Fast Food Workers- AYFS !!!!!!!!


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... then I look in the mirror and can at least take pride in myself and my work ;)

You've 100% Nailed it right there, Andy. Many of us were raised on taking ownership and PRIDE in our work. I was actually discussing this very topic today with my supervisor. It seems that finding folks that actually take pride in their work is very, very hard to come by now-a-days (with our new hires, anyway).

I just don't understand it. I honestly wonder what in the hell happened, and where the breakdown occurred. Not that I'm interested in pointing fingers, because I'm not. I'm one of the ones that have to clean up the mess. Bless all of you honest, self-helping, hard-workers out there. Doesn't matter what you do..someone is noticing. At least I like to think that.


EDIT: Oh yeah, my supervisor's thoughts on this (now that I recall), are fairly interesting. He said, and I paraphrase, "give me a guy that barely graduated, but will take pride in his work. I'll take that guy every day over a PhD. I can teach a guy that is proud of what he does, I don't care what his GPA is".

I have to concur.
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Like a lot of you I started off with a part-time job in high school, worked in a mom and pop grocery store doing whatever was needed to be done, stocking shelves, cleaning everything and even mowing the owners lawn for a buck an hour (that was a 3-1/2 hour job with a 20" cut mower) at 16. Went full-time at 18 making custom-made furnace filters, the only male in the shop so again I got all of the guy stuff to do at a whoppin' $1.65. I worked there for a couple of years and got up to $2.15 an hour being married before I got the job where I'm now at in 1972 for an amazing $3.18 plus benefits! Yeah, I was a fat cat then but still worked my tail off.

Yes, the minimum wage should be raised as it's been way too long since it happened last but not to $15.00 an hour! It does need ot be high enough to get those on the government dime to get off their bottoms and find a job. There is no motivation when welfare pays better than a 40 hour paycheck.
... then I look in the mirror and can at least take pride in myself and my work ;)

You've 100% Nailed it right there, Andy. Many of us were raised on taking ownership and PRIDE in our work. I was actually discussing this very topic today with my supervisor. It seems that finding folks that actually take pride in their work is very, very hard to come by now-a-days (with our new hires, anyway).

EDIT: Oh yeah, my supervisor's thoughts on this (now that I recall), are fairly interesting. He said, and I paraphrase, "give me a guy that barely graduated, but will take pride in his work. I'll take that guy every day over a PhD. I can teach a guy that is proud of what he does, I don't care what his GPA is".

I have to concur.
Your Sup nailed it - lol B)

I teach the new hire first day safety training where I work - And I can tell within the first boring ass hr out of the 8 it takes , who will make it through training and who wont, if I have to lend you a pen to fill out your paperwork- 30 seconds :p
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I started working at 15 pumping gas for a dollar a hour, then was able to work for Ford on the line and i thought it was great to make five dollars what the heck happened we took pride in everything we did and how we treated people not any more Robert
I did a bit of checking into welfare and found a few interesting things. In 35 states welfare exceeds the min. wage. In NYC it exceeds $15.00 Hr. Detroit $11.09 Hr. Some of these figures are old and go back as far as 1995. Wages are taxed-welfare is not. Face it everything is more expensive now than it was when we were young. Folks that do not work are eligible for approx. a dozen different benefits- Medicare(with vision care and dental), SNAP(food stamps), education grants, housing assistance etc. Those that work at a $7.25 min wage job pay taxes, SS, health bennies etc. Sum Ting Wong. Lower welfare rates and raise min wage- it might give some the incentive to work for a living. With so many jobs lost to outsourcing entry level may be all the unskilled can find. I'm not defending the lazy but it does not take a masters degree in math to see the problem.
You've 100% Nailed it right there, Andy. Many of us were raised on taking ownership and PRIDE in our work. I was actually discussing this very topic today with my supervisor. It seems that finding folks that actually take pride in their work is very, very hard to come by now-a-days (with our new hires, anyway).
Finding folks that take pride or actually WANT to work is near impossible. I have just over 100 employees and find more and more the one that was getting unemployment benefits for a while just wants a job long enough to be eligible for them again. When that time comes they will purposely call out until they get fired for attendance and they always have a reason, in their eyes. Once that happens they can collect again as well as all the other programs they ask for. If they just graduated high school it's no better, no one has taught them ANY work ethic at all.

Loyalty to a company and pride in ones self and ones work is nearly non existent. It's sad.
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You've 100% Nailed it right there, Andy. Many of us were raised on taking ownership and PRIDE in our work. I was actually discussing this very topic today with my supervisor. It seems that finding folks that actually take pride in their work is very, very hard to come by now-a-days (with our new hires, anyway).
Finding folks that take pride or actually WANT to work is near impossible. I have just over 100 employees and find more and more the one that was getting unemployment benefits for a while just wants a job long enough to be eligible for them again. When that time comes they will purposely call out until they get fired for attendance and they always have a reason, in their eyes. Once that happens they can collect again as well as all the other programs they ask for. If they just graduated high school it's no better, no one has taught them ANY work ethic at all.

Loyalty to a company and pride in ones self and ones work is nearly non existent. It's sad.
Georganna, I do not know what business you are referring to but here in The west I've noticed a increase of people working into their "Golden Years". At lower wage jobs to supplement their Social Security that has not kept up with the cost of inflation. Seems to me all are more courteous, polite and better educated than the youngsters.
Glenn I run a small call center project. If I had more mature applicants believe me I would readily hire them as long as they met the skill set. More often than not though they don't and rarely if ever apply. Computer skills are a must in my business.

Rodney you're right the loyalty piece goes both ways, but how did it get this way? That certainly didn't use to be the case when the work force had ethics.
Glenn as you know i am semi retired i can not get food stamps or medicad they say i have to much money what the so am i suppose to be like the rest of the crooks and take all my money out of the bank to get these things i am not like that, guess us honest people are the ones that suffer Robert
With almost 41 years at my current job I still try to have pride in what I do. I'm just a lousy material handler (I load semi's) but try to load every one to the best of my ability as I want the customer to know that someone cared and it gets there looking as good as it did when it left my dock. Companies don't care much anymore either as now you're just a number. We've lost a lot of competition in the area over the past decade so there are a lot of paperworkers (yes, I work in a paper mill) out there looking for a job so finding someone to fill my seat isn't that hard to do.

Right now I'm in employment Limbo, on medical leave and trying to get Social Security as the company doesn't really want me back as they see me as a liability risk.
It is a sad commentary on our economy when a part time job at a fast food joint can be considered a career.

Al Hobbs
This is only my opinion, but it seems we started down this road along time ago when we went from, "if you want something, you have to work for it", to "instant everything". I didn't get my first credit card until I was 45 and that is only for emergencies. No one seems to understand, at least in the younger generations what it means to "live within your means". Of course, we have a shining example of that in our government systems. I don't see it so much as people being uneducated, but 'choosing' to remain uneducated and wait for a handout. We had a class in high school that was called 'modern problems'. This class taught how to start a checking account, balance a budget, present yourself to a job interview, and all the things we, as adults do on a daily basis. The class was terminated about 15 years ago because the teacher refused to show, how to apply for welfare and government benefits and how to get 'freebees' from everyone.

The younger people I work with are 'all about me' and wouldn't go out of there way to lend a hand to someone without asking what's in it for me?.

Hay I wonder if they can make the Big Mac in Mexico or China and ship them here over night.

This is unions only hope of survival as theses jobs cant be farmed out.

Long live the unions rape and pillage to the end.

God bless America.

We will need it.

11 year member of the IUOE

Then I woke up!!!!!!!!!!!
Soylent Green
Georganna, I see your problems with computers and the older generation- I did not learn anything about them till I was around 55- then only because I had to for my job.

Robert, I know it's pretty hard to accept but those that worked hard and put money away for the future get zilch.

Mr. Winter, I guess you and I were brought up in the same way. You want something- work for it. I'm pushing 65 don't have a smart phone/big screen or cable. Living within one's means is a concept many cannot grasp.
Georganna have you ever heard of answer bay area call center my wife worked for them several years Robert
Hay I wonder if they can make the Big Mac in Mexico or China and ship them here over night.

This is unions only hope of survival as theses jobs cant be farmed out.

Long live the unions rape and pillage to the end.

God bless America.

We will need it.

11 year member of the IUOE

Then I woke up!!!!!!!!!!!
Soylent Green
Yep Thy where feeding us to with are own demise.