92 Miss Bud


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hugh hargett


Mikes setting the kit up for me now. I cant wait to get it in my hands. Any photos of cockpits,cowl, rear or front will be greatly appreciated.


Let us know how it goes Mike/Hugh. I also have this kit but have not started it yet. Curious to know the best way to create the tiplets. Thanks.
Mikes going to do my tiplets for me or at least include them in the kit. They were a deal maker for me on this hull. I like the 1994 too but the gold color scheme drew me in. Ken do you have any cockpit shots for the boat?

It was hard trying to figure out what I wanted as mikes shop and offering were like a candy store for me. There was so many different variations of the bud hulls I didnt know which way was up. At least he did thank goodness. I was going to do the 87/87 but I wanted a more modern look in terms of the sponson and cowl with the beauty of the gold and red guise. This one was the one for me. I always knew that one day if have to own a Bud just didnt know which one. May still do the 86 in a 1/7th down the line but I had to have the 92 shes a bute!Mike may not race as heavy as some people think is necessary but he knows his stuff - Along with a few records to match. If you havent checked out his selection (anyone) you really need to. Ken post some cockpit photos if you got any Im going to start as soon as the kit is ready and I go pick it up. Im STOKED B) B) .
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I guess Harry, dont get me to talking I get confused with the "t's" You run a 94? I saw your when i was looking for photos you have a beautiful scale boss!
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Here are a few pics. I think there are some differences in the nose. One looks like it sinks below the canard line a bit. The other not so much. I remember when they referred to the two hulls as the Red Bud and the Blue Bud. Obviously the blue was not totally blue, only Chips name was blue (you can see that in the second link). I believe this was before they referred to them as T2 and T3 but not sure. Harry Gatjens should know. He should also have a lot more pics of the whole boat including cockpit shots as well. Please keep us posted Hugh on the build with pics along the way. Thx :)


Like I said fellas I get really confused coz on The rcu website theres all red '94 T2 that has an aggressive air scoop and tiplets but the turbine exhuast is alot shorter than this 92 and the 94 t3 so I really dont know!!! But yes the boat you show with the gold red an white with a turbine exhaust like a 86/87
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In the photo above I do see some blue pin striping outlining the white on the cowling.
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Ken, there is also a difference in the picklefork depth as listed in the master hull roster. To keep track as to which boat is which, this may help you out:

T-1) Started out as the 8407 Lite All-Star, rebuilt by Bud team, primary boat in 86, back up 87-88. Last known to be on display in FL

T-2) Built prior to 87 season, hull number 8701. Ran only once all red, not run after 1994 as far as I know.

T-3) Built prior to 89 season, hull number 8901. Ran as Bud through 01 season, sold to Gregory family and ran as U-10 through 08. Running this year as U-88 Degree for Men with Scott Liddycoat driving. Had 12" deeper tunnel than T-2 when completed

T-4) completed before 94 season, hull 9401. May have raced as Bud. Sold to Billy Schumacher, rebuilt, ran as U-8 then U-37 until wrecked in Detroit

T-5) completed before 96 season, hull 9601. Ran as Bud through 04, sold to Formula Boats team, ran as U-7, was Graham Trucking display boat at SeaFair 2012

T-6) completed before 2000 seaons, hull 0001. Ran as Bud through 04, sold to Formula Boats team, ran as U-5. Ran as U-7 Valken.com through 2011, Graham Trucking U-5 in 2012

All of this comes from the R/C Unlimiteds hull roster except the T-5 being on display, saw it there personally. Beyond this, I'm sure Harry can fill in any blanks or correct me as needed
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All we need to be concerned with here on this thread is which one Im building. Dont make it any more confusing please . What I "think" Im building Harry,Ken, and HJ is a 1992_U-1_Miss_Budweiser_Hull_8701. I dont know what "T" it is a 2 or a 3 . Ill leave it up to you guys to decide if its a T2 or T3
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Wow. Thanks HJ. Good history. I always wondered where the boats have gone. So the T-3 is now the 2012 Degree Men? Neat. When I bought the ML-Boatworks kit for my bud it was the 8701 hull. I didn't see the 8901 offered. So I guess I'm building the T-2. Funny how there are still some boats running today that ran 20 years ago or more. The most dramatic I think is the 8700 that ran as Circus/Winston and last as the Spirit of Detroit. Kinda neat. I use to be able to tell all the boats apart. Now they pretty much all look the same. Except the current U-100. That is frozen in time :)Thx
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Right. I think we have the 8701 boats Hugh. That would be the T2. Either way (T2/T3) I agree with you on the gold/white/red paint scheme. Its very nice and I plan on doing this with my build too. Although the 94 would make for easy touch ups. Cheers.
Yes Ken, I think its a T2. Don just pmed me about the last pic i posted with the full length turbine so maybe he will chime in and help figure which it is the difference between the all red with short turbine and the gold and red with the full turbine. Fellas feel free to post coz id like to know which one this is for sure.

To make you really scratch your head, the U-100 and U-99 were both on the water at SeaFair, there were three or four more Leland "sister" boats in the park on display as well
I have pics pf both, just tell me which one you want to runand I'll send you the appropriate pictures.

Here are some visual clues as to the differences. It doesn't matter which one you decide tpo do, I just want to make sure all the pictures you get are of the same boat. I am happy to answer any questions you have about them as I have built both and know them better than the back of my hand.

1992 Miss Budweisers

T-2 Always ran with full scalloped turbine tube

T-2 Chip Hanauaer's Name in Blue. I have spares of this decal if you need it

T-2 Canard is slightly shorter front to back so nose appears to stickout further

T-3 Chip Hanauer's name in Red I also have this decal if you need it.

T-3 Ran with 2 different versions of the shorter turbine tube

On both boats the Miss Budweiser on the cowling was outlined in blue. I have these too if you need them.

I don't run the Gold Boat any more so am happy to send you those decals as long as you need them and promise to use them.

Outside of that they are basically identical so really not too much to choose from


I will be out racing this weekend so I won't be able to get back to you until Monday.
Harry/Mark, do you guys know anyone who would be able to paint the gold scheme local to Seattle area? It looks pretty difficult. I'm no Rembrandt ;) Thx
Jerry Logan might be able to do it. He may be at Twin Lakes next Saturday when UNW has a race there if you want to try to talk to him. Last time I talked to him about painting a boat, he had access to a paint booth and, from what I've seen of his paint work on other boats, HE DOES OUTSTANDING WORK
I have pics pf both, just tell me which one you want to runand I'll send you the appropriate pictures.

Here are some visual clues as to the differences. It doesn't matter which one you decide tpo do, I just want to make sure all the pictures you get are of the same boat. I am happy to answer any questions you have about them as I have built both and know them better than the back of my hand.

1992 Miss Budweisers

T-2 Always ran with full scalloped turbine tube

T-2 Chip Hanauaer's Name in Blue. I have spares of this decal if you need it

T-2 Canard is slightly shorter front to back so nose appears to stickout further

T-3 Chip Hanauer's name in Red I also have this decal if you need it.

T-3 Ran with 2 different versions of the shorter turbine tube

On both boats the Miss Budweiser on the cowling was outlined in blue. I have these too if you need them.

I don't run the Gold Boat any more so am happy to send you those decals as long as you need them and promise to use them.

Outside of that they are basically identical so really not too much to choose from


I will be out racing this weekend so I won't be able to get back to you until Monday.
Me or Ken youre talking to? If its me heck yea ill use the decals if they are the correct ones.
