car pipes are much shorter but fatter if something like that would work.....
also, what size is the engine? if it's 3.5cc here's a great way to make your own cheap but efficient pipe muffler [just up the sizes for larger engines] :
cut a piece of brass tubing with a slightly wider dia. then the end of your tuned pipe [so you can attach it w/ a hose clamp] and drill some holes in it .[around 10-12 holes the size of BB] cut a hole that it's fits through snugly on one end of a film canister [glue the top on]
and then glue the film canister to the brass pipe so a little bit is sticking out on the end and it is pressed snugly onto the other end of the canister. clamp it on to muffle, and take it back off when it gets too dirty or you dont want a muffler!!
come to think of it I found that in an RCBM article on OB's, so chances are Jerry Dunlap wrote it........i dont know if he checks in the General forum much so you could PM him about it or ask on the OB forum too if my directions arnt good enough.