Attempting to make a boat


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at 16in long, it is a little small for a .15 engine. However if you enlarged the plans, so it turned out to be about 24in long, it would work. I had planned on doing the same thing some day.
thanks for the link, i think im going to make a hydromite, it looks pretty cool. im sure to get an A on the project :D i dont really need that many tools except for a scroll saw or a band saw and some sanders right?
hey rodney, do you think we can go this saturday to run the boat? what does vinegar have to do with anything? does it help make shaping easier?
I'm gonna be going away this Saturday but maybe we can go next Saturday for sure. Unless you want to play hooky Tuesday??? ;)

Yeah, soak the wood in vinegar, or warm water and you can shape it and stuff. It's a neat secret! :ph34r:
hey, im probably going to start building the boat next tuesday if i get the plans printed out tomorrow. i finished staining it today, so tomorrow i will spray about 3 layers of lacquer on my shelf and the other 3 on tuesday. what kind of wood should i use? do i use epoxy to glue it together or wood glue? do you think a .12 engine will fit?
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wswatzell said:
at 16in long, it is a little small for a .15 engine. However if you enlarged the plans, so it turned out to be about 24in long, it would work. I had planned on doing the same thing some day.
.12 is going to be the same as a .15

use epoxy
at the orginal size, keep it electric. as far as wood, use what the plans say. they are very complete plans.
I have to agree with Wade. That and you wanted something you could carry and take anywhere. Being electric makes a few less things to carry with you also.
yeah, im probably going to go. do i need to bring anything besides the boat and the field box? right now, im going to bring the boat, batteries, wrench, radio, afterrun oil, wd-40, everything that you gave me with the box, and some extra glow plugs. Golden gate right? the lake next to the fishing club place? i dont have radiobox tape because franciscan hobbies didnt have it. can i use some duct tape or some of yours?
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I belive the wood to use is balsa. I belive that is what the plans call for. like i said eairlier, the plans tell you what to use & where.
thanks. i went to the lake today with rodney, the boat was great. i never got to run a full tank though, it died too much. i hope i will be able to run a full tank next week :D next time, im going to bring my own fishing rod cause i kind ruined this guy's reel :( im going to use flyfishing line so everybody can see the line. which color is better? pinkish or green?
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No one's gonna care about the color of your line, just get one that won't break. Actually, his boat ran better than he put down, some driving errors in the beginning caused some stales but the motor needs to be raised a little bit so the nose doesn't drag so much. I didn't suggest the change so you could focus on your driving!
i guess you werent right about the range of the radio is as long as you can see :lol: this flyfishing line is thick and it floats, it is pretty strong too. if i want, i can get a stronger line that can handle 50 pounds. i can get a higher weight if i just look around the house for some rolls of fishing line. next week, i can give you 12 pound line so it doesnt break so easily if you want it.
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As for as far as you can see it, most people don't run towards the other cement side of the pond for that exact reason. It puts you to close to a major intersection, i.e. truckers and meter maid radios cause major glitches in remote controlled radios like yours did! :ph34r:
rodney, do you still have time to paint my boat? :D

Edit: I bought a workbench that has a worksurface of 24x9.5 for 10 bucks, do you think this is enough for 1 boat?
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