Ask Joe (Laxmasta2039) about Gas Power


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when i was 16 years old, i HAD to mow the lawn that afternoon or my dad was gonna beat my butt! i didn't get the gas like i was told, so i put my 15% pink airplane fuel in the tank and went ahead and mowed the lawn. it was a riding mower and i had an acre to mow. it did work, and it was fast! ;D no joke, and no ill affects afterwards either. not cost effective fast though...hehe

sometimes you just have to say "what the...."
Clay- thanks for the idea bro! ;D

PJ- ya know, you'd get kicked outta school for sniffing nitro!

Gene- i think i might just start a thread on Mike T's Sport 40 [yep i know all about it :eek: ]!! nah, i wouldnt do that ta such a good guy.... ;)

i dont really notice the smell much, [NO i have no idea how it tastes! ;) ], but the feel of it is gross....the times i've had ta swim out and grab a boat in a small pond and got covered in residue were painfully uncomfortable.

Id love to run a nitro boat. But $1 in premix is allot cheaper than 30 bucks of 40% nitro!

They all stink bad.. :)

I know gas is so much easier than nitro, I love the nitro boats, and engines. I love the challange, Somethings HATE chasing the nitro boats, Course you chase gas and nitro boats.

I know for a fact you have to chase both at times.

;D ;D ;D and Nitro only kills the weak brain cells. LOL What if you dont have any weak ones left?
I know what it is about the gas guys not liking nitro.

The oil and fuel splatter on the front of there boats ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Mike T is a great guy. i highly recommend his prop mold as insurance for those expensive ab props and such. mine has paid for itself many times over. :)
I love the smell of nitro, too, and can fiddle with a nitro boat all day long. The cool thing is that after all that fiddling, we pulled the gasser out of the car (already fueled and taped before it left home), yanked the rope twice, and threw it in. I let Joe drive it some, and his knees never stopped shaking, worrying that the boat would end up on the shore, which always seemed to get too close too soon. We passed the controller back and forth between us a couple of times without even coming in. It was me who finally flipped it. Ran too close to shore while turning and ran over an underwater stick. Shame, shame! The punishment for flipping a gas boat is that you have to restart it, throw it back in, and run some more to dry out the engine bearings. Just another fun day at the pond.
hey mike, you sure make it sound tempting. :) does a stock g260 move, or would i need to pay $700 for a modded one to have fly-by-the -seat-of-your-pants fun?
Clay, buy a stock one, $275. Buy a pipe from Midwest, Quickdraw, M&D Racing (if you can get it) or Brian Watts at Rocket City Racing. They're all good. Go to Jim's Board, look in the Frequently Asked Questions archive forum and read the stuff about modding a 260. Then just raise the exhaust timing to 175 degrees, mod the piston sorta like they show you, and forget the rest of that stuff. You'll be off and running. Balance and trim the boat to run loose and level, and find the rignt prop. Two or three pulls on the rope, toss it in, run 55 mph for half an hour on 24 oz. of gas.

Actually, the stock 260 puts out more hp than a full mod G-23 (the engine it replaced). A stock one is no disgrace. There are modded 260's on the market for mega bucks, but at the races, we all run pretty close together anyway. Go see a gas race - it's not weed eaters any more. The SAW record for a gas rigger is over 90 mph.

BTW, I'm not over here to sell gas, but Clay asked :)
I wouldnt MODD a G260 Untill you get used to the torque of that monster.

I know if you take the cylinder gasket out and put a peice of paper in place of it, that will drop it enough for good compression. And if you mod the 260, You need to take about 2 thousands off the piston dia. It tight in the cyl, and to be sure not to seize it up in there.

Or if you have a 230, the 260 upsize kit really works well.

and if you go with the QD pipe, if your going to run a 174-178 exhaust timing, you need to MATCH the pipe to the timing. Or if you get the other you can adjust yourself. Steel pipes need to be cut and welded. (QD)

Hey Gene, I gotta get over here more, your always welcome over at Jims any time too!

Ian, I was doing some souldering just the other day! Ya reckon I talk funny??? :p

Yeah I am a gasser, but I have thrown a few nitro boats in the water before,,,,,,, some of them were even running!! LOL

Gas advice, if you want to give it a try with out doing too much? The new 231 is the best bang for the buck out of the box. ;)
Hey Mike!!!! :D

Great ta see ya here, Yeah I need to check in at Jims once in a while ta try to keep up with everything, the new Zens are gettin wicked,

The other Gillman ;)

Gene ;D
Hey Mike,

You should hang out here a bit more, we really dont bag the gas boats that much! :p Besides I just bought another Zenoah so I cant bag them at all!

It's still spelt 'Soldered', but the 'sold' is pronounced 'sold' like you sold a car, not sod! Damn yanks screwing up the language!!!

Nitrocrazed racing: Too many Gil(l)mans.....
Ha,Ha,Ha, We are like popcorn, Ya cant get enough of us ;D

Gene 8)

Phase III Racing: Does a ducks bum pucker in a power dive ???
Yeah, for a Yank redneck gas boater, Mike is really alright! :p

Gene, if you are going to be at the IMPBA or NAMBA nats next year I might even get to meet you too!

Nitrocrazed racing: Serious racing at the 'ass end of the world' (Mr Keating)...