That or lower welfare. WTF? why should I work my _ss off so just about 50%, yeah. 50% after fed tax, state tax, property tax, sales tax,.. should go to the gov. I'm not one to kick a guy when he;s down.. but damn,.. A smart man told me that it's not about how we fall down,.. it's about how we get up,.. now it's time for them to get up,.. and time for us to stop letting them stay down..
I may be wrong,. but most people here so seem to be on the conservative side. OK,.. also we know that this is a relatively expensive hobby,.. if you don't work hard at what you do,.. and do what takes to get ahead,.. you won't be buying any Italian made model boat engines. My point,.. and maybe I'm just stupid,.. but it's clear that hard works pays off,.. Heck man,.. you can graduate from college right now in many degrees and end up making 35-40k.. to start.. these guys cant pass the GED exam and think they are worth 30k / year..
OK,.. sorry.. I'm done..