EMS Racing is in Chicago


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Well I just got home from a day of spectating at the Internats. Craig had a disappointing day in the 2 heats that I saw him race in (B mono). The first one, he was screaming in 1st place, & right before turn 1 on his last lap, his glow plug came out! > :( the Second heat, his new plug wasn't performing, & it took him 2 laps to finish the heat after the 1st boat crossed the finish line. but at least he finished that one. :-
Oh, I wil post pics on Tuesday night, I have to get my boys to bed tonight, & I have to help my mother-in-law with some stuff tomorrow. : :)
help my mother-in-law with some stuff tomorrow.
Stuff & stuffed can be used as a substitute for that F word.

I'm sorry dude.. ;) I just can't resist this..

What you going to help your mother-in-law with? :D ;D ;D Think your wife may get a little upset with that ???


OB Nut Racing: ROFLMAO
UMMMMMM :-[ Not exactly what I meant. LOL!!!!

Her swimming pool needs a new liner, & I promised her that I would help her out with it.
... shoulda read this earlier, woulda invited craig for a beer at the local watering hole.... neways did it rain at the internats? i was up north and it was raining there a little bit sunday


now i'm wishing i had skipped work and gone there

The racing is going on all week. It ends on Friday. Racing starts at 9:00am & goes to 6:00pm it was a great time, you should try to make it down there. It is about a 2hr drive from GR. As far as the rain, it got a little black, & the wind picked up just a little, with maybe a dozen rain drops. Didn’t even notice the rain unless you were standing in one spot too long. ;D
Go Craig! ;D

I see from the results so far that EMS is not doing too bad in 90 hydro. I also see he had a DSQ in 20 mono? :-

Nitrocrazed racing: It's too wet here to run boats...
Looking at the results posted, Craig got third in 21 ( B) hydro, third in 90 (F) mono with 3 heat wins, and 6th in 90 (F) hydro. Not bad for a once-a-year racer! 8)

I wonder if the 21 hydro was his gear drive Stinger? ???

I am not sure how the IMPBA system works, the top place getters in the heat racing were in groups at the top of the list, do these get to run in the SAW trials etc for the US1?

Nitrocrazed racing: Going one day!
Someone has to ask it......

"Why can't you do that here Craig?" he he he!

TimD's Zen thought for today: Some days you are the bug; some days you are the windshield.
Hehe, you guys didn't see when he came over here for a state titles and 12 seconds faster than the quickest local 90 mono, which wasn't slow! :eek:

That demo alone lead to 4 Seaducers coming to SA! There are less now, but that is another story! :p

Nitrocrazed racing: Maybe if I raced less I would do better?
Yes Craig was running his gear driven .21

And yes, the top 5 places of heat racing will be able to participate in the US1 time trials. Which will be held today, if the weather cooperates

Also at the internats specifically, Being the fastest boat doesn't make you the best. Finishing the races during heat racing is the most important. One DNF and you can go from 1st to 6th, and then your out of the running for US1....
then ya win cuz you're almost SURE to have the quickest time......unless somebody get's a DNS! ;)

i have no idea.......

Wow, okay, then I think a good strategy would be to leave the boat unchanged from heat racing and record a time to at least get some points rather than risk blowing it off going for fastest time! :eek:

Hey well here we are int he middle of US1 Trials!!! Weather here making things difficult.

Yes one DNF on F hydro screwed me... :(

Yes the DQ was a lane infraction taking out another boat...

Yes I have drunk a lot of beer....

Yes it was the gear drive Stinger with a very tired Rossi... will replace that..

Yes it was the 90 Seaducer in F mono... that went nose diving twice (hence 2 DNFs)

Yes I have 'stuff' here... I will leave that up to your imagination..

Yes I am going to Chicago after I finish racing here... may take a drive to Niagra falls first.....

Yes the twin A90 rigger is racing later today / tomorrow...

and this makes me at least a twice a year racer now!!! hehehehe

any other questions I forgot??? Dunno..... :)

Anyways gotta go back and race....

Buhbye for now... :)

EMS Racing after a while all beer tastes the same....
Oh and here I was bringing my 90 Eagle for F class and my twin for multi engine.... why didnt I just run the twin in F class as well???

EMS Racing.... DUH!!!!!!!