FASST vs FHSS for Scale Racing


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Ken Smith

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2011
What are the pros / cons for Futaba FASST vs FHSS systems for scale racing? Seems FASST is more geared toward long distance rc airplanes (3+ miles). No where near those kind of distances with scale boat racing. Is it ok to go with the cheaper FHSS for boats? Do clubs have a requirement? Thanks
I use both , I have a FHSS 2 ch in my T-boat and haven't had any trouble at all, and I use the FAAST 3 ch.in my nitro boats (remote needle).

I've been running a new Futaba 8J FHSS in all my boats for the last couple months. Every bit as reliable as my old 3VCS FASST radio.
For me the fasst system works well. I think the other one doesn't have the range or reliability on water that fasst does. A Futaba rep could chime in here with specifics...
Ken,ANY 2 channel or greater futaba radio purchased in 2012 for a surface craft is fine for a scale or any other boat.More range is always an asset. The Futaba website is the best place to find out what the differences are between the FASST and FHSS, both will work.Check your local club for bands allowed
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Clubs don't dictate the bands allowed, the FCC does. You can show up to any race in the country and run a boat on any of the presently legal 27, 50(with a HAM license), 75 or 2.4 channels. The only thing the club has any say on is the proceedure in which frequency conflicts are resolved. As far as range, that is dictated by transmitter output power, not frequency, and that is also governed by the FCC. The other range "factors" have to do with the receiver's sensitivity and transmitted signal reflection/refraction. The later was demonstrated with the Spectrum systems failing when used in boats. The signal was affected by the water's surface and boats were lost or damaged because of it. When Spectrum came out with a "marine" specific receiver, the problem appeared to vanish
I'm using FHSS in a couple of my scales so far. Two FHSS 2s and an FHSS 3. All works well no complaints
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Ken,ANY 2 channel or greater futaba radio purchased in 2012 for a surface craft is fine for a scale or any other boat.More range is always an asset. The Futaba website is the best place to find out what the differences are between the FASST and FHSS, both will work.Check your local club for bands allowed.
Meaning know whose on what frequency in your club so youre not on the same frequency- a sure way to lose a model. :rolleyes: WOW!
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Getting a lot of positive feedback on FHSS. Will probably go that route. Seems cheaper $$$ than FASST as well :)
Futaba introduced FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) systems in 2010, to offer modelers a less expensive way to enjoy 2.4GHz dependability. Other advantages include extremely low latency, exceptionally fast frame rates, transmitters with no external antennas and low-cost receivers with Easy Link convenience.

As the name implies, the transmitter signal of an FHSS system literally hops from frequency to frequency in a pseudorandom sequence. The combination of frequency hopping with Futaba's advanced algorithms creates 100% frequency security.

Futaba FHSS and S-FHSS systems are also compatible with models that display the FTR (Futaba Transmitter-Ready) symbol. It means that the model's factory-installed receiver is FHSS-compatible and can be linked and used with an FHSS transmitter you already own.

taken from the futaba website

In short the fhss system is a $$$$ cheaper way to get the faast features

Both will work as Brian and Chris have reported

folks design different lines to capture different buyers

The Faast system has higher resolution than the fhss what does that mean to the average boat modelers radio performance? NOTHING! As one poster suggested the Faast systems resolutions become more realized in the higher channel radios. You 3 channel guys have nothing to fear. Buy the system that your pocket agrees with. JUST MY .02


"Faastest" systems are now in the works.

Futaba support engineers are out til monday Ill talk to them then to see what Feauture differences lie between the two systems. The line differences have nothing to do with presence or absence of water. Since the faast systems resolutions are more important in the higher channel radios people assumed that one was water tailored while the other was an air specific radio. Simply not true.
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Just as a side note. I've run the R2104GF 4ch, R2006GS 6ch and R2008SB 8ch recievers with my T8J in both electric and gas boats with no problems at all. I'm very comfortable with the reliability and range (I'll be running the system in my SAW boats in Oct.).

My experience FWIW.
What does higher resolution mean to the average boat modeller? Ask that same question to someone that has to choose between a low resolution picture tube television and one of the state of the art high def plasma or LED flat screens. Higher resolution means that the commands are more precise so someone using the FASST would, in theory, be able to thread a needle where FHSS would need a much larger area to go through. For someone that routinely slams the rudder over going into a turn, Hugh's right, this means nothing. For someone that drives with more of a "soft touch" and prefers to go inside whenever possible, that resolution COULD make all the difference between hitting another boat or bouy or sneaking between the two.
HJ you can go on and sell that resolution thing if youd like .The fhss has plenty of resolution for a boat point blank! As I said " the average boat modeler" . Clearly some of us are special!TV resolution and accuracy resolution in an rc radio have zero to do with one another. The only thing thats common there is the definition of the word resolution. Anyone that "routinely" slams a rudder simply cant drive and wont win a race anyway in my opinion.All those trouble can be solved with endpoint adjustments and exponetial ,features that both lines have, or just simply handing the remote over to a person that can DRIVE! Thats why Brian and Chris arent having any issues coz they can drive.Others will blame anything - props, hulls, rules,motors, and lastly radio resolution. Once you have the feel for a radio you got it period.Tell me has anyone ever hit a bouy using a faast system?wait I can answer this. YES! Did the higher resolution save them? The increments from 0 to 1 can be as infinate as the increments between 1 and infinity. Worry about the resolution if you want too. Futaba doesnt make a radio thats "not good" for a model.

The "fasstest" system prototype is 18 channels yall :eek: why would any race boater need the kind of power and resolution that would support such a system? Please tell me.

But if they can talk you into it which makes for a heftier price they will.
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Sorry Hugh, I'm not selling anything, just showing what the difference CAN mean to boaters. As far as your responce to my post, that's your opinion and your welcome to it whether I agree or not. Since I personally use a Futaba 9CAP 1024, all of this means nothing to me since I'm on 75 MHz and have no reason to change
10-4 HJ, but Futaba's very reason for making Grim and Brian FACTORY DRIVERS! is to say to YOU/me the consumer if its good enuf for them then its good enuf for us. Both have reported fine results with the frequency hopping line anyone thinking that what guys like them (pros) run arent good enough for them are truly special. All I can say is they better bring a healthy stat sheet with them. over and out.


A 1024 fm system is a darn good radio I dont blame you if you dont want to change it I wouldnt either.
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I, like many others, don't worry about who who uses what or or their reasons why. I've used Futaba for 30 years, long before many of the people in the forum picked up their first radio. No one ever tried to sell me on what to buy and, since I've never had a problem with any of the three Futaba systems I have, I'll recommend them FROM FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE and not from the sales pitch some company tech or sales pamplet tries to feed me
I personally dont mind following in the footsteps of a grim or snowman when it comes to rc boats.Why not? they are great boaters. Maybe Im special then if someone else does mind. Ive run Futaba for over 25 years no complaints but since im not bounded by any contracts id run a flysky and id still expect to put the boat where I want it.Lets move on. The point is an fhss system is fine for a boat the faast is too.They are both exceptional systems.All futaba systems were; in their day.
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why would one spend upwards of 2k on aboat then go cheep on the radio? I get the budget part but it would be like getting a motorcycle then spending only 70 bucks on a helmet.