The crank pin is a press fit, it holds the rod in place as well as the two halves of the crankshaft together. As stated above, remove the wrist pin circlip thru the exhaust port, and the thread a head bolt into the wrist pin and pull it out of the piston and rod. The piston will come out of the top of the case.
Then you can rotate the crank into a downstroke position that will allow the crank and rod to tip out of the case.
sometimes you will need to rotate and wiggle the crank to find just the right spot for it to come out.
Reinstallation is just the opposite of removal..
Be careful with the circlip, they are known to be forcefully ejected, never to be seen again. I use a set of dental picks and a hemostat ground to keep a grip on the clip during removal and installation.
Wear safety glasses ! It would be a good idea to purchase a few clips to keep in your parts box.