B. Engine Specifications 1. Engines must be standard factory production with a minimum of 100 units available for sale to the general public. To be eligible for the International Regatta the engines must have been offered for sale to the general public not less than ninety (90) days prior to that year's International Regatta. 2. The powerhead and lower unit must be of the same manufacturer and model. 3. The engine external parts shall remain as originally manufactured, but any part from a manufacturer’s outboard may be replaced with any other outboard part for the same size outboard from the same manufacturer, the exception being that slide valve exhaust adapters may not be used with carburetor equipped engines. 4. The following exceptions will be allowed in the Sport Outboard Tunnel specifications: a. Adhesives (loctite), set screws and jam nuts. b. Any carb linkage arms. c. Any motor mount. d. Any glow plug, fuel brand and mixture. e. Any type steering arm.
All I can say is I spoke with the IMPBA Tech Director this weekend and he asked me about it. His interpretation of the rule is only os outboard parts go in OS outboards,same with K/B