Engine Bearings


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PM sent.

Look forward to see how these SKF bearings hold up compared to ones from BOCA in my 67/80 engines.

Thank you for sourcing these for the boating community.
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I am sorry to see you bash BocaBearings.  We just got a nice bunch of merchandise for our raffle for the Winter Nitro Championships from Boca and they have been reliable contributors for as long as this race has happened.
As for their bearings, I have been racing for longer than I can remember and have ALWAYS used Boca Bearings with good success, so I suspect that your post was intended to sell bearings at the expense of Boca Bearings.

Not cool.....

Marty Davis
+1.... I've never had an issue with them, either... they usually have 3-4 different grades to choose from.

I don't think Boca offers bearings that compare to the SKF's in the price range Mike is selling them for...

those are great prices. And thanks for doing that, Mike.
Funds sent for the bearings. Thank you Mike Betke

I saw nothing wrong with the post. This forum is the worst for some members to take a thread twist it how ever they see fit and reword the context in their comment in away that was not intended to make someone else look bad.
Funds sent for the bearings. Thank you Mike Betke

I saw nothing wrong with the post. This forum is the worst for some members to take a thread twist it how ever they see fit and reword the context in their comment in away that was not intended to make someone else look bad.
Thanks Mike. Your package will be going out in the morning.

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