Fast Food Workers- AYFS !!!!!!!!


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Hay I wonder if they can make the Big Mac in Mexico or China and ship them here over night.

This is unions only hope of survival as theses jobs cant be farmed out.

Long live the unions rape and pillage to the end.

God bless America.

We will need it.

11 year member of the IUOE

Then I woke up!!!!!!!!!!!
Some of those Si Fi movies are not far from what we see going on.

Soylent Green
Yep Thy where feeding us to with are own demise.
Georganna have you ever heard of answer bay area call center my wife worked for them several years Robert
No Robert I haven't. Been at the same place just about since I moved back to Tampa. So I never look to see what else exists.
Thanks Andy, I've seen three other versions but never that one. But I think the song kind of sums up what politicians and CEO's have done to a once proud and great country.
I had a guy today at work say these people should make at least 12.00 at McDonalds i said are you dreaming or what they get these jobs as part time to pay for school, now different if the person is going to be a manager or something like that but a fry cook i told him he was nuts Robert
McDonalds profits last year $5.5 BILLION dollars. The point I've been trying to make Robert is that if min. wage is less than what welfare pays- it takes some(or all) of the incentive out of working. I STRONGLY disagree with ODumbos decisions with the exception of one suggestion he made- raise the min. wage to $9.00 an hour. This would bring half of the states equal to or above what welfare pays.
That or lower welfare. WTF? why should I work my _ss off so just about 50%, yeah. 50% after fed tax, state tax, property tax, sales tax,.. should go to the gov. I'm not one to kick a guy when he;s down.. but damn,.. A smart man told me that it's not about how we fall down,.. it's about how we get up,.. now it's time for them to get up,.. and time for us to stop letting them stay down..

I may be wrong,. but most people here so seem to be on the conservative side. OK,.. also we know that this is a relatively expensive hobby,.. if you don't work hard at what you do,.. and do what takes to get ahead,.. you won't be buying any Italian made model boat engines. My point,.. and maybe I'm just stupid,.. but it's clear that hard works pays off,.. Heck man,.. you can graduate from college right now in many degrees and end up making 35-40k.. to start.. these guys cant pass the GED exam and think they are worth 30k / year..

OK,.. sorry.. I'm done..
Or better yet, you dont even have to go to college to make 35-40k a year... If you have a head on your shoulders, and a desire to learn, and the drive it takes to make it dont always need a college degree. I started out in a job at 9.00 per hour. I started as just a basic assembly guy in a local sign shop. When I parted ways with them in early 2012, I had worked my way up to programming and operating there 3 axis CNC router, and running that entire deaprtment. No schooling, and very very little training. I had the willingness to learn, and the drive to get myself to that point. I left there at 16.00 an hour (not a great wage by any means in todays world, but almost DOUBLE what I started there at). And I did it all from hard work and dedication to my job and myself.

Anyways, sorry. Ill get off my soapbox now. :D
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Another company that pays "poverty wages" is Wal-Mart. Last years earnings were $116.9 Billion. They are not required to give employees that work less than 30 hours a week health benefits- In CA (and perhaps other states) this makes their employees qualified to get Medicaid that is paid for by the state. Anthony and Rodney, I'm not for giving people $30,000 or $40,000 per year for flippin burgers. I worked hard too. @ age 62 I was mentally and physically tired of "Jumping thru hoops" so I retired. I was a work leader for a crew of almost 30 machinists- half of them did not have have a good work ethic.
These types of jobs are dead-ends. Where are the 401(k)'s and pension plans? They'll have nothing to fall back on in their old age. Social Security? HAH!
I work part time at Lowes retired and working because i want to, there benifits are out of this world 401k they match dollar to dollar and you are vested when you sign up. I work like 30 hours a week and have all benifits medical, vision and dental i lucked out but i dont mind working Robert
Glenn, I agree. McDonalds flipping burgers is not meant to be a life long job... And pensions are a thing of the past thanks to corporate america. Every big name company acquires new branches, and buys out there old pensions... There are almost non existent in this neck of the woods...
the fact is that companies are just like people. We work to get PAID! the company exists because the people that own them want to get PAID.. you want more money,.. work harder,. get more educated.. does it mean anything that I work at a certain place and people with better jobs at the same palce make 2x the money> does that mean I deserve 2x the money..

if people want everyone one to have the sa me car, house, food,..etc,.. much to communist country.. and enjoy it

And jsut to be clear,.. I'm freaking broke,... looking to sell a boat cause I can't afford a motor to put in it..
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Well the last statement I got from SS at age 67 I will get as much as I bring home now and I still have 15 years to work and add to the pot.
So if I can make it now with what I make. Then I don't see a problem with making it when I stop working.
Now this is all based on a two person house hold both bring in the same.
I knew the old lady would end up being good for some thing. :rolleyes:
David what i am getting now from SS and what i make at Lowes for the short hours i work it is what both my wife and i took in when both were working your SS benifits is determined on what you have made in past years and i was lucky to make some good pay checks hang in there maybe you can retire early like i did way before 67 i mean way before :p :p Robert
You kidding the wife will never let that happen.
I would have to listen to here all day about me not doing anything but playing with my toy boats. <_<
I actually work at Lowes 25 hours a week i couldnt stay home do anything got bored, i dont see how these snow birds stay home do nothing :D :D Robert
Many of the snow birds that I know don't stay "home". The one's I know that go to Arizona every year spend most of thier time rotating between the various RVs playing cards or socializing in between sessions at the local dance halls