Anything Good Happening At Legg Lake?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2002

Just wondering if anyone is going really fast on the oval

this weekend out in LA?

Thanks For Reading,

Mark Sholund
Brian Buaas just ran a 16.9 official run in P-Hydro! Literally JUST now... 3:51pm, March 19.
Darin and Brian,

Nice job on the oval times. The weather and water looked great

from the video. No special 1/2A-Hydro oval times this weekend?

What is the current 1/2A-Hydro Two Lap Oval Record in NAMBA

these days?

Thanks For Sharing,

Mark Sholund
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Don Maher and Mark Grim teamed up to brake four gas rigger class records by well over 1 second , outstanding performance

Sorry I don't recall which engine size but I,m sure someone will fill us in soon
I'm driving home from LA right now so I don't have all the results at hand. I can say that Brian ran a 16 second P Hydro record which I believe is the fastest electric boat ever recorded. He also ran his 12 Hydro into the low 20s to also set a new record. Water conditions weren't ideal otherwise I have no doubt he would have gotten it down into the 19s

I'll try and get all the official results and post them as soon as I get home
Nice work fellas.

That's my new Q boat. It hit the water for the first time that day. I think that was only it's third run. Ran a 17.8 with it by the end of the day, but it's way off as far as setup goes. It's going to be really scary once I get the bugs out. Let's not talk about the driving, I couldn't find the pins with a GPS and survey crew on Saturday. Sunday was better.

I hope someone got video of the P hydro run, it was truly insane. The data logs are just unbelievable, 330 amp average, spikes to 400. Definitely found some gains in motor and esc. That and all the work with Jim at ABC has paid off big time, talk about prop selection. Give us time to digest the data to figure out what we're really seeing and it will get even better.

Getting closer on the .12 but it's still not quite there. Was hoping to break into 19's but that's why we keep coming back. Not going to complain about 20.118 with a heat race boat. Probably time to build a TT only hull.

That's my new Q boat. It hit the water for the first time that day. I think that was only it's third run. Ran a 17.8 with it by the end of the day, but it's way off as far as setup goes. It's going to be really scary once I get the bugs out. Let's not talk about the driving, I couldn't find the pins with a GPS and survey crew on Saturday. Sunday was better.

I hope someone got video of the P hydro run, it was truly insane. The data logs are just unbelievable, 330 amp average, spikes to 400. Definitely found some gains in motor and esc. That and all the work with Jim at ABC has paid off big time, talk about prop selection. Give us time to digest the data to figure out what we're really seeing and it will get even better.

Getting closer on the .12 but it's still not quite there. Was hoping to break into 19's but that's why we keep coming back. Not going to complain about 20.118 with a heat race boat. Probably time to build a TT only hull.
It's pretty cool what you guys are doing especially with the data logging, talked to Tyler a bit about it and it's very interesting.

If the Q boat is anything like the boat you built for Mike it'll be a winner!
Thanks Henry,

Yes Mark & I teamed up again to take shot at the rigger records and the boating gods smiled down upon us !!!

Not sure what time goes with witch but the G-2 & GX-2 times were 17.7 and 17.8 sec.

In the G-1 & GX-1 class the times were 18.3 & 18.4 sec. I had just finished the boat 2 weeks ago and had one test session for a couple hours the week before the TT
I only had to make one small strut adjustment and the boat was "tuned"! Most of you know Mark is one of the best motor men in the country so of course both of the Zenoahs were from his shop, 26 & 29.5 And last but not least a big Thank you to Jim Shaffer of ABC props for the new props, they are awsome!!!

Thanks Don
It's pretty cool what you guys are doing especially with the data logging, talked to Tyler a bit about it and it's very interesting.

If the Q boat is anything like the boat you built for Mike it'll be a winner!
The logging sure cuts down on burnt up parts. Makes for a really good on the water prop dyno.

The new Q boat is an evolution of the hulls Mike and Tyler have. Similar to the difference between Mike B's red/white boat and the current Raptor, more footprint and better balance. It's going to be a beast when it's dialed in. It's evil twin is getting a green head and a fuel tank
The data logs are just unbelievable, 330 amp average, spikes to 400. Definitely found some gains in motor and esc. That and all the work with Jim at ABC has paid off big time, talk about prop selection. Give us time to digest the data to figure out what we're really seeing and it will get even better.
That's around 6.5 average input hp or probably over 5 hp at output shaft. Not many 11 cc IC engines can do that. They certainly can't add another one hp when needed as the spikes to 400 amps would indicate.

Congratulations, you've come a long way.

Lohring Miller
The ABC testing Crew is doing a great job

Setting records not by a little

But by huge number gains

Great job guys

All this hard work we are putting in is really paying off

We have broken down the wall

Once we know what we are doing

All I can say its going to get CRAZY

Die Besten der Besten

Well Earned & Deserved Guys

from the

"Hippie from Columbus" Ha Ha Ha

We have 1 more Job to do next week

Good Luck
Congrats guys,

That weed killer must make for some slippery water
. I wished I could have been there and hopefully next year I can fly out.

Brian, those are some kick ass times with the P. Looks like the Q was just under motored from the data, we have solutions for that. Don, sounds like the new design works pretty damn good. 17s with a weedwacker ain't too shabby. I think you need to stow that rigger in the back of Mark's truck for a trip across the country. A big congrats to Darin Jordan who also ran a 4 cell tunnel to a 22.7s. That is the fastest tunnel record out of any power category nitro, gas or electric.

Looking forward to Huntsville and abusing some electrons. And if the weather sucks I have some "Old Card Table" and plenty of chairs.
