February 2005 Roostertail Now Available!


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bzubee said:
  As for Don's list I am plan on making a major change in the very near future that will correct some of the other probelms Don has listed.  Changes should be implemented by the end of April  Keep logged onto the IMPBA web site for upto date news.  I have a list of short and long term cures for the organization but all of the problems can not be fixed overnight.  The board is working on making improvments just bear with us for a while.  When I say I want the board to think of the general membership as customers I really mean it.  How many times in the past have you seen an IMPBA President reply to questions and problems online, by phone or by e-mail?  Remember there is NO overnight fix.
Bill Zuber

IMPBA President


YIPPPEEE!!! Now HERE is a FANTASTIC reply from Bill, he's grabbed the bull by the horns. THANK YOU!! ( I guess that bull would be easier to ride if I hadn't kicked it in the nuts first) :D

Finally someone on the board has openly acknowledged the want & need for change & improvement. :)

Bill, I'll go one step further, e-mail me directly if I can assist you in any way. B)
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Hey Bill;

First of all i finally got teh 2005 membership card late last month.

And if there is anything i can do for you , by all means please let me know.

Don, if i do manage to beet you at on eof the races this year, I GET THE GLOW PLUG WRENCH I GAVE YOU BACK IN LATE 1999. :p

carlnoki said:
Don, if i do manage to beat you at one of the races this year, I GET THE GLOW PLUG WRENCH I GAVE YOU BACK IN LATE 1999.    :p



No way dude! That wrench & me have way too much history now! That thing's probably twisted a couple hundred plugs since you gave it to me! :p
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ok don, i apoligize, (shaking hand) i see that you are uptight about the internats which i haven't done yet. i was on another board and they were slamming the secratary like she was nobody, (don you can let go of my hand now) as you know she can only do what the president tell or ask her to do.

as far as the roostertail online only, i think that's bullshirt. because i like to read while listening to the tv. plus i know several guy that don't have computer and can't wait for the magazine to come to there door. my vote is to still send roostertails out to every impba member and on time.


jeff baham.
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