. Where did that go? Take a good look at how the Gas Nats are getting done, they're doing it right.

The rulebook- Geez, where do you start? Grossly outdated & error filled but nobody seems remotely interested in fixing it.

New boaters- Until we get the local hobby shops back into the loop we will continue to be an obscure dwindling group. Go buy any airplane & what do you see when you open the box? An AMA application for starters. We are slitting our own throats on the current path. We need a constant influx of new blood but we make it harder & harder for that to happen. There's been alot of chatter about this but that's all it's been.

Noise- Does anyone think that we can stop at 95dB? Unfortunately with the ever expanding suburbia these boats will need to get quieter. I know there are places out there where noise is not a problem.......yet. But eventually as we become more "saturated" with people this will be a problem so stay ahead of the curve. You want a good example look at Europe.

IMPBA secretary- I hate to go here as I know the current secretary is bustin' her tail to keep up with it. That is the part of the problem, I think she is getting overwhelmed with the "2 full time jobs" as Jeff put it. A while back the "board" said that this is a full time paid position. It was said that it needs to been done by someone who can devote the needed time to it & therefore no "in school" or "stay at home moms" or "second job" scenarios should be entertained. If the IMPBA wants to go the current route then a lightening of duties might be in order. Nuff said there.

Survival will mean big changes & until an acting administration comes to terms with that, whoever it is, then we will do nothing more than tread water at best........
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1st I did make a mistake on th edate Phil I meant March 1st. THe Feb roostertail on the web site is just a place holder while waiting for the MARCH issue. As for Don's list I am plan on making a major change in th every near future that will correct some of the other probelms Don has listed. Changes should be implemnted by the end of April Keep loged onto the IMPBA web site for upto date news. I have a list of short and long term cures for th eorganization but all of the problems can not be fixed overnight. The board is working on making improvments just bear with us for a while. When I say I want the board to think of the general membership as customers I really mean it. How many times in the past have you seen an IMPBA President reply to questions and problems online, by phone or by e-mail? Remember there is NO overnight fix.

Bill Zuber

IMPBA President

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