Community boat project


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That's a neat trick, I'll have to try it one time. I found this stuff that's basically finely chopped fiberglass cloth that I add to my resins. Makes it nice and strong for repairs.

As for cleaning the inside of the hull I've tried Simple Green and other well known good cleaners. There must be something??
White gas (Coleman fuel). I use this for cleaning my motor when I do a tear down. Gets those bearing completely clear of oil. I have used it to clean hulls also.

Well my daughter pressed me hard enough to make her some pink paint. That usually means batting her eyes and asking me "please". She showed me a "Hello Kitty" blanket and said that's what she wanted, it's kinda like a Cotton Candy pink color, that's the best description so you can imagine the color I made. I used a Ford Windstar white and a 1979 Honda 150 motorcycle Red to blend the pink to her liking.

Gotta say I'm tentative to spray the boat pink. :lol:
Well I sprayed the Cotton Candy Pink on the boat today. Came out clean, no dips, no excessive dust or runs so I'm relieved. Some Blue or Red pearl would really jazz up the pink but since it's not my choice that won't be happening. I guess the next step is to airbrush a "Hello Kitty" pattern onto the deck of the hull

Once the paint dries enough to handle it I'll post up a picture of it.
Roddney I have some Industral Degreasser that I'll let you have some..Peter got it for me..They use it at the machine shop to clean every thing and to remove grease from parts and the cement floor..You just have to spray it on the inside of the boat and let it sit for a few min ..get a small brush and scrub and hose off... and if you delute it to about 1% of the spray bottle it works grate to clean the outside and inside of your boats ....

Thanks for the degreaser.

Here's the progression, boats been sprayed Cotton Candy pink which I made myself and than airbrushed freehand. I wish I had a steady hand so it would have come out clean but my daughter likes it so that's all that matters! :D
I'm not sure if it's time to call it a win and clear coat it or, I was thinking of adding some checkers down the back, not a lot but a handful of larger checkers. Maybe thn I can fog it with a poly blue or something?
Well I said hell with it and found a nice Poly Sapphire Blue and sprayed it. It takes so long to lay down the checkerboards and even longer to pel them off. When I laid the pattern it looked as if it covered enough area, now I wish I had done more. Still looks good, I guess it's time for some clear! :rolleyes:
Almost hard to belive that is the same boat you started with!! You do very nice work!
Thank you very much. I'm lucky enough to have a big garage, a large compressor and paint. I used to get most of my PPG paints for free from an autobody shop. After they'd finish a paint job they save me like 50 cans at a time but then the old man died and the son wasn't to generous. He felt if he couldn't charge me about 50% of the value it was more worth it to him to throw them in the recycle box.....which by the way costs them a fortune to dispose of that paint. What a tool! :p

I got plenty of practice by painting boats for free for guys at the lake, and even had an ad where people paid the returned shipping got free paint jobs as well. Without access to free material I can't offer it like that. Plus, the deal was free paint job at least should have been quantified by referals to some paying customers since the work is labor intensive, especially if you could imagine the boats and boats of junk I got asked to salvage. :lol: :lol: And I think the last straw was the guy who probably got my baddest paint job ever, it was so detailed and awesome, I did a ton of repairs the boat was 56 inches long. When he got it I found out he was taking credit for painting it. Now I write my name on the boats I paint. ;)

Plus gone are those days of free paint jobs mostly becaus people crap when they find out what the material alone will cost them, usually minimum of $200 for a basic two color scheme. And not to many people want to pay $300 to $350 for a paint job.

Hell I did so much sanding on this boat that my hands are still burning, the fingertips are still very raw from so much sanding and using paint thinner it's ridiculous. Looks like fortunately for me I only have one more pant job to do this year, a Maus 3.5 tunnel.
I know what you mean Rodney...

a paint job is only as good as it's prep work...

For a while I was working on a 69 Chevy truck. I did all the painting myself(shade tree painter so to speak)

well lets just say that I was a helpful person and offered to help a few buddies paint their vehicles...

I said you fix it I'll paint it!!!

well that I ended up me doing everything b/c you knew if I didn't everyone would talk trash about how bad the vehicle looked... even thought the paint was smooth as glass... (people see the dints and the imperfections not the paint!!!!)

I feel for you man! I talked to this guy the other day, he had a bad a$$ '65 Mustang that had been painted black. Looked great straight on but if you stood behind it you could see the bad bondo and prep work that was done. You could see the waves and dimples and he guy was telling me that "I did all this killer body work myself but the guy who painted it messed it up cause you can see the waves.". I thought that was funny because the paint job was sharp, it was the crappy body work that ruined the car.
Hey Roddney the boat look cool...Wonder how long it stay like that with the way all these little guys drive.hahahahaaa Make sure you save some paint for touch up...
DOOOOOH! :blink: :blink:

Yeah, they're good for hitting a couple bouys a race! But hey a good paint job for my kids can be done anytime. It's funny you said that because I was looking at it while the clear was drying wondering to my self how long this is gonna last. My fear now tends to be in the nitro vs. the clear coat since I'll be using a CMB red head with the curved header. Those tend to be a lot filthier than the straight piped motors.
Yes, I finished it!! Thank God.....I was trying to crop the last picture than I distorted the picture a little bit. I'll take another and post it tomorrow. Now the joy comes in reassembling it.
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I knew there was something I needed to do. Here's the last picture of the completed hull. To bad my digital camera doesn't have a good focus on it.

What kind of propeller are you running on that beauty? If you send one to me

I will fix you up a " Mark Daddy " propeller. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good Luck,

Mark Sholund
