Building my first 1/8 scale


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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2006
Well I think I'm going to try my hand at building my first 1/8 scale. I'm going to build a Phil Thomas T5 hull as the 2000 Miss Budweiser. I'm going to be purchasing all the hardware and electronics and could certainly use input from members regarding manufacturers, sizes, the whole nine yards. So let the discussion begin. I'd like to keep everything as scale as possible, so keep that in mind! Thanks to all and I look forward to beginning this build!

A couple things to keep in mind-power will be from a CMB 67 Green head, and I'm flirting with the idea of 3rd channel needle.
I know each group has their own favorites for hardware. It might be best to go with whatever everyone else in your local area uses, so they can help you if things don't wori as you hope.

That being said here is the typical setup used in RCU.

Gary Jensen Strut For 3/16" stub shat

1/4" square ended cable with ferrule that attaches to the stub shaft.

Speedmaster motor mount

Speedmaster Rudder

Mike Hughes curved skid fin

CMB is the correct engine just make sure to add an OS 9B carb. The stock carb works but the OS is much easier to keep tuned

Steve Muck Pipe, if you can't find one of these the Andy Brown fat black pipe works well

Gary Jensen header

BTW here is a link to the initial launching of the boat I think you want to build

Bud T6 2000

Bill Brandt sells the strut, cables, ferrules and header. Most of the other stuff the people also post

on here, but I don't have their contact info handy.

[email protected]
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She's a beauty!!! I guess the T5 hull wasn't so "offshorey" but I think it'll work! I've got a list of hardware from Mr. Thomas and I'm going to start tracking that stuff down. I'm going to try and find someone locally to help me with my build. I did get an OS carb with my CMB, and I think I'll probably go with a 3rd channel needle. It's gonna be the T5 hull with saltwater snorkel!!!! Can't wait to get it!!!
She's a beauty!!! I guess the T5 hull wasn't so "offshorey" but I think it'll work! I've got a list of hardware from Mr. Thomas and I'm going to start tracking that stuff down. I'm going to try and find someone locally to help me with my build. I did get an OS carb with my CMB, and I think I'll probably go with a 3rd channel needle. It's gonna be the T5 hull with saltwater snorkel!!!! Can't wait to get it!!!
Where and when did the T5 run in saltwater? I have the pictures of the T5 in Evansville in 2000. Do you have pictures of it with the saltwater scoop or are looking for pictures? David Newton would have the correct pictures I bet.
The "offshore" mods were just tiny little cuts into the running surfaces to lossen the boat up. They wouldn't even show on a model.

Not sure I have a pic of the T5 with the snorkel, but here is a pic from 2002 of the T6 with and the T5 without. obviously the decals are different but the hulls are not from 2000. Both boats did use the snokel in San Diego during those years, just not sure where I might have a picture.

If you use the remote needle you are doing away with the tuning advantage the OS has. I wouldn't use it if it were me.

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Harry, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the T-6 have to run the snorkel to make the minimum weight? I either read or heard that somewhere and never questioned it
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Ok, I'll go without the third channel, will probably be a lot easier on me because I've never ran one before.
If you use the remote needle you are doing away with the tuning advantage the OS has. I wouldn't use it if it were me.
I disagree, I've run the OS both ways with no performance or tuning differences between either. Must be an east coast thing. ;)
hi, a absolutly agree with don,i have ran these carbs for many years and i think it would be foolish not to take advantage of a 3rd chset up. if boat goes in rich,thats it,if boat goes in lean,thats it. do not be afraid of something new and different. once you use it

you will never go back to the old deal. good luck,mike.
Where and when did the T5 run in saltwater? I have the pictures of the T5 in Evansville in 2000. Do you have pictures of it with the saltwater scoop or are looking for pictures? David Newton would have the correct pictures I bet.
I found a pic of the T5 with the Snorkel from San Diego in 2000. The pics is from when Russ Wicks used the boat to qualify as a driver.

As for the T6 needing the snorkel to make weight, seems like an interesting story but there are lots of ways to add weight to the boat, so I don't think that would be it, but you never know. I've seen stranger reasons for why they do things to these boats, such as angling the non-trip for no performance reason but to make the boat fit the trailer when on tilt. That one, Ron Brown told me about.

t5 in San diego.gif
If you use the remote needle you are doing away with the tuning advantage the OS has. I wouldn't use it if it were me.
I disagree, I've run the OS both ways with no performance or tuning differences between either. Must be an east coast thing. ;)
I think Don is right here. Everyone on the East Coast runs those things and nobody uses them here in RCU. As with the other things use what those who you will run with use so that you can get help when you need to.


I think you should build it this way.

Crashing Bud.jpg
Third chanel needle all the way tune on the water or how many times do you want to launch before you get it just rite.
I'll look into third channel needle, most people in my area do not run the third channel needle. Or at least from what I could see at the last race. I look at it this way too, I could always add it down the road. I've never ran one before so it makes me a little weary of trying it now based on the fact it's another unknown for me. We'll see though... I've got plenty of time to decide.
You can always mount the third channel but not use it untill your ready but trust me, when you get used to the third channel, you will never run without it. I use mine all the time..... It really helps when the tanks get lower and there is the switchover from one tank to another. I set mine up during each heat in the mill time and get it running as best it can for the start and then depending on the situation will slightly richen it as the race goes on.....
Yes It is good worth for 3ch remote because If you go to trip different district club in states and air density and humidity so make no headache and will be happy to run well
OS sells a third chanal needle that screws rite into your 9b. If you want to add it later than buid your radio box with 3 servos from the start easyer than remodleing it in the future.